The Register from Santa Ana, California (2024)

For Classified, Phone 6121 SANTA ANA REGISTER, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1940 For Classified, Phone 6121 WE HAVE SOME EXCELLENT COVERCROP swd on hands. It's going fast, is the only known good substitute for manures. It, in addition, loosens the soil. It aids moisture retortion. By all odds, It's the cheapest form of plant food possible.

PLANT NOW. Phone us at 274. R. B. NEWCOM SEED FEED CO.

BROADWAY AT FIFTH "Save Money With DRIVE IN ON FIFTH Trees, Plants, Flowers (Continued) CANNING tomatoes and sweet corn. South Ross at Vine Ripe Canning Tomatoes North end of Bristol St. at Memory Lane. NEAL RANCH. WALNUTS and walnut meats wanted "ORANGE W.

Center and Manchester. Anaheim. Chicago Cash Grain I WHEAT 1 hard 2 hard; hard 2 mixed 21 4 Help Wanted, Male PEARS 2c. apples 1 2c lb. Harbor Blvd.

mi. So. of 1st. Warren's. Northern spring weevily CORN 1 mixed mainly white AIRCRAFT CONSTRUCTION i veMow vattnv i i to enroll for short intensive i Ihitr 4 course in sheet metal work and iTu 1 White sara.

riVoting. Free Placement. 1 white whit, PAC1Fja I Myf K. 2 white heavy sample white I TRUCK driver, good worker. Apply touch -29.

from 4 to 6 p. m. 147 East TrusRYE: No sales. low. Fullerton.

yellow MAN who knows Orange county BARLE1: Sample grade tough 40, and has to work for a living. VP-g ture assured. L. B. Price Mer.

MIOTHA SEED 36o, alsike 900-1100, a 410 No. Bristol fey red top 750-800, red clover 800 26 Painting, Paperhanging, Etc. O. F. BALL, painting A paperhanging.

Phone 4S24-M. Ill Cypress 27 Money to Loan 000 CLASSIFIED INDEX Special Notices 1 Travel Opportunities ...................2 Lost and Found 3 Help Wanted, Male 4 Help Wanted, Female ...........5 Wanted, Male and Female Situations Wanted, Male 7 Situations Wanted, Female 8 Situations Wanted, Male and Female I Education and Instruction ....10 Livestock ........................................12 I Pets and Supplies ..........................13 I babbits and Equipment ......14 Poultry and Supplies .........15 Want Stock and Poultry ......16 Fertilizer .....18 i Feed. Seed. Hay, Grain ......19 Trees. Plants.

Flowers .............20 Fruit and Produce .........21 Swaps ......23 1 Building Materials ......................24 Contractors and Builders ..........25 I Painting, Paperhanging, Etc. ..26 Money to Loan ......................27 Money Wanted ..................28 Miscellaneous Home Furnshings ......................31 Sewing Machines .............32 Musical and Radio .33 Business Opportunities ...............34 Moving and Storage .....................35 7 REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Houses ............................................37 Apartments .....38 Duplexes ...........................39 Garages ................................40 I Rooms ..............41 Room and Board ........................42 Pest Homes ......................................43 Resort Property ,...44 Ranch Property ..............45 Business Property ..................46 i Stores and Offices ........................47 Wanted to Rent ..............................48 REAL ESTATE FOP SALE City Property ...................................50 Vacant Lots ........................................51 I Suburban Property 52 Groves and Ranches ..................53 Resort Property ..............................54 REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE 1 City Property j. Vacant Lots .................................57 Suburban Property ..........58 Groves and Ranches .......................59 I Resort Property REAL ESTATE WANTED 1 City, Country. 62 AUTOMOTIVE, ETC. Autos For Sale .................................64 Autos Wanted ........................65 Auto Trailers ..........................66 Auto Service .....................................67 Auto Accessories and Parts ...68 Trucks and Tractors .........69 Trucks For Rent ............................70 Motorcycles and Bicycles ......72 Boats and Accessories ................73 LIVE salesman and distributor for sensational premium deal to be placed with independent dealers Good Income and repeat commissions.

Small Investment. Box 33, Register. salesmen to sell Norge appliances and oil fired heating equipment, in Santa Ana and Grange county. Should have car. To anyone who can and will work we will make the best selling deal In Southern Calif.

We have a more liberal selling plan than anyone else. Apply 227 No. Broadway, Santa Ana, after 8:30 a. m. Solicitors wanted.

Pay good commls- sion. Austin Cleaners. 1032 S. Main MAN with car. $3 to $6 per day.

I tell you about It. I will show you. Local work. Apply Mr. Sharp.

Tucs. or Wed, Y. M. C. A.

5 Help Wanted, Female Classified advertisem*nts per 7 grunted line. One Insertion 15c; three insertions, 39c; per week by th8 month, $2.00 per line. Minimum charge, 50c cash; (Charge, 60c. Count words per I line. Minimum twe Ad- arertieemente taken by phone.

Rhone 6121. Cash rates available to those who bring br send In money 48 after first Insertion. Phone 6121. EXP. millinery saleslady.

No others need answer. Wr. Box 25. Register. EXP.

millinery saleslady. No others need answer. W. Box 25, Register Read This If You Need Immediate Cash MAY NOW GET $50 TO $1000 ON Salary, Auto or Furniture Under the New Consumers CREDIT PLAN i Mixer-FREE COMPLETE WITH JUICER with purchase of the following reconditioned, repainted, used Refrigerators at $58.50, including saies tax 1 Electric, 8 ft. Electric, 6 ft 7 ft.

M. 7 ft. 1 6 ft. 5 ft. Guaranteed 1 Year Terms $1.00 Weekly.

LASH-STEWART, INC 22! W. 4th St. Phone 4104 34 Business Opportunities (Continued) 30 Miscellaneous (Continued) ORCHARD HEATERS; new fk used. Ph. Anaheim 4860.

H. R. Davies. Old Fashioned Sorghum Being made now at Cypress; with this ad and your can. 20c Per Gallon UNREDEEMED Men's Suits low as $3.95.

Also large selection of Topcoats, Jewelry and Luggage at greatly reduced prices. Baskins, 229 W. Ocean, Long Beach. 31 Home Furnishings (Continued) Good Used Gis Range. $19.

West 10th St. 1519 FURNITURE RECOVERING CHAIRS 9.95 UP DAVENPORTS UP By our own thoroughly experienced workmen. EASY TERMS. Ph 282 for samples. at Sixth WANT to buy invalid walker.

Mrs. Hagen. 206 So. Center, Orange. 676R gauges, etc.

for cash. 1430 West 5th St. 3. $. 6 Help Wanted, Male and Female Help furrtfshed free to employer.

25 yrs. continuous service. Palace Emn. 312 French. Ph.

5900. MEN or women with brush or sales experience. Local or outside towns. Earn to Large territory and no quotas. Many new Xmas items, see or write Bob Patrick, 212 So.

Ohio, Araheim. Ph. 4004. 7 Situations anted, Male kinds of cement work Have mixer. Phone 2405-J.

Have from 1 to 24 months to repay. Pay only for the time you use the money. Avoid publicity. 4. Use our parking facilities free.

5. Get Immediate service. Consumers Credit COMPANY 608 N. Main St. Phone 6430 31 Home Furnishings NICE LINE OF USED HEATERS.

FURNITURE CO. 319 Spurgeon 5788. SEE SANTA ANA BLDG. LOAN Association. 601 No.

Main ABOUT HOME LOANS. WE LEND MONEY 5 24 hr. service. Refinance homes, ranches. ALLEMAN.

210 Otis Bldg. Ph. 5555 HOME LOANS Used Furniture Bargains Recond. 2-pe. Liv.

Rm. Sets. Reconditioned Gas Ranges. up Bargain Basem*nt Main at 6th Terms MORE FOR YOUR OLD GAS RANGE DOUBLE TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE ON NEW STOVE Up to $35.00 Open Tonite and Every Nite 7 to 9 MXR oney 1201 NO. MAIN, SANTA ANA CLEANING PRESSING moneymakers in S.

California. Well established ana best of modern equipment. Present owner must go east. Cash will secure a real bargain. ALLISON HONER 103 East 3rd St.

1807. REAL Rent 37 Houses FOR Mrs. Crouse, 620 No. Main. STKBBINS.

Ph. 1314. DESIRABLE 4 rm. furn. cottage Gar.

Close to Hi School. 207 West Walnut. Phone 5114-J. A HOTEL, located, Attractive building. Ideal for a couple to terms includes lot, building and furnishings.

Yes, you may have 713 North Main Phone 1333. INSURANCE Ray Goodcell 46 Business Property Business prop, suitable for used furniture, 2 nd hand store, fruits and etc. Rent $10 mo. Ph. 5555.

47 Stores and Offices RENTALS A SPECIALTY Mrs. Hammett. 117 W. 5th. Ph.

4560 3-RM. furn. hse. Clean. Adults.

S.W $15. Owner. 414 S. Broadway. SPECIALIZING IN RENTALS MRS.

HOLLOMON, REALTOR 1509 North Main Phone 86 5-RM. unfurn. house, 2004 Owner. 1027 So. Main.

Bush. UNFURN. 6 rm. house, garage, tile sink. 1112 West Highland.

Inq. 1120 West Highland. Ph. 2413 till 6 p. m.

Phone 1251-J after. ROOM furnished on North Newport. Phone 4947-W. UNFURN. 6 rm.

house. Dbl. garage. 1523 No. Broadway.

Phone 1S03-W. RM. furn. house, $20. South side, Inq.

1119 No. Lowell St. 5-Rm. furn. house and gar.

916 E. Washington. Apply In rear. Frigidaire. cu.

ft. Floor model. year guarantee. HILL HILL. 206 East 4th.

Phone 4926. FOR used Hoover vacuum. Phone 33 or 0576-M. For Washer Service PHONE FOR 6 cu. ft.

Dlx. Servel Electrolux. Save over $80. Home Appliance. W.

4th. USED FURNITURE Gold-covered Love Seat. Like new- 2-Pc. Living Rm. Suite, good condition 9.9 Used Mattress Metal Bed DON L.

ANDREWS 112-116 E. 5th St. Santa Ana 33 Musical and Radio For Radio Service PHONE 282 work by day or contract. Have mixer. Pli.

6164-R. 8 Situations anted, Female RELIABLE man with car. Long time job, good pay for worker. Need 100 return in two weeks. Box 17.

Register. Experienced housekeeper to gentleman. References exchanged. Box 23. Register.

FifiST FEDERAI AND loan association OF SANTA ANA 0 5th and Sycamore. Masonlo Bldg. $500, 200 $10,000 TO service. Crawford. Ph.

161. $100 REWARD AT 17TH AND MAIN (1609) For any sewing machine, vacuum cleaner, washing machine or ironer that we cannot repair. STRAW Santa Ana. Phones: 4835 Anaheim 3400. Free estimates.

HOOVER VACUUM CLEANER Completely rebuilt. Guaranteed like new. $14.95, Terms. at Sixth. Day work 30c hour or practical nurs- Ing.

303 East Sth St. Ph. 587-M 12 Livestock WANT beef cows, hogs, veal calves. Phone 1338 or 2831 -W. 1068 3rd.

VEAL CALVES bought. Ph. Westminster 8872. Ferguson, $15 up paid old horses, mules and cow's. Phone Santa Ana 2906-J.

HIGHEST Prices paid for dead stock. Phone charges repaid. Ph. 2906-J. FRESH milk goat, billy service.

8 th and Stanford, Garden Grove. Special Notices SPENCER Corsets. Uplift brassieres. Mrs. Phone 4844-J.

Dressmaking, tailoring, alterations. Mrs. Walsh, Ph. 6382. 120 N.

Bycam. SWEDISH Massage Sweat Baths. Battle Creek Restatorium. Ph. 5390.

MEN, WOMEN! WANT VIM? Stimulants, tonics In Ostrex tablets pen up bodies lacking Vitamin Bl, Iron, Calcium, Phosphorus. 35c eize today only 29c. First package satisfies or maker refunds low price. Sold by Sontag Drug and ali other good drug stores. l-l HELP to Heart-trouble.

Non- medical. Call 305 Tustin Avenue Tustln. SOWLING Shirts Lettered. Felt lettering. log So.

Main. Santa Ana DRESSMAKING, alterations, coat relining for fastidious people. 304 East Chestnut. 13 Pets and Supplies ATTENTION! Everyone Interested In joining Santa Ana Kennel Club please meet at 721 Eastwood. 7:30 P.M.

Oct. 1. WANTED 100 female canaries. Van's Petland. 1235 So.

Main. bet. Scottie and co*cker Spaniel. 135 South A Tustin. Phone 1279-J.

14 Rabbits and Equipment I Travel ride to and from Los Angeles dally (to arrive L. A. 8 a. 821 So. Gamsev.

Phone 1235-W. If no answer call 3666. CONGENIAL woman driving St Louis about Oct. 1 st desires 1 or 2 paas. Share exp.

Ref. Exch. 1243 fc.Pearl. Anaheim. ACE TRAVEL SERVICE JffCENSED BY CITY AND STATE.

Low rates. Share expense plan. Gaee Ave- Calif. fE9i27. Free Pickup.

JE9715. SANTA FE BURLINGTON BUSES Dust proof. Comfortable. 5 points. Ph.

1777. 418 N. Rdwv JR IS passengers, everywhere daily. Share exp. Ph.

1429. 219N. Bdwv. to Nebraska. Oct 6 tb E.

1st Ph. 3384-W 2 to 7. Lost and Found brown purse, drlv- valuable papers. No. Sat, night.

Ph. 1556-J. wirehair. 810 W. Zna.

owner ad and keeping. POST Red Tabby cat. 15 lbs. $10. I2fi S.

Ross. Ph. 46. Help Wanted, Male for work in canvassers who t0 work from 8:30 a to 12:00 we have a working arrangement where they can enjoy good earnings. Canvassers expected to close own business.

5 experienced closers. 227 Broadway after 6 am BRED DOES, junior does, bucks fryers. 702 So. Shelton. Ph.

4512-M RABBIT skins wanted dailv but Saturday. Top prices. 405 East 4th St. 15 Poultry and Supplies RED FRYERS. FREE DELIVERY.

92b West Bishop. Ph. 2330. CHICKS daily. Reds, Rocks.

Austra- Whites. 10c: 11 1 1233 West. 5th. CHOICE R. 1 red fryers.

Frank E. Jones Ph. 1454-J. RABBITS PURCHASED Clingan a. West 17th.

Ph. 2132-M. Started Day Old Qualitv Chicks. KATELLA HATCHERY 101 Hiway. No.

of County Hospital 16 Want Stock and Poultry AT 'PERSONAL' YOU GET A CASH LOAN PLUS THESE 5 ADVANTAGES 1. SPECIAL ATTENTION. 2. RESPECT FOR YOUR HONESTY We make loans on your salary alone, without other security, or on your car or furniture. 3.

PRIVACY. 4. PERSONALIZED PAYMENTS You have the privilege of choosing the monthly payment YOU w'ant and the payment date most convenient to you. Cash Amount of Monthly payment Loan For Following mos. 8 12 mos.

20 30 6.46 4.18 2.92 1.92 50 10.76 6.97 4.87 3.21 100 21.52 13.95 9.75 6.41 300 64.11 41.41 28.82 18.80 A SAFEGUARD which guarantees that if you are not satisfied for any reason you can return the money In 30 days and there is NO COST WHATEVER. Come In or Phone PERSONAL FINANCE CO. E. M. LAUNT.

Mgr. 101 No. Main. 8333 Small 4 cu. ft.

Kelvinator, $44.50 HILL HILL, 206 E. 4th. Ph. 4926 HOSPITAL BEDS Rented at per mo Wheel Chairs at per mo Rent reduced after 1st mo. Main at 3rd Ph.

33 RECONDITIONED WASHERS Large Selection. All Makes. Terms at Sixth. CASH, old gold, sterling plate. Old glass, china, etc.

105 West Third. GUARANTEED Automatic Gas Water heater, heavy insulation, steel tank, new 1940 approved 30 gallon per hour. $19.95. Terms. at 6 th.

New Used Furniture, Antiques, Roger Wood Furn. Exch. 31R E. 4th. WINDOW shades reversed and hemmed, 10c.

Bring them in. at 6 th. FOR 6 cu. ft. Gas range, good cond.

222 36th Newport Beach. ELECTRIC WATER HEATER, 30 new. 141.95. Terms. at Sixth.

FOR piece walnut dining room 709 McFadden. 28 Money Wanted ANT $13.000, Good security 5 years. V-Box 29, Register. for loans of $3000 each three years, private partv Ample security. W.

T. Klrveh 0 I Box 151, Garden Grove. Ph, Santa Ana 3627-W. loan on 6 acre orange grove. Box 28.

30 Miscellaneous Barbecue Plates 009 FOUNDRY 902 East Third St. Phone 261T. WANTED Poultry, Best prices paid. Orana Poultry. 193 So Main.

Or. Ph. 856-J. Or. S.A.

5687. CASH for poultry. Will call. R. Taylor.

Phnne Anaheim 3133. 18 Fertilizer dairy fertilizer, 6 sacks 31.00. Phone 5569. 617 No. Artesla.

19 Feed, Seed, Hay, Grain bean straw. F. Farnsworth, 105 West 6 th. 20 Trees, Plants, Flowers AUCTION Tues. 10 A.

Maclin Ranch. Riverside Ontario. 250 head of Cattle, Hogs. Horses, Rabbits, Poultry, Farm Tools. Implements and Miscellaneous.

Maclin. Mgr. Auctr SALE--Newspaper mats, lc i for wraPPins trees, lin- ing chicken coops, etc. Register Ofc. SCRAP IRON WRECKING YARD 1368 4710 W.

5th lift AUTO PAINTING $10 to $20. Also furniture painting. work. Home shop. -09 Stanton Buena Pk Ph.

5121 Used Car. Truck and Tractor Parta. GEO. T. CALHOUN ge buy junk.

S101 W. 5th. Ph H04 rubber: also -helm. Coi. T.

E. Dili, 21 Fruit and WALNUTS wal. meats. Also avocados wanted at Black White of Orange Co. Hosp.

Or. 276-J. Rt 2 Bx 159-B Orange. you nave something to sell. Register Want Ads will bring buyers to your door.

The cost is small, results good. WHO DOES IT? Professional and Specialized Service Awnings hi KM, J. W. INMAN TENTS AND AWNINGS made into innersprings cleaned, sized shampooed Phone 1569 Sanitary Service Machine Shop Precision Machine Work Motor Service J. ARTHUR WHITNEY 113-115 French St.

Phone 1988. Saw Filing Bmptlc tank, cesspool mitary eqaipmrnt Inspection pumping free. Ana, Painting and Paperhanging fc Painter or Paperhanger. 4th at Flower. MR C.

E. DAY has taken over Sharpening Shop at 210 E. 3rd St. ana will continue to do business E. DAY.

HEARING AID PracticaUy new. Will sell cheap 305 FOR automatic washer nearly new, $100. Owner in Panama. Phone S. A.

1032-W or call 1811 Bush St. ELECTRIC RANGE, brand new, $59.95. Terms. at Sixth. DOUBLE TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE For your old Gas Range on Brand new 1941 Bucks Gas Ranges.

USED GAS RANGES Porcelain. Nice condition. Priced from $3.50 to $10. Knox Hardware East 4th Zenith 9 tube Radio. Perfect condition.

Bargain. 1016 West Al mond, FOR case, good cond $4.00. 807 Oak St. GRAND a wonderful buy. Used.

In perfect condition. Cost new $685, now only $287. Also Chickering Square Grand. Antique. DANZ-SCHMIDT PIANOS.

Santa Ann. 520 No. Main. PAY ONLY balance of $39.85 on repossessed genuine Wurlitzer Piano Accordion. Just right for student.

Used Italian Piano Accordion, full 120 Bass Model, with good case only $79. Payments. DANZ- SCHMIDT PIANO 520 N. Main. DO BETTER AT THE Blu-Note Music 420 West 4th REPOSSESSED SPINET Like new.

Sell for bal. Also a student baby butterfly Grand, only $79. Also beautiful upright piano, $39. DANZ-SCHMIDT PIANO 520 No. Main.

Santa Ana. ACCORDION, $25. $5.00 down. $2.00 per month. FREE LESSONS.

BIu-Nbte Music 420 West 4 th. SPECIAL TRIAL rental Spinet pi- her month. DANZ- SCHMIDT PIANO Santa Ana. GOOD violin and case or will trade. Cheap.

Ph. 5954. 1402 No. Bristol. 35 Moving and Storage Storage Help CALL WARD HOLLOMON Special Rooms for Rugs, Pianos and Overinuffed Furniture.

Long Distance Moving Agents for Expert Moving of Household Goods and Office Furniture. SANTA ANA TRANSFER 509 North Main St. Phone 86 MODERN 5-rm. stucco in S. A.

Reas, rent. See owner. 156 S. Grand Orange or Ph. 208-J.

3 ROOM HOUSE, partly furnished. West 5th. nice yard. 917 So nn Fir FOR 5-rm. house in good cond.

Electric stove or gas connections. Venetian Minds. Dbl. garage. 815 Lowell.

FURNISHED HOME Auto Courts. Phone 3204. 3 RM. furn. cottage, gas and water paid.

$18. 2073 Bush. FOR floor office room. 121 W. 3rd St.

$15. J. F. Utt, Phone 283-M. Orange.

64 Autos for Sale REAL Sale 50 City Property Large 5 Rm. Eng. Stucco Best southwest district. Modern in every detail, fireplace, tile, double garage. $3250.

$325 down, balance like rent. 515 N. Main. E. A.

MIRACLE Ph. 1628 MUST sell, owner transferred. 2 bed. Spanish, all tile roof, tile bath, tile floor, living rm. break, rm, furnace, firepiace, about 9 ZT mo Terms.

£Xtrl HAWKS-BROWN, Realtors 107 W. 3rd FOR RESULTS Ph. 3198 Best 3 Rental, $4200 Offered Santa Ana. Close in, good location, cond. Furnished, terms G.

O. BERRY. 208 West 5th. BEDRM. house.

$20 mo. 1114 Cypress. $20 cash 5 RM. HOUSE. $20 Lui.

Phone 544-M. $20 mo. 4-BEDRM. house; 6 Mks. courthouse.

$1900. terms. Phone 2526-W. FOR 3 bedroom house. $45.

1214 So. Birch. FOR rm. house. 2042 So.

Van Ness. Inquire 715 Lacy. FURN. 4 rm. house.

Newly decorated. Adults. No pets. $21.50. Water paid.

Inquire 2068 Oak. BEAUTIFUL 7 rm. Broadway Park home. Unfurn. Modern.

Ph. 3300. 3 RM. furn. house In rear.

Adults. 206 West 18th St. UNFURN. 3 rm. dup.

$16. 5 rm. dup. $22.50. 6 rm.

$31. Inq. 1515 S. Main. Phone 3836-J.

FOR 5 rm. house, Chicken yard. Inclosed yard, fruit trees. Gar. Water paid.

$24. Ph Orange 237-W. Duplex 2 Years Old 4 rms. each side. Modern in every detail.

Inc. $45. Price $3750. $3000 FHA loan. 515 N.

Main. E. A. MIRACLE Ph. 1628 NEW, modern 6 rm.

bungalow, 3 bed rms. baths, furnace. Sell for equity. 1324 Freeman St Look, 1418 Orange Open for inspection, should you like it for home, price, terms, will meet any monthly budget. G.

O. BERRY, 208 West 6th. Exclusive Agent. 38 Apartments GRAND CENTRAL APTS 116 N. Sycamore Ph.

2707. Close in. Utilities paid. Attractive rates. BRISTOL Apts.

W. 4th. Newly decor. Refrig. Util, pd.

Garage. FURN. apt. Cont. hot water.

Garage. Adults. 910 West 2nd. APTS. $12 $15 $17.50.

Utils pd. Washing machine. 206 No. Ross. FURNISHED, clean, comfortable 3 rm.

apt. 1325 French St. RM. furn. apt.

Bedroom. Utils, pd. Adits. Electrolux. 642 N.

Parton 52 Suburban Property 3 rm. mod. home on large suburban lot. Well located for berries, citrus, etc. Easy terms.

620 No. Main. STEBBINS. Ph. 1314 GOOD 5 A.

grove, Tustin, comfortable home. Mrs. Herr, 117 W. 5th. COUNTRY LOT.

85x200. $600. New tract. Navel, valencia oranges. 40G9 ANNUAL USED CAR CLEARANCE SALE Act Now You May Never Such Prices Again Act Now Lincoln-Zephyr Sedan Lincoln 3-wln.

Sedan $499 Ford Dix. Tour. Sedan $449 Bufck 8 Tour. Sedan $429 Ford Std. Trk.

$399 Dodge 6 Dlx. Tr. $309 9 Ford 8 Dlx. Tr. $289 Ford 8 Deluxe $269 Ford 8 Dlx.

Phaeton $239 Ford 8 Victoria $229 Ford Panel $229 Ford 8 Dlx. 5-win. Coupe $219 Plymouth Dlx. Tr. Tudor $179 Chev.

6 Master $159 Chev. 6 S.W.B. Truck F.R. Chev. 6 Spl.

6 w.w. Sedan 99 Plymouth 4 Sedan 79 LOW DOWN PAYMENTS AND FINANCE Trade the Old Car Now GEORGE DUNTON 815 No. Main St. Phone 146 EVENINGS. BUY AT TWO knotty pine houses in the country on acre.

Santa Ana Heights. Two years old, fireplace, showers, attractively arranged and finished IV. L. Copeland. 116 West 3rd St.

53 Groves and Ranches Unf. newly dec. throuout. Close In. Stovall Apts.

801 N. Sycamore. Redecorated, overstuffed, innerspring' $10-820 mo. 925 French. Utils Paid.

One 2 bedrm. Close in. Gas refrlg. pd. 707 Spurgeon.

Ph. UNFURN. 4 rm. apt. Water paid.

Electric refrig. 328 W. Washington FURN. SINGLE APARTMENT Close in. Adults only.

121 So. Birch. 34 Business Opportunities FOR SALE Service cabins, garage and small cafe, all combined. 1 mi. north San Juan Capistrano on 101 Hiway.

By owner Phone Canistrano 153-W. BDWY. APTS. N. BDWY Nicely sunny sgle.

Ph. 3377-W. 28 ACRE IMPROVED ALFALFA RANCH. $3800. Shore Lake Elsinore.

R. 1. Box 475, Orange. FINE acres avocados and oranges with 2 bedrm. home.

Priced to sell. Edward Wagner. Ph. Anaheim 4729 or S. A.

1681-W. FOR LESS 1936 Ford Spt. Sed. Overdrive; vacuum $381 1937 Ford Dlx. Coupe $395 1935 Dodge Dlx.

Sedan $295 1936 Chev. Mast. Dlx. $386 1936 Ford Dlx. 2-Dr.

Sedan $295 1937 Ford Sedan $415 1935 Ford Pickup; replacement motor 3000 miles back. New tires. This Is an unusually good one $271 OTHERS Open 107 South Main St. 54 Resort Property FOR SALE OR TRADE Palm Springs home. Phone 4927-J.

REAL Exchange Bungalow No. Sycamore. Utils Refrig. $14.50 mo. and un.

UNFURN. lower fiau garage. Close in. Adults. 401 Efest Myrtle.

FURNISHED apt. $16. Utilities paid. Garage $1.00. Adults.

1066 W. 1st. apt. Adults. Utils, paid.

931 Spurgeon. FOR apt. quiet; utils, pd. 1001 East Chestnut Ave. FURN.

apt. for lady. $14. Utils, paid. 1410 Bush.

Phone 2387-W. SPORTS STAR HORIZONTAL 1,5 Baseball star player; 9 Indian. 10 Altar screen. 12 To complete. 14 Wearied.

15 Anticipator? terror. 17 Lixivium; 19 Pertaining Jo the leg. 21 Males. 23 Pound 25 Saok. 27 Opposed to in.

28 Musical term. 49 Expedites. 30 Sick. 53 Blackbird. Answer to Previous Puzzle 16 To pull along.

18 Burden. 20 Contest 0 prize. 32 Rules. 35 Seaman. 36 To doff.

38 Wheel hubs. 39 Story. 54 Less common. 55 Clamor. 57 He is a -----of unusual ability.

Fhnnbtiif ft Salvate Pii in general plumbing lir. Reasonable prices. Pacific lambing 313 N. P.os«. Ph.

WEEK END BARGAINS SUPER KOTE For kalsomlne Only $1.85 Gal. GEM FLAT lor finish or under enamel Only $1.85 Gal. FLOOR ENAMEL JVlose out colors Only $2.10 Gal. SHINGLE STAIN Red-Brown or hlack in 5's WALL PAPER SPECIALS Border Only Yr. FLOOR wax paste Only 35c Lb.

ALL PURPOSE VARNISH Only $1.50 Gal. 4TH AT FLOWER Santa Ana. Ph. 1802 Easy Delivery Out of High Rent District 40 Norse mythl- 58 He has cal tales. orhurt his 42 Fishing bag.

43 Started. 44 Musical note! 45 Machine part. 47 Long fish. 48 Each arm. VERTICAL To accomplish.

2 Roman road. 3 circles. TIPI I ibENT IDEA LEOT 22 Epochs. 24 Spear of grass. 26 More austere.

28 His as a player has been impaired. 29 Places of exertion. 31 Eyelid, 33 truck. L1R1NI 34 To soak flax. 35 Label.

4 Year 37 Pertaining to 5 Military a lac acid, 6 Uncanny. 7 To revoke a legacy. 8 To incline the head. 11 And. 13 A smear.

15 He formerly used an overhand of ball. 39 Badger. 41 Baglike pari 43 Wager. 46 Nothing more than. 47 To merit 49 Emmet 50 Gibbon.

51 Coin. 52 Courtesy title 53 Sloth. 56 New England FURNISHED APT. $16. Utilities pd.

Gar. $1. Adults 1066 West 1st. 56 City Property 5 ROOM new stucco bldg. at Culver City.

Exchange equity for house here or Pomona. 1092 West 2nd, Pomona. Beautiful Montrose, a thriving city between Pasadena Burbank and near Glendale. Mod. 3 bed rm.

stucco. You who want to be near Los A. need a higher altitude will be interested. Want S. A.

or nearby. ALLEMAN. 210 Otis Bldg. Ph. 5555.

NEWLY renovated utils, pd. Reas. N. Main. California hotel.

YOST apts. New dbl. single. Our rent low. 508 Wellington.

Ph. 4643 Nicely furn. apt. tag. Ph.

Utils. Inc. May- Reas. 1214 Lacy FOR ton Chev. truck ment.

Cheap. No. Olive St. FURN. 3 room apartment.

lux. Close in. 203 East Pine. FURN. apt.

Prlv, ent. Bath, Gar Close In. Ill Cypress. FOR 3-rm. large porch, garage.

Auto, hot water Refrig. Adults. 1129 So. Garnsey. CLEAN, nicely furn.

apt. Reasonable. 923 Hinter. SINGLE APT. Completely furn.

Refrigerator and garage. 611 Minter. 39 Duplexes 2 bedrm. dup. Nicely dec.

Close to Hi schools. Tile features. Ph. 1958. DUPLEX, well furn.

Extra bed. Water pd. Adults. $25. 1038 W.

1st. FURN. duplex. 519 Eastwood. Close in.

Ph. owner 2919-J. UNFURNISHED attractive new 4 room Spanish type stucco dup. Open fireplace. Close in.

Adults. Available Oct. 6 Can be seen 170 No. Cleveland. Orange.

FURNISHED duplex, 1339 So. Main, $23. Water paid. ALLISON HONER, 103 East 3rd. Phone 1807.

DUPLEX unfurn. Near Hi. school. 604 So. Van Ness.

Phone 3425-J. 41 Booms ROOM with or without board in private home. 722 S. Flower. PRIVATE ENTRANCE, furn.

room, Adj. bath. Innerspring. Cont. hot water.

Opp. Ebell Club, 715 Mortimer. EXCHANGES 5 rm. stucco, Coast Royal, for Santa Ana. 5 Santa Ana, for Long Beach residence.

8 unit, Long Beach, for 25-30 ac. Valencias, with improvements, CARL MOCK, Realtor 214 West Third. Phone 532 Ford DeLuxe 4-Door Trunk Sedan Local car. Paint, upholstery, rubber exceptional. 4 9 A real buy McLEAN MOTOR CO.

111 So. Main St Phone 6446 OPEN EVENINGS CHEV. CPE; excellent cond. 203 S. Cambridge, Orange, after 6 p.m.

EXCHANGE Santa Ana home, or Long Beach. Owner, N-Box SlVieg. EXCHANGE clear modern 6 -rm. home hdwd, flr 3 in Santa Ana for Costa Mesa. R.

D. Chamber, 2100 Newport Blvd. WILL trade my equity in N. W. home for new furniture, a new car.

or reconstructing house into duplex. See owner, 602 East 3rd. Phone 5237-W. 59 Groves and Ranches 4 Acres For Trade Walnuts and oranges. West of Santa Ana.

Clear for clear house Santa Ana. 515 N. Main. E. A.

MIRACLE Ph. 1628 REAL 62 City, Country, Etc. With Register Want Ads. You can phone your ad in nn to 11 a. m.

daily ROOM house to be moved. Cash. Must be cheap. Rt. 3, 698.

Harbor Blvd. Photo Studio. Santa Ana. Wanted good located filling station. Buyer waiting.

G. O. Berry, 208 Sth. AUTOMOTIVE, Etc. 64 Autos for Sale $1.50 WK.

Slpng. or hsekping. Prlv. hath. Inq.

802 Bush. Ph. 1466.T ROOMS. Cooking privileges, age. 520 N.

Birch. Gar- NICE FRONT ROOM off bath. Gar. Reasonable. 105 So.

Ross. RM. Every convenience, furnace heat. Brkfst. served if desired.

Ph. 3301W LARGE sunny room. Private entrance. Garage. 602 South Birch.

HOTEL $2.50 up wk. Free parking. Live In a hotel AIRY ROOM; wonderful bed. ent. 1628 Spurgeon.

Prlv. LARGE front room. Hot cold water. 323 E. Washington.

Ph. 1038-J. PLEASANT Room, kitchen privileges, garage, after 2 p. m. call 2447-M.

848 No. Garnsey. 43 Rest Homes REST a Convalescent. Ph. massage, corrective diet- NURSING HOME Hospital care.

Phone 3881 -W. Battle Creek Restatorium. Ph. 5390. Rest baths.

Massage. 621 Spurgeon. 44 Resort Property 5 rm. house In Balboa $25. Winter months.

Ph. Plymouth 2-Door Sedan Local car. Original throughout. Exceptional rubber. Low iA mileage.

ONLY McLEAN MOTOR CO. 111 So. Main St. Phone 6446 OPEN EVENINGS 1940 Chevrolet Special Dlx. 4-Door Sedans We have a selection of 5 to choose from, ail loaded with special equipment, including radios.

These cars are like new and you can SAVE A LOT OF MONEY. B. J. MacMullen Your Chevrolet Dealer First Sycamore Sts. 68 Auto Accessories, Parts FIVE new 7.00x15 Goodyear white side wall tires and H.D.

tubes. Half price. Associated Service. Garden Grove. Phone 734.

FACTORY REBUILT MOTORS and Factory Installed! LIMITED TIME ONLY Model Rebuilt Motor INSTALLED $49.50 Exchange Model V-8 Rebuilt Motor INSTALLED $59.50 Exchange Motors Guaranteed 4000 Miles. Montgomery Ward Co. Cor. 4th and Main Santa Ana. 1935 Plymouth DeLuxe 4-Dr.

Sedan. Radio. Perfect cond. 1302 Louise. FOR DeSoto sedan.

Good condition. Guaranteed. A.S. Bash, 307 McFadden. FORD Convertible Coupe.

Very good paint, tires, top. motor over- haiiled. 414 East Bishoa- '35 FORD Coupe, $185. 214 Olive, Apt. 3, Orange.

Call after 6:30. FOR Studebaker coupe. A beauty, $700. 1938 Chev. Master sedan, $195.

Both cars like new. Ph. Westminster 8671. 69 Trucks and Tractors FOR ton Chev. truck.

Cheap. Inq. 226 Marshall Buena Park. RENEWED TRUCKS AND TRACTORS M. ELTISTE INC.

(International Truck Agency) Cor. 5th and French Santa Ana Used Trucks, all types and W. W. WOODS G. M.

C. DEALER E. Fourth St. Phone 4642. 70 Trucks for Rent DRIVE YOURSELF TRUCKS HENLE AUTO PARK PHONE 1202 2ND BUSH 6T3.

MODEL A '28 Ford. Sacrifice. New rubber. 1 st hse. off of Taft on Frances.

Garden Grove. AT sacrifice, Plym. Sedan and Terraplane Coupe. Good rubber mechanically O.K. 1218 West 6th.

72 Motorcycles and bikes for cash. GEO and Spurgeon. FOR in fair condition. $3. 2021 No.


The Register from Santa Ana, California (2024)


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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.