The Tampa Times from Tampa, Florida (2024)

23) Trueki end Truck Trailer 234-A Imported Soert Cow TBI TMr TIMES ThiiMM Ntmnbtr II. Itil li -1 -J- IMJIL JUIL ly HID NEHII 221 Mob Horn! 1 44 Machinery Heavy Equip. LIFE'S LIKE THAT HI Automobile For Solo 1 2J4 Automobile Por Sal 234 Automobile For Solo I 214 Automobile For Sato THF TAMP TIMFS, Thursday, Voy. 23, 1061 II 234 Automobile For Sale 2)4 Automobile For Solo I auppl.ei New ISO Furnitur, For Sol, II yd 1411 I IKE NEW i i in Ena truck rrane. al drai and lam burkat- bVn Irttiplv Irtia.e ll.ghway '57 International TON PANEL.

I cvl. gear shift on wheel, new paint. 6 ply tires. OAK HOOKING '54 CHEV, Conv. Slick, immaculate.

"The EffiaHairwSM OPEN TODAY ar ren 7 8" 1 Common wl JV' fiu I hli ivd i.hl.i IV IMS rtmm red lear hit A ha I. i ma t.HAIiAI.1. 24a. i tru.k, dteaal upper, prurd right Moaa, 441 t. Mlth Ave Hollywood.

Florida YC 1 791 XSe' AMP. elartrtc Hobart welder, iwrtable Nrw londitiun Ele.lrw atartri 214 WILLIAMS MI pale Mabry 33 511 BODY man special, (195. 1935 Chevrolet Wagon, V-(, all power, needa rear quarter panel. 1(01 1 N. Howard OLDS Super M.

HT, full pow. er A lr. miles. Prvt. own er 233-3942.

lis I aa. pa. MILITARY JEEP GOOD SHAPE, (495 217-545: 121 IDA (T, 'NO MONEY DOWN 'U CHEV, I dr. cyl. Sedan RAH.

auto (4(3, tin (750 wk. or (2 7 mo 5710 Florid Ave Ph 235 0101 58 Stude 4-dr. Sta. Wag. AT.

Radio A healer. Power steering T-glast, WW tires, original paint. It's In ex-cond. FELLOWS MOTOR Co. 1417 Grand Central Ph.

253 3711 S7 CHKV ol slriujhi thill 3 Knur. 1 (on ireen A-I throuihutil 7S0 00 $411 hernkr Ave, of Candv Blvd BUICK tuper hardtop flnnrt mn ia0 1111 Hillside Or FORD "88 VI dr IIT. Mu.l sell 37J Ph. 1U-8MI. KENT OK BUV HAVK a food uaed rar lor nu Mr li Mrs.

t'srd Cat Binvr (nr 1.1 urek that I Mill rent tn vou. Aftrr 8 months you ran pur I'hasc car all payminl an Inwards sal pile tor In-fnrmatinn tall Mr. Boh, Credit Manager. 236-5983 1 SS Majar AppllaiKM At loMATIC hrr tot tale Alas, gucrntred matner repan Reaumatile ITtAUl FRIGIDAIRE Imperial mtii atrifur, pi it ate party. 177-JJM RKFRlCKRAfoR A Rangr left on "ttill tail" al aatehouM-Nrw Both lor I2M So Trima (or l-anloid 2411417 i04i.

"used, used, used ALL Guaiantrrd a I tee Service UAsHLR. irver. Relngrialota llangra I. Make our own trim Tyree'B of North M7 ElaeSda Ave. Open A to P.M.

tS04li new In rrate, Irana-frrred Take over pavmentt. 17 Jo inn. rrdit Managri. I'i i IB Hroren 146 PLYWOOD Iftt Ext lnt Int Hillahore Si 1 I 4 '41 CADILLAC. Runs good, good Sand, i tv mm ler.

3 214 Automobile fat Solo I.IM tll.N APKI 1958 25HIMI milea, good Urea anil in tip top ahape (1500 00 Owner wiahea lo buy boa! and travel on water William Kuha, 430 Doric Court. Tarpon Spring. I xKK over payment on '58 Pontiac 4 dr. IIT RAH. tulnne, V-8.

AT. WSW tires Hal only (29 mn No cash needed, fin. 45 days on first payment 219 Fla. Ave. 229 2288.

224 8221 BY OWNER I960 Opel Station Wagon (1195. Take older car in trade. 234 5332 1202 E. Hamilton Avo. '57 PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE 4-DOOR HARDTOP.

Absolutely the cleanest one in town' Air conditioned, power steering. I 1 1 radio A heater. SPECIAL TODAY $888 MASSEY MOTORS urea, ihhi or nest (J BROS. 2906 FLA. AVE.

Ph 229 0847 Wallace Ave PACEMAKER) 157, 4. I BR. Sell, trade. i acreage. 40 M.

BARGAINS. i tlean trailer 75 up: Trick VU. 50 E. Wateri Ave 16' HOLIDAY llamhler Self con-lalnrd Like nrw. 11 i)50 u(l.

WE I 215. 195 EMBASSY 30. Modern, vary clean. Illoo ui beat ulier 33 Court St. Oakaide Trailer Park, Zephtihllla, new crusader cottack" BUILT-IN balh A kitchen.

Uad it on low boy, Ideal for collage, ilub houae, ur lield Nebraaka Odlco (o Rent Roycrafts 'Champions ALL SIZES IN STOCK I ROM 3k FT TO 58 FT. I. 2. 3 BEDROOMS ANYTHING n( value taken In Hade hank financing WATSON'S 4170 K. Hillahnrn THANKSGIVING DAY SPECIAL ALL metal, all modern.

873. ONE ONLY Sun Mobile Homes, Inc. 3837 HDXSBORO Bat Ha. Cemrnl HEATERS, tanka, aold, traded. rented amplrtrly overhauled Guaranteed tMhert trom 1100.

Wcidemaa'a. 4404 S2000 BTt while log, ISO May be arrn al 1201 HtfHika SI 1958 MCA coupe, mile, radio, heater, whit wall. lUW rash or and taka up pv-menu, 837 532 VOLVO. 1959, 2 door. Excellent condition, 11125 Will consider (rade Dade City.

383-251 52 PORSCHE rdstr. conv. New engine Muat tell all Jack 937-46OT. Tarpon Sprtngi, 60 Porsche Super '90' '5k Alfa Romeo SPRINT VELOCE '59 Renault Dauphine SPORTS CARS OF TAMPA, INC 1323 FLA. AVE.

PH. 229-6341 WANT AD. Ph. 223-4911 2J4 Automobilei For Sole II DOWN '56 BUICK hardtop Beautiful Intone paint, real nice interior, good drea. Runs perfect.

Sea this beauty al: PENINSULAR AUTO SALES 4001 Florida Ave. Ph 234-8321 Mw lmmnlii.1' oVIivn, ommofi irt nail lh Id. Ml Cmall i -i if ri i i. Phiw vVral '61 Ford GaUxie $2495 STARI.INER 2 DR haidtnp HAH Factory air. auto, trans.

All while. "Short Profit Hiile" 2806 Gr Central Ph 877 1362 '54 Ford Vic. $395 A SHARP little buggy. Original Heige lutone with matching in terlor, radio A healer Auto Ranch 4829 Fla. '3 FOHD Cualomline Sedan Loaded.

Beaulilul cond. Only (745 6707 Nebraaka 23I-739L. MUST SELL FOLKS I have cars (hat I muat move lo make mom for later models coming in Therefor, I have over 100 (rade ma that I will finance here myself Good deiendable models i.mging Horn '46 lo '59' I don't care If you have had credit or never had credit, If It' transportation you want I know I can help you. Ask for Frank, Aaat Mgr BRA SWELL MOTORS 2819 Fla. Ave.

229-2288. 224 8221 The Family Plan BUY a tar on our family plan. We finance anybody regardless of credit on thrae following cars: 1952 Bulrk. 1949 Chrvro-lel. 1954 Plymouth.

1933 Chevrolet. Only (49 down See Mr. Hob a( American Auto Sale, 5135 Honda Ave. "Short Protit Hale" MW Or. Central Ph.

877 1362 1 1934 CMC panel Truck Excellent condition. Low mileage. 1423 SO FORD (3 U. Long. wide, deep bed XX -Clean.

11195. Tony Weir 2802 Fla 229 2802 Jeep Sta. Wag. $495 4 WHEEL Drle Warn Hub, goii.l lire, motur good condition. Jeep 4-Whl.

Dr. $595 PICKUP- New paint, rum good FELLOWS MOTOR Co. 1 1417 Grand Central Ph. 233-5719 1936 FORI) VI, F-100 'i ton pickup. I lirea Sacrillce 135 3306 E.

Hillsboro Ave. 1 DIAMOND lale model extra clean cab over Cummins die art tractor with sleeper Priced lo se.l Il see PAUL I II VW LEY. Cralle-Hall Motors 710 ADA.MO DR. Ph. 348-5016 KINGIIAM 33' hulk fruit trailer, reath (o go.

12.000 Miller Trailer, 5202 40th St. Ph 236-3971. WANT AD. Ph. 223-4911 Air Conditioner 169 $895 '60 FORD ft Wag.

I own. I 30 mi. to gal (93 cash, fin. (32 mo, Mr. Hot via, WE 4 6423, '54 BUICK HT.

Clean. Balance due (1(7 Take over payments (19 82 ran 110 Florida Av. Ph 22 2061. JiEK THESE 50 CLEAN'CARS' '53 Ford Victoria V- Hardtop Take over payments (30 month Balance due (404 35 431 Fla. '3 CHEVROLET.

Straight stick. Take over payments (8 22 week. 110 Florida Ave '61 feUiCK ELECT RA 235 com vertlble. elegant mirror sleek finish, gorgeous all leather Interior, driven (.000 comfortable gentleman. Quality Autos, cor S.

19 A 38th Ave sit I i kMfbtt) damatrd Ciak Chraran Hann D. 4 Wrrn. Ill Or tan NRf'FSHTY lore ma la aril room fuianut and appli ni ail: mi aaunv a tuar 3.S le rHy la takt aver pavmenu Will aril alt at t. bui mul aell thu week Call IT7 oas tpA A ACTOR I IUI IHMnHS XX m.RlPA AVE NKV4 A i sm II IINITURI RARGAIN PRICE 3 ROOM troupa. rlr.

A rfnin III Wr da eur axa flnanrini bEI.F SERVH r. RN STORE IMS Broadway NYIilN MN(! MZr! St)KA AMI fhait Kktrllrm it.ntlitinn Phona WE JUS Nra FurnMur A Applunira PI "I NTI AVP ISII MIUJSBORO TAMPA APECIA1. an all utrd It. h. futniturr A applun.

r. I lo I. Cnlly'i Earn 117 Or Central MSt) POl'R Piere Krenrh Pro-vtnrial Rrdroom Grmipi Riand nrw aliihlb damaged lit (Ann. MaUhing Pouriir Tblr or Ortki I'l Hedt aiih laing aaay timet Teatrr lird ie rn Tablr. IS! id hrirr 4 Vt Bedroom (iroupt MY.

SO. 3 Pt Group. 117. I) J. Wren.

II Oregon DANISH DISCOUNTS pi R. huite ImiM.rt loam Ixwngrr I SI tl Reg. rianuh Ro. I 2S Reg 141 SS Mi Back Chair I J4 Southern urn WHOLESALE PRICES SQL ARE China cloaetn 121 up Round China Clonal offt.e detkn A raivel hatn A up Pian.n A good alorlt urd furmlurt. Ot'AKER FVRNITI'RE CO.

41IJ HilHborn oh ri21ll WANT TO BL'Y OR ANtlFATH F.R'S CUX'K. CALL 2S11253 PH. 229-2671 1201 FLA. 'AVE RECONDITIONED uaed window, lor heating A cooling Hart in (mm IM 9V 251 two 178 Mitcellanaout Wanted I PAY THE MOST Furn Applianrea TVa. roola, Pianoa.

BoHtt. ate. 876-0469 or 257-1533 lilAMuMiS. OLD OINS 134 AufrmobMtM For Sale ADD. I Al CENTER SAM HICKS A SON 1324 Cenlrai Ave It, Pete 7 -92 1961 AMERICAN Rambler, Hade lor '55 or '3 you asaum pre.

entjoan. 131-4505 OLDS 4 door hard" top, full power, 18,000 superb miles, factory freth. $1,895 Qual-ity Autos, corner US 19 A 38th Ave, lit. Petersburg. Our reputation ta a prued atsel 1960 CORVAIR.

4 door, Power-glide, RAH. purchased new June '60 29.000 miles. Mull sacrifice, leavin lor overseas duty, lent condition Prired tor quick sale. 11300. Call 752 7784, or see at 502 Johnson SI Plant City CADILLAC Sedan DeVilT.

Goraeou Pure White finish, air conditioned, 29,000 ml. Factory fresh throughout Traded on new Cadillac by Authorized Cadillac Dealer. 12295 Quality Autns, corner US. 19 A 38ih Ave, N. si Petersburg.

"si gun metal irayi immaculate Inside A out, com drive It and are lor youraelL RAIL guod Ores. $193 lull price. I7 mo. 9301 Fla Ave. CADILLAC, air conditioned, power windows and i.

seal: driven 14.000 caudnue milea by retired St. Petersburg gentleman, traded on new Cadillac by authorized Cadillac dealer, (3,993. Quality Autos, corner us 19 a jHlh Ave. No. St Petersburg AKE over payments on '37 olds 4 dr.

Fiesta Wagon. V-8. AT, RAIL real nice Bal. $697 at $392 mo. No cash needed, fin.

No payment 'Til Jan 2819 Fla. Ave. 229 2281. 224-8221 55 DODGE 2 Dr. HT A RAIL Beautiful Green A White.

Only $295. $4 95 dn $18 mo. 1703 Grand Cenlrai Ph. 256 9811 CADILLAC '55 2 dr. HT.

Will sell $475. Ph. 225-601. '61 CADILLAC air conditioned, lull povu-r, including windows and 6uay seat. Driven 9,900 very careful miles.

Traded on nrw Cadillac by authorized Cadillac dealer, $4,595 Quality Autos, turner U.S. 19 A 38th Ave. No. St. Petersburg.

NO MONEY DOWN 55 FORD 4 dr RAH. Auto new (ires $295. Fin. $4 SO wk. S17 7S mn on 56 TAKE over payment WINTER STORAGE AlTOMATIt rtiahaaaher and Phone 251 17A4 after 4 GK PORTABLE DISHWAKHER.

i ONLY IAS Ph IM-Mil A I TOM ATH waahen 143; Reltiga IIS Wrmgrrt I3u Guaranteed A Del 23iai 7111 Fla. Ave. KENMOHK Gaa Range With grill A maglr touch automatic huiner t.laaa door even ITS Od or beat otter .1102 Wallar Avr NORGE rririgerator like new. Muat aell WE 126 REFRIGERATORS IU. elettne buy A Sell Top Quality" JIM BALDWIN'S USED CARS 909 Dale Mabry Ph 7 3420 '61 Falcon 2-dr.

Deluxe STD. Radio A healer Low milea This car Is very clean. FELLOWS MOTOR Co. 1417 Grand Cenlrai Ph. 253 5719 We Finance Anyone" '54 DeSoto (193 '33 Ford (195 '32 Chevrolet (ISO '49 Chevrolet I loo 50 ars To Choose From For Information Ph.

235 4701 4607 Florida Ave. 1937 CHEVROLET station wagon'. Equipped. Excellent condition. 2.

000 miles. (37-0291, 'i960 ADILLAC Coup, excellent condition. Full power, factory air Premium tires. Priced right. Call after 6 I'M.

254-5311. PER 10IS Twlff M. Nebraaaa ROOFING BARGAINS IM SI rail. In toll i Crimp mra ai tin Aluminum Crimp ft toil r. ffllhmara WINDOWS Tl'R At.

tain eH Imkinf. wlf Mi, a. rxt AV1A ppr Ulrlimr (irioi lm. Al inrtn men ol qualm bid -fJ-STnlaM ramp. fill 4 -ITxM omp III V.C.

jal tinnr. lilts Jlur-al ft floor 00 aViarvrr AT Hi IS 6l up to mlW WJMViW SAI.F.S JH W. HWber Ph S7S-47S Jl SUl'AHr nraroom flxlurt fly ANTHONY K1EC TRIC SIPP1IKS ART! CARRIE Col li SIIVER. ANTim ES 503 Franklin MILLS Mime BANK AMlE, aluminum or liheigleaa Kiiki.atntk. una Lake burg.

Our reputation i a prized asset. Absolutely No Money Down 1953 CHEVROLET -Vton pickup 1175. 3000 S. Marllill Ave. See NO MONEY DOWN With Qualified Credit REPOSSESSIONS Thursday Elbert.

Winlrr Havrn. Fla STAMP collection, a. umulation, Old rnvrlnora. Write o. Bo Lakeland Hunter's Special! Plym.

Wag. RAIL econ 8, sir, shllt A real gas saver. Bal (397 at (29 mn. No caah needed, tin. No pavment 'til January.

2819 Fla Ave. 229 2288 224 8221 TAKE over pavmenla on '57 Ford Wag. 2 dr. Ra-H. WSW tires, I str.

shift, tutone. If you need a wagon, this it a real deal. Bal (597 at (29 90 mo. No caih needed, fin. No payment until Jan.

1962. 2819 Fla. Ave, 229-2288 224-8221 TAKE over payments on "56 Cadillac 2 dr. lit Cpe DeV. TM'e.

RAIL all power, low mileage. Hal. (995 at $49 mo. 45 days on 1st payment. 2819 Fla Ave.

229-2288, 224 8221 50 HAND PICKED ANGELS '54 Chevy Beautiful A Fresh Take over payments $30 month Balance due (345 10 4316 Fla. '55 FORD 2 dr. Ranch Wagon! New paint, good condition. Take up pay ments $26 23 mo. 234 9611 LIKE EATEN SOPPIN GRAVY 1955 Ford Victoria Hardtop A White Uaby Doll -Fast A right 17? Furniture Wanted woipi tfUMranterd and delivered 104 Scott.

BFNDIX tumbler action autotn waahrr. A tond HISS. II SO TESTED Gl ARANTEED TAMPA TIRE t) I Ml Tampa St. Ph 22S0AI1 BAt IIEI.OR mutt aell automatic waahrr IStal Temple Terrace Highway. ii(S RCA waaner.

3 rvrle, with lint fillrr pvn.ta. per day. No down piivmt Mi Auatin. WE 5-2111 itKMi No Down Payment No Cash Needed 114 Automobile or Sol TAKE over pavmenla on '37 Mere. 4 dr HT RAIL PS, PH.

tutone Hal al (122 mo. Nu cash needed, (in. No payment until January, 2119 Fla. Av. 229 228.

224 221 Auto Painting $30 TWO TONE (43 I Charge Plan Ruck'. 501 Anderaon, Drew Park Ph. 177 2100 TAKE over payments on '54 Chev. 2 dr. HT BelAlr.

RAH, (u(one. WSW tires. A real good 2nd car, Bal, (287 at (13 (2 mo. No rash needed, fin 43 da on lat pay. 2819 Fla.

Ave. 229-22U. 224-8221 No Monev Down '57 CADILLAC 4 dr HT Sedan KAIL PS, PU, factory air, Blue Heauiy. only (12(5. Fin 5720 Florida Ave.

Ph. 235 0101 KRYSTAL MOIOH8 NO FINANCE CO. No loan Co, No Inlcreat, no carrying charges We finance our own car, on the spot delivery. Small payment We finance anyone. 1718 Florida Ave.

Ph. 229 2374 '37 CHEVROLET 4 Dr Wagon, by owner (895 Only 43.000 tinner driven milea. Radio, healer, aummatic. Car in excellent condition. "I just want something I'll consider a trade on nice '60 wagon or 4 door.

Ph. 259-9881, 9 PASS WAGON. '58 Plym 4 dr. Spoil Suburban, the nicest one. In beaut.

Red A while, with AT, 8. PS. PH. HAH. A tact.

air. NAD. A. Book S1.300. A rare find, only (1.095.

Term. TONY WEIR 2802 Florida Ave. Ph. 229 2802 50 WILLYS Sla Wag 4 Wheel Dr. Bal.

$295. paymts $18 mo. 7901 Fla. Ave. Ph, 235-2271 '61 CADILLAC COUPE DEVILLE.

air conditioned, driven exactly 3,721 local miles, by 81 year old St Petersburg gentleman This line aulumohile ia (or all pracli-cal purposes showroom (resh. $4,795. Traded on new Cadillac. Remember pampered Cadillacs, by Quality Autns. corner U.S.

19 and 38th Ave. No. St. Petersburg. Our reputation is our most prired asset.

r53 RAMBLER Hardtop. Run good $185.00. Ph. 876-3557. '60 CONTINENTAL 4 door hard top.

immaculate ermine white finish; chauHeur driven 11.200 miles. $3,995 Qualily Autos, corner 19 and 38th Ave. No. St. Petersburg.

Our reputation is our most prized asset '53 WILLYS 2 door. Economy car. 5135 Florida Ave. '59 CHEVROLET IMPALA hardtop, factory air conditioned, full power A equipment, purchased new by 2 very carelul St. Petersburg ladies, whose careful attention to detail has perfectly preserved that factory fresh appearance, 11,000 cautious miles.

Showroom fresh in every way. $1,795. Qualily Autos, corner U.S. 19 A 38th Ave. No.

St. Petersburg. Our reputation is our most prized asset. '60 Cadi. Fleetwood 4-Doon HARDTOP.

Hydramatic, radio A heater, power steering A brakes, elec. seat, windows A vents, plus lactory air, 13,000 ac(ual miles. B-I-G SAVINGS! MIMS USED CARS Haiir A T.ldf J475 Nhim. WE 0O7S '54 Chev. 34-T.

Pickup CAMPER'S body, radio A heater. 4-speed transmission. $495 MIMS USED CARS rimri 100 '60 '61s To Choose From ra i 4x1 Shod rock $1.38 ea "Ralph is the kind til a inati who OCI thtotiKh life ItusliiiiK door (narked pull!" (500 FLA. AVE. PH.

236-5974 Goon I SEIi APPLIANCES Down PavnicntK Eaa Termt WE 4 filBI 56 DeStdo I IT '53 Ford PU 57 Hillman 57 Ford Wan. 55 ord I IT 58 Plym 2 dr. '60 ChAV. A '80 Ford I 'S3 DeSotO 4 Dr. 57 Chev.

IIT '57 chev. tn. 52 Chev. 4 dr. Ford Wait.

'53 Olds 4 dr. Free 5000 Mile THE LARGEST VOLUME CAR DEALER ON FLORIDA'S WEST COAST 1711 E. HILLSBORO It's a Snap to solve everyday problems through Tampa Tribune classified ads. And they're so economical, too. Phone 223-4911.

Tel irlMvl 152 Children Equipment 1 5 228 Mobile Homei 187 Cots, Birds, Pet 90 Day Guarantee $688 bal. $438 bal. $186 bal. $893 bal. $386 bal.

$689 bal. $1553 bal. $1727 bal. $476 bal. $1093 bal.

$781 bal. $208 bal. $1221 bal. $253 bal. $598 bal.

$989 bal. $798 bal. $453 bal. $189 bal. $477 bal.

$400 bal. $168 bal. $149 bal. $38 mo. $26 mo.

$22 mo. $52 mo. $23 mo. $38 mo. $74 mo.

$79 mn. $28 mo. $65 mo. $48 mo. $12 mo.

$69 mo. $14 mo. $34 mo. $58 mn. $46 mo.

$26 mo. $28 mn. $28 mo. $23 mo. $10 mn.

9 mo. '61 '60 Models Hurry Be First Owner has two (50 down-(8 week 4316 Fla. Reconditioned TVs lote-out Sale 40 Southern rurnitute Dm 1 1 10 ount Florida ConM CKI'AR rh A tarry tor No l.akt Pnaaolfw. Hi." 'i Fla Ph 7SJJ4I CULP SAYS: "NARROW hrr ran ran harrtv pan art bring llad bv to kifbwava on which elk nr right tar raa rollidr at tbr aamr timr fOR OVKR VKARS lampa'a Onr Mop Culp Lumber Co. Will '56 Plym I' guarantee 179 CP finance anyone DEMPSEY CHEVROLET 61 CORVAIR LOADSIDE BFAt TIH 1.

Red A While. Auto-Trans white wall tires, wheel covers. We are closed Thanksgiving A 1720 E. Hillsborough ",8 Ford Buy. gt I PAY THE MOST FOR furn appliance.

TVl. tool, eli I7K-0469 or 257-1513. WE PAY UP TO 1150 I OR GOOD RANGES, REERIGS A EE NO JUNK PLEASE 236 6.121. We Pay Highest Prices Kilt GOOD USED FURNITUill Pearl Furniture IT. 229-2443 Refrigerators Wanted any condition WW TOP II paid il wa can uae vuur furniture, piano, appliance and M- Quaker's.

2.16-2311 CASH KiR FURNITURE. Appllanca. TV or anything uaed in a home. Phone 229-2320 WILL buv or aell your lurnltura (or you TATE'S 143 Neliraika. WE 5 1 950 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR USED FURNITURE Seminole Variety Store.

236 213 WE PAY top price (or good used (urniture Call or tome by. Don-Mar 9306 Florida WE 5-2169 RAMBLER trle Alt uu 57 Ford '1595 5720 Florida Ave. IIT HT Ph. 235-0101 ANOTHER SEI.I.HORN SERVICE TAMPA A SARASOTA TOP VALUE 1961 model 10x50'. Vacant Like new Phone 877 3319 PERFECT condition.

lOxMi; Rea-enable, by owner. Every motlern convenience. Large screened porch. Carport. Ideal Florida living Reautilullv liindscaprd park.

Can be moved, 837-3881, ALL aluminum 1959 Magnolia 36x. 2 BR. air cond. Perfect throughout Private owner. Make an ofler Can be financed.

See at 606 E. Waters. SPARTAN, excellent condition Mutt aell. Reasonable. 234-3944.

Repossessions A (malice and insurance charge. Pay off past due payments then carrv on contract, 50x10 Ruddy 3 BR. 46x10 Town A Country 2 BR. live others lo choose from. Also good selection 01 new trailers.

Just arrived 20x 4(1 All Electric Will accept furniture or equity in house as down payment. TRAILER BROKERAGE VV. HILLSBORO Open Eve, it Sun. 877-4711 2 YEAR OLD Nashua trailer. 10x10.

all aluminum, all modern with cabana, all JalOUgied, scmi-lurnlshed, Hank terms. Ready to move in. on lot. See a( trailer paik. 4207 Dale Mabrv.

WANT AD. Ph. 223-4911 Riverview 2 br Towne A Country. Pick up 2 payments n( $65 86 A- move in. See it at SELLHORN'S.

Land Sunshine Park. US 301. So. St, 6" Nashua. -15x10 2 BR $3250 '49 Vagabond.

22' $6-15 '49 National. 28' $365 Over 40 trailers to choose FOSTER'S '56 old "57 Plym 2 dr. FORD FL S00 ,1 QQC AT, R. PS. 1 773 '59 HILLMAN.

Hal due (695. take over payments $40 mo. 7901 Fla. Ave. Ph.

235-2271 ONE OWNER '59 FIAT. 16.000 actual miles Showroom fresh in every respect. This is your chance to get that gas saving 2nd car. $5 down on any car. Johns Klcen Kara.

3105 Florida Ave. POINTER blrtl ting thoioughlv (rained Reariv to hunt Call WE 4 9709, Can he aeen at Florida Ave Kennels. 5 MONTH registered male Husiun Terrier. Phone WE 5-450 BEAGLE. Small male.

2 yean. 62 tag. is $25 49-9985 BEAUTIFUL Red Miniature Dachshund i male, 6 weeks. 243-61132. BAssett female.

AKc registered 12 months old. Ph 241-4491 LARGE selrction new 10 wide, used 8 w.tlea, FOR THE BEST DEAL UNDER THE SUN SHOP OUR 3 BIG UK ATKINS WIDE SUPERMARKET OPEN DAILY 8 A -9 P.M. Sun Mobile Homes, Inc. 2020 N. Dale Mabry '56 Ford 4 dr '52 Cadi HT 53 Ford '49 Pontiac 153 Sewinq Wl REPAIR all makea.

Amer lean, foreign, A industrial. PEAfE SEWING (ENTER Ratnrtl't 2104 Gt Central 253 JIJ7 PORTABLE rig ag' arwing ma-chinr original price $.) will tell (or 1125 00. an be financed. Phone 133-2514 after HM 1 54 Musicol Instrumrnti Call CHEV.

CORVAIR THANKSGIVING SPECIALS 500 Car Selection '61 FALCONS 4 DOOR Alto Corva.rt. Comet Valiant. Tempatta. F-IS'i uick Special 51599 '61 RAMBLER Americans 3 A 4 Ooon Alo ftuptr ClAtiiet Station Wagon $1499 '61 CHEV. Bel Air 4- Door AT.

V. PS, Alio Impala 2 4 Or. HT', 2199 '60 RAMBLER 4-Door. Alio Comett. Falcon Corvairt $1099 '60 FORD Galaxit 4-Dr HT, AT.

V8. R. WSW $1699 '60 CHEV. Parkwood Station Wag. 4-Dr PG, 8.

PS. ft, Factory Air Cond. $1899 ihe lAimbrr No llf.l PAt kwoon A THE SIMPLE WAY to fill vacant rooms, apartments, houses, anything! Ph. 223-4911. attfxlK 1795 '1795 2595 SPECIAL '57 Ford, runs AOK $399 '56 Chev.

V-8, stick $399 '55 Chrysler $399 '55 Olds HT $399 '54 perfect '53 Chev, perfect '51 Chevrolet $99 Bill Barber's Wholesale House 5702 Florida Ave. MAY WE WISH YOU A VERY JOYOUS HAPPY Thanksgiving Day From All Of Us At NORTHGATE FORD 9545 FLA. AVE. WE 4-6181 WANT AD, Ph. 223-4911 '60 RAMBLER AMERICAN.

Very clean. Iiw mileage. Save plenty on this little beauty, only $1195 Full Price Horticulture I INF TV SALES A SERVK 1227 Neb Ave Open AM 9 PM Dlst OUNT HOUSE CLEARANCE TV, New A uae.l 21" 14 up. (iiar.inttad Cacti 129 up lor GE. Zrn.lh.

lit A eti WE EINANCF ANYONE. Prompt drliverv. Florida Ave 2.6 2101 TE1.LAVILLK 'III I P.M. Dally 2'. It E( O.MIITIONED TV pined to aell.

Jackxon TV WE 5 6101 NEW 1962 T.V.'g, Zenith, etc. Were way out but price aie way in. ash Term or rade. Jackeoa TV 7005 Armenia 15 RECONDITIONED TV "005 Armenia ASH FOR TV SETS Phone 229 2.130 WILL pay cash (or your TV ra-fardleaa o( condition 176 7414. I I) A Hrptnaeaaed TVa A Stereoa, $66 5'IB All Guaranteed No dn Payment.

$2 wk. Mr. R. Auto. Trans.

CHEV. P. G. IMPALA 4 dr HT, V-8, FALCON AT, R. 2v 2x1 II In 21.

It 119 II Lot Santa Br A '58 Ford CONVERTIBLE V-8, Std. Shift. Overdrive '61 '61 '61 '61 '61 '60 '60 '60 '60 '60 '59 I7 4 2x Ixl fine il to ft ft II A 20 (I FINANCING ARRANGED STORED 2805 FLA. AVE. Open "Til 9 Ph.

229-2874 STRICKLAND'S AUTO SALES "Florida's Premium Car Center" f. PS, PB. M295 M495 J1495 l1795 SMALL LOT. BIG VALUE EVERYBODY likes a bargain. Here is a steal New 50x10' center kit lor only $4795 (Only ll.

Come A get it. JIM OVERSTREET MOBILE HOME SALES 5920 Nebraska Ave. 233-4231 TRAILER LOANS WE SPECIALIZE IN low cost trailer rrdnanring. loans A financing on individual trailer sales All. EN-PARKER CO 48-12 Florida Ave.

Ph. 237-3331 I ONE OF THE LARGEST SELECTIONS! OF NEW 10 WIDES 795 JI2 fir 5 KD pine flooring 1(19 tv I Paneling 17 Jxtl- lxl Ahrathing 9 CHEV, FOR FL S00 AT, PS. DODGE 4-dr. HT. PS.

PB, AT. CHEV. CONV. Impala, loaded If You have Uaed furniture lor sale tall 235 6121 or 231 2753. ASH (or used (urniture! 1920 Columbus Drive.

Piione 257-3821. TO SELL FURNITURE A APPLIANCES DIAL 248-359 WE NEED USED FURNITURE I BELL'S ph- 256-1261 THE SIMPLE WAY to fill vacant apartments, houses anything! Ph. 223-4911. ALAXIE '59 Ford HT Coupe. Original Coral A White.

AT, V-8, PS, PB. RAIL Low mileage A in immaculate condition. Yours for only $1,595. TONY WEIR 2802 Florida Ave Ph. 229-2802 TAKE over payments '58 Pontiac 4 dr.

Tutone. RAH. WSW tires. A nice car. Bal $997 at $49 82 mo.

No cash needed, fin. No payment 'Til Jan. 1962. 2819 Fl. Ave.

229-2288 224-W21 PONTIAC '57 4 dr. RAH. Must sell, (600. Ph. 225-6081.

60 FALCON Ford-o-Matic Trans. (1450 AUTO-LAND INC. 3737 Henderson at Dale Mabry HI Seeds, Trees, Plonn ROSES 3909 HAY COURT VEGETABLES, ANNUALS A GEKBERAS. Luther Owen. 917 Aided f'h.

223-3344. EXTRA (ine registered Hamlin orange trees on sour root. Ready (or gro.e setting. C. Polk, Ph.

9-3869. N. Ilanna Hd. Lull GOOD quality pulverized peat. 5 and 10 vard loads Green Thumb Peal Co 241-8711, WE 5-7840.

193 Fruits, Veqetobles POLE BEANS, you pick them. $1 bushel, all you want, on Crosby Road. mile east ol Valrico. C. C.

Sewell, Ph. 49-4652. lielanvy WE 5-2 102 9046i. ADMIRAL, new In crate, with TAKE over payments on '34 Cadillac Cpe. DeV.

RAH. all power, WSW (ires, tutone, real nice. Hal. (597. No cash needed, fin.

No payment 'til January. 2819 Fla. Ave. 229 2281. 224-8221 1959 FORD, custom 300.

4 door, loaded, private (1,150. Call 832-5391. (10 DOWN. Tropical Motors. 4130 Hillsboro Ave Ph.

233-0341. Credit OK'd 30 min. "31 CADILLAC 4 DR. (293 Good solid body, runs perfect 1505 Fla. Ave.

Ph. 229-7627 '55 FORD 2 DOOR (295 AUTO TRANS. RADIO, V-8. 3700 W. COLUMBUS DR.

DOES your motor need overhauling? Let us install a low mile-ace, late model engine for vou. Adams, 248-1173. '61 Stude. LARK 4-Dr. STD Tran.

with 1047 miles. Never been titled and the color is a pretty baby blue FELLOWS MOTOR Co. 1417 Grand Central Ph. 253-5719 TAKE over payments on '55 Cadillac 4 dr. RAH.

tutone. all power, WSW tires A real clean car. Bal. (796 at $49.82 mo. No cash needed, fin.

No pay. 'Til Jan. 2819 Fla. Ave. 229-2288.

224-8221 DO YOU have credit problems? Worry no more. Come to 6606 Florida Ave. A see Don Mills. We specialize in financing our 2295 TRUCKS SPECIAL These 2 units equipped with special built bodies 4a (ormerly owned by Fla. Forestry Service '57 CHEV.

$895 ll-a-T L.VV.B. wbody. '58 FORD $995 li2-T. L.W.B. wbody.

ll' too Gandv Blvd. Opp. Webb Outpost HE 5-1129 Open Sun. FORD 300. $OQK AT.

Cream puff. 773 '62 FALCON '61 VALIANT Hardtop '61 MONZA Cp 4 Spd. '61 CADI. Sed. AC '61 BONNEVL'E AC '61 BONNEVLE AC '61 CHEV.

4-dr. HT, AC '61 T-BIRD HT. AC '61 OLDS S88 Conv '61 CHEV. Impala HT '61 OLDS Sfarfire Conv. '61 RENAULT Dauphine '61 FALCON, auto, '61 CORVAIR 4-dr '60 FORD Sta.

Wag. A '60 RAMBLER V-8 Wagon '60 A. HEALEY Sprite '60 CORVETTE '60 RENAULT Caravelle '60 BUICK Electra. AC '60 FALCON AT '60 CHEV. Impala, AC '60 PONT.

Vent. HT, AC '60 BONNEVILLE Conv. '60 FIAT Multipia '60 OLDS 88 Conv '60 CHEV. Conv '60 MGA Rdstr '60 PONTIAC Ventura HT 60 DODGE HT, Stick '60 FORD Starliner '60 OLDS 88 HT '60 VALIANT 4-dr '60 ENGLISH FORD '60 RAMBLER Super '59 VOLVO 2-dr. Sed '59 OLDS 88 Wagon '59 IMPALA HT '59 FORD 6-cyl.

4-dr. '59 AUSTIN HEALEY Sprite '59 AUSTIN HEALEY '59 VOLKSWAGEN '58 LLOYD Sta. Wag. "58 TRIUMPH TR-3 '58 T-BIRD HT, AC '58 OLDS 98 HT '57 RENAULT Dauphine '57 OLDS S88 HT '57 OLDS 88 4-dr '56 TRIUMPH TR-3 '56 CHEV. hardtop '56 CHEV.

Convertible '55 CHEV. 6 Cyl. BARGAINS '54 Buick '445 2-Dr. HT. runs and drives good.

'54 Chev s295 210 4-Dr. Voir good transportation. '57 Plym. Savoy 4-Dr. R.

WSW, bargain priced. '50 Chrys. 4-Dr. Sedan. A cream puff for its age.

FERMAN OLDS 3611 FLA. AVE. Ph. 223-3252 Open 'Til 9, Mon. thro Sat.

IN THE i CO CHEV. Bel Air, SI OQC 37 PG, clean 1 '61 Corvair MONZA CPE. Solid Black, White Leather Interior, AT, PH. 236-5974 4500 FLA. AVE.

ir Livestock-Equipment CONN MAN THIS i i-! n'A- Amrrirji'i finrst onn orcein in your home 1 1 -ji lifetime al pleaNiirf for ftu 4 family. Hear them toda 'STANFORD MUSIC "The Friendly Muaic Store" Oppoalte InivertUy of Tampa AH BUYERS are looking now in (or the car they want Make aure your In "Automobile lor Sale" of the Trimine 'lime Classified rection Dial 223-4911 now to nla.r your USED STEI.N'WA GRAND CONCERT SIZE FT. LONG EBONY- 11995 WRIGHT PIANO. ST PETE EI EC. Guitar.

Buffet Clarinet. York Sax. Burn her Alio Sax, Tampa lxian. 1012 Franklin. USED ORGANS LOWREY A BALDWINS. new Price $665 and up. STANFORD MI SIC Oppoaite University Of Tampa I GIVE YOUR CHILD one "of the world sreateftl gi(t, a musical education. II ix so to rent a ne piano built by Baldwin. For I'i. 50 week we will place a new-piano in your home.

Take a moment to dtop by A ice why the woiid'. leading rnuin A art-lata, have Baldwin. TAMPA MUSIC CO. HAPPY HOME OF FORD 2 Dr. HT.

remote control, twin xiioakers Take over weekly pymti. Mr, Auatln WE 5-2181 (90451. $5 DOWN II" ALL CHANNEL Admiral complete with table A antenna. Balance o( sm can be paid uut ft. er month.

New Guarantee Radio TV Supply Nebraska ((pen 'til 7 BIG" gtock of new TVs. Mil is. Radios in (or XIAS Slarl Now our EZ PAY PLAN. Also I'sed TV $39 up. Elect lleate.a Etc.

TV Rentals. BUTCHER TV 214 Magnolia at Plait 253-3501. 595 '58 PS. PB. AT, 229 Mobile Home Supplies TRAILER pipe A fittings.

Farm A- Home Store. 3901 E. Hillsboro, open daily A Sun. 7 AM-9 PM. MANUFACTURER'S close outi Beaut.

2 color alum, trailer awnings at below wholesale. Free bonus lawn umbrella or Fertilizer 195 Livestock For Sale 180 Interceptor angina. IS ON DISPLAY AT BAIRD'S A SIZE A PRICE TO SUIT YOUR NEEDS IS IN STOCK It is the RIGHT time to TRADE YOUR 8 Wide IN ON A NEW 10 WIDE 895 Itl FORD 4-Dr. 3' R. Fact, air FREE DELIVERY WITHIN 00 MILES Belmont Lumber Co.

30 ST A NORTH BAY PHONES 2M3901 A 241 1351 OVER 30 YEARS AT THE SAME LOCATION TODAY'S SPECIAL Al TENNANT BROS. r'ni2" White Fir SI i LATHING 195 TENNANT BROS 1 Stop Building Supplir 3701 Hillnborn Ave. Phone 1101 Hainra Plant City 752-19M ATLIN'S cond. Cadi. Sed.

DeVille Air Cadi. DeVille 4 Dr, Air. I Chrysler "300." Loaded. I Cadi. Conv.

Loaded, i Cadi. Sed. DeVille F.A.C. I Cadi. 62 Sedan, F.A.C.

I Imperial Cui.i Int. F.A.C. i Crown Imperial F.A.C. Cadi. Cpe.

F.A.C. Imperial. laiaded. Air T. Bird.

Full Power. Air. T. Bird Full Pow. FAC T.

Bird HT. F.A.C, Olds Sta. Wag. 9 Pass Plym 9 Pass Dual Air. Chev.

4 Dr Waiion. Air. Chev. Impala 4 dr. IIT.

Air. Chev. 4 Dr. HT White Chev. (mpala HT.

F.A.C. Chev 4 Dr. Impala. HT. Pontiac 4 Dr.

HT. Air. Buick LcSabre Convertible, Buick 2 Dr. HT Buick 4 Dr. Sed.

Olds 4 Dr. HT Air. Cnrvair Wag. Far. Air.

Monza Cpe. Falcon S(a Wacon. Rambler AT, RAH. Jeep 4 W.D.. ('lis.

CAB HAWKE 36 FORD 2 dr. stick. Make offer. 5135 Florida Ave. '57 FORD.

Bal. due $595, take over payments $35 mo. 7901 Fla. Ave. Ph.

235-2271 THE SIMPLE WAY to fill vacant rooms, apartments, houses, anything! Ph. 223-4911. bi a a i alum, door awnings tor the 1st 10 buyer. See display model at I Canvas 2905 E. H'boro.

'57 CHEV 2 Dr PULVERIZED Pent or Rich Soil. Clean. Member FNGA. Cennell Soil Service 243-8941 DAIRY bushel delivered Peat 50c. chicken 60c, top soil, (ill, shell.

49-4936. GRO-MOH COMPOST. DAIRY PEAT. TOB. Dust LAWN Eert 3601 I yprcss A Himcs 877-3004 ti A it iv organic Fertilizer Co.

LIVESTOCK hauling, reasonable A i ni any place. Phone 211-8404. Wl Mt i EH HORSE A PONY SALE Dec. 1st 2nd, 1961 Southeastern Livestock Pavilion Ocala, Eloi itla 150 Ponies Frl 10 A.M. 50 Quarter Horses Sat.

I P.M. nnsignmcnt Sale 57 CHEV. $1095 2-Ton C. A 2speed. '54 MACK $75 Tractor.

Air brakes, saddle tanks, 5th wheel, complete. Ideal (or lowboy trailer. 55 FORD $495 1-Ton factory stake body. '60 FORD $1395 12-Ton Pickup. Custom cab, cl*tomi grille, radio.

'53 FORD $145 2-Ton Pickup. '51 CHEV $295 '1-Ton Pickup. BAIRD DAILY SPECIAL '57 CHEVROLET Bel Air 4-Door V-8, overdrive, radio heater, tutone red white finish. It's a sharpie! $1095 4404 Fla. Ph.

237-3388 56 FORD 2 dr. Straight stick. (4 Down, (8 week. KENNEDY'S AUTO SALES 6435 Florida Ave. Ph.

239-6831 Mobile Homes Nebraska PH. 233 1631 s795 $795 995 495 395 M95 307 Nice TVs All Prices 1 $29 95 UP 17" -21" 2 PORTABLES A CONSOLES 3. EASY WEEKLY PAYMENTS 4 BUY HERE PAY HERE 5 MOST SETS NEW WARRANTY 6 PH. FOR HOME DEMO 7. YOUR CREDIT IS Gt.tiD HERE United Utilities, Inc.

4310 Nebraska 235 6971; 231-3271 Automotive II L. Cherry Ph. 245-3268 BLACK mare. Big. all-around horse.

Anyone can ride. 232-9321. i WE HAVE II good working bulls. DEMPSEY CHEVROLET Auto Accessories 220 sell. All Mostly 3 CARS BALDWIN 36x10 TRAILER, a i a.

utility room, shop, carport. All under cover and lot. William Radke, Florida Trailer Folates, Zephyr-hills, Florida. 1959 A1RSTRF.AM International. 28 excellent condition, must sell, Zephyrhills, 782-4442 MUST SACRIFICE trailer" and larae cabana.

Cash or terms. WE 5-5206. AUTO speedometer repairs Cables 97c. 1110 Tampa, 229-1325. All priced well I Brahman Vs bro.

2 Santa Gcrtrudis, excel, condit In-low market, to Hie Otto. GO FOR CB PLYM. St. Wag. '56 CADILl-flC l(JI MERCURY 30 2-Dr.

HT 55 F0RD ICC FORD Country 33 Squire, AT, ICC BUICK 4-Dr. 33 AT, H. FORD 2-Dr. "54 F0RD 3 Skyliner, puff "53 chevrolet '51 PACKARD WALK IN DODGE TRUCK 2 Charlaise A 7. 1 Brafotd, 295 M95 221 own cars.

Buy Here Pay Here. TAMPA BAY MOTORS 6606 Florida Ave. Ph. 236-8071 CAR dull? Rusted' Painted with DuPont enamel $30 OK Pamt Body Shop, 4701 Nebr. 233-7911.

PLYMOUTH, '55 convertible, V-8. automatic, radio, heater. Must sell. 877-5226. '52 FORD Wagon, $95.

Good condition 8514 Alaska afterji 1952 STUDEBAKER 4-door sedan will be sold at auction by E. S. or G. D. Harrington on Dec.

9, 196Mp.m. at 11701 Nebraska Ave. IMPALA. '61 Chev. 2 dr.

hardtop sport coupe. Beaut, red A white. AT. V-8. PS, RAH.

Orig. A in showroom cond. Only $2595, will trade, financing arranged. TONY WEIR 2802 Florida Ave. Ph.

229-2802 Auto Repairinq HAPPY FROM ALL OF US AT GOLDEN HAWKE Studebaker, '59, solid while, std. shi(t Here's the best car Studebaker ever made and it's exceptionally nice. We are closed Thanksgiving Day A Sunday. 1720 E. Hillsborough 5 licit-folds.

Priced (torn $250 up. KINO RANCH OF FLORIDA Ph Wilhslon JA 8 3692 '57 Borgward STATION WAGON J495 '59 Chevrolet Impala 2-Dr. Hardtop, Auto. Power Str. and Brakes We need automobiles.

Buy your equity Pay cash now Trade up Down Even See us before you deal J495 $295 $5 DOWN 21" ALL channel Motorola console, exatllv like new Balance n( tan be paid out $6 per month. New Guarantee Radio TV Supply 4703 Nebraska Open 'III 7 CLOSE out. TV Aerials. $1.95. 4im Nebraska Ave, al Buffalo.

231-5111. WESTINGHOUSE Television, all channel, New picture tube. Sell. WE 5-8268 14" RCA Portable TV. $119.95 PIANOS ORGANS 510" Florida Ave.

Ph, 236-5571 BAND instruments. I olds Bach. Perlect musiral gitfs Arthur Smith Music Co. 106 K. Tyler St.

Phone 223-4611. HAVE YOU HEARD (he new Baldwin oigan with PT- Available in Modem lo French provincial tl. lea A of course your favrinte iinish. TAMPA MUSIC CO. HAPPY HOME OF SHOP TWO gentle mares with beautiful black registered half Arab wealing fillies.

Pel Burro, $75. Registered Arahtan stallion at stud. Woodland Hills Ranch, call WE 0-1271. HORSES for renf Sawgrass Riding Stables, 22nd St. and Gandv N.t St.

Pete, Fla. HE 7-2367. LARGE selection or 10 wide used mobile homes. One 45x10, (rnnt kitchen. 2 BR.

Only $3295. Sun Mobile Homes, Inc. 3837 W. HILLSBORO GENERAL Auto Repairs, any model. Guaranteed.

Rebuilt mo tors, transmissions No money n. 2302 S. MacDill Ave. 253-3278. TRANSMISSIONS EXCHANG ED-REPAIR ED $19.95 Seals A Labor- Anv Model 90 Day, 4000 Mile Warranty ree Towing.

Terms Arranged BUDD'S AUTO SERVICE 1016 Honda Ave Ph. 229-1760 230 Mobile Home Parks ABSOLUTELY the best buys (in trailer lots in Florida. Also choice locations in rental parks. Contact SELLHORN'S, Tampa or Sarasota. 231 Ttucks and Truck Trailer! GARWOOD Packer on Ford Chas sis $2300-Harden -238 S.

Os- prey -Sarasota. jeeps Jeeps Jeeps Hunters attention 11 Universal 4 wheel drive 2 4 wheel drive pickups 1495 up. Parts A service GULF TRUCK SALES 2173 New US 19 Clearwater 584 0155 35' GREAT DANE CARGO FREEZER. 6" insiilalion. aluminum door A linins.

RL-30 Thermo King, 10x22 tires. Excellent condition. DOERR'S TRAILER A EOPT 905 Piatt St. Ph. 229-0234 WE.

WILL buy your pickup. Any make or model. See Georqe Smithor Tony Weir, 2802 Fla JEEP metal cab A doors. Fits up to '54. Fit st $30.

Tony Weir 2802 Fla. 229-2802 SELL or Trade. 1953 IM ton stake body. Extra good condition, sharp! See at Harvey's Amoco, 6410 MacDill Ave, '60 FALCON HANCHERO Pickup. Econ.

A XX Clean. Only $1299. Tony Weir 2802 Fla. 229-2802 See Our Selection ON GOOD NEW A USED DIESEL TRUCKS We Personally Finance Our Sale M45 150 17 RCA Portable TV. S12H 95 pic.

tube warranty and 90 1 VII MANY mnre inexpensive car to choose (rom. STRICKLAND'S AUTO SALES Tampa' Most Recommended Dealer 3700 E. Hillsboro Ph. 231-2311 '54 OLDSMOBILE. Full power, air conditioned.

5135 Florida Ave. Ph. 236-5985. BONNEVILLE '59 4-Door Hardtop Power steering brakes, automatic, radio heater, driven only 15,000 miles, white finish. BALDWIN RABBITS, Special This Week $5 pair, ijootl Breedeis.

am kind Can Deliver. Ph. 239-6482. days parts warranty. Your choice at monthly.

TAMPA TIRE CO. FERMAN CHEVROLET 2705 E. HANNA Ph. 231-5771 or 239-1157 ELECTRICAL 3 lile Bdrm fulurr Jl 3 T2-2 Romr 250 Ft Roll 195 ra 12 2 Romrx w.ih Ground 1" 45 eg. 1 Enitanrr able 26c ft Sal Wall Bonea 21 ra MASOMTE Vvnlvl Plain 65 ra 4vxl Tempered 2 9J a PITTSBURGH PAINT hulairir White AM 13 79 gal Maaonn White A olort 4 fi.r.

gal Latex Wall Paint 3 29 gal 7 Gal Turpentine HI 2h Caulking. Cartridge 29i ra. WESTERN RED CEDAR dxl 1x6 3x 4x1 No. 1 ontl Cedar 1'0 1x6 lxl 1x10 1x12 STD SB gv 2x6 Standard Jx 2x6 onil UK Sid. ..110 M.

2x4 2x6 Eroaomy 59 4S4 A 2x6 a utll Pond Pine htg 19 Auto Putts. 224 PIANOS ORGANS 5107 Florida Ave. Ph. 236 5571 AUTO OUTLET 6112-6115 Florida Ave. Ph.

237-3383 or 236-5558 '57 FORD $595 4-Dr. Station Waoon. 8, tick shift. 'S3 FORD $245 4-Door. Fordomatic, radio heater.

'53 CHEV. $345 2-Door Rel Air. Radio heater. Stick sh.ft. '56 FORD $595 2 Door.

V-8. radio A heater. '56 CHEV. $595 4-Door Power Glide, radio, '56 DODGE 5595 Royal V-8 4-Dr. Autom.

'50 PONTIAC $69 '61 CORVAIR $1495 2-Door. Stick, radio. Loadside Pickup. '57 PLYMOUTH $595 2-Door. 6 stick, radio heater.

'54 CHEV $245 Bel Air 4-dr. stick, radio. '53 FORD $145 2-door V-, stick, Mercury motor (customized needs paint). Wide Selection of Other Makes and Models Financed by Ferman 5406 Nebraska OPEN 'TIL 9 P.M. MON.

THRU SAT. 1095 150! Tampa St. Ph 229-0611 TV's, late models. Recnnd. All types.

Guar. 2o vis same location. AL SKD1TA 2020 Or. Central MOTORS, radialors, eenerntors. parts exchanged A Installed.

1717 Temple Terrace WE 4-7176 226 Motorcycles, Bicycles LINCOLN '58 CONTINENTAL 4-Dr. Hardtop Factory air conditioned, full power, beautiful dark blue with light blue top. I pel lei I MODERN portable condition. 836 0681. CLOSED TODAY BILL CURR1E FORD 1420 FLA.

AVE. Phone 229-7478 '53 CHEVROLET Pickup. Balance due $387, take over payments 55.83 week. 1810 Florida Ave. Ph.

229-2061. WE can sell vour car. Tampa's oldest Auto Brokerage. With 1.000 cars yearly sales experience. Opm "Til 9 daily.

Ph. 236-5584. WANT AD. Ph. 223-4911 '55 FORD 4 Door, 6 cylinder, std.

shift, tutone paint, very tlean. $17 month. No money down; Sceat 9308 Fla. Ave. SWEET AS A MOTHER'S LOVE 1957 Chevy 2 door hardtop A Sweet Car Ripe and Heady $50 week 4316 Fla.

Fleetwood Motor Co. 5608 Florida Ave. No Money Needed With Qualified Credit '58 Ford V-8 (765 58 English Fnrd $519 56 Mercurv Wag 9 Pass $695 '56 Line. Prom. 2 dr.

HT $6 '56 Chev. Bel Air 4 Dr. V-8 $595 '57 Plym. 2 dr $695 No Tricks Or Gimmicks Good Aulomobiles at A Price Ph. 236-0501 HARNESS AND SULKY PONY RACES FLORIDA'S NEWEST SPORT SUNDAY, Nov.

26TH 2 PM FAIR GROUNDS BROOKSVILLE, FLA. BRAND NEW Poeo Bueno stock saddle, two big, quiet lead ponit's. several registered thoroughbreds. La7v 11. Ranch, Hulsey Hit oif w.

Waters. USED Spinet Organ MADE BY CONN $495 EASY TERMS Cannon's 300 Franklin OPEN MONDAY EVENINGS THE largest display of new A used trailers on the west coast. All sizes A models. 1. 2, 3 bedrooms, bov A- Kirl rooms, front A rear Bits, bath A- Vt.

Save $600 to $800 A still get a quality coach. BAGGER'S 6401 NEBRASKA AVE. TRAVEL trlr." Self cont. Like new. $1695.

Finance. 877-3024 '37 NEW MOON, 35x8'. Good condition. Reasonable. 498-2481.

1958 NASHUA 8'x40 Excellent condition. $2.500. WE 5-3939. Don't Miss Seeing 1962 NEW MOON IT'S RECKLESS TO PAY MORE FOOLISH TO PAY LESS Decker Mobile Homes Hid BI( YCLES all sizes- $10 and up. Take old bike in trade.

Repair all makes. 5225 Florida Ave. 56 Triumph Cub 200cc $250 57 BSA Golden Flash S550 Harnev's Sales 876-0646 '57 Ford Victoria, 2-Dr. Hardtop, V-8, Auto. Trans.

WHERE THE FINER CARS ARE OVER 50 TO CHOOSE FROM 1952 MG ROADSTER FAMOUS Classic by "MG" of England, Black lacquer finish, beige leather interior, new White top, tonneau cover. A tire cover. True mint condition. A bona fide $1395 value priced to sell today at only $895. SEE THIS! 1960 CONV.

COUPE BEAUTIFUL original metallic finish with harmonizing leather interior, new $125 Orion top. Radio A heater -Power steering A brakes. This 1960 Dodge is In showroom fresh condition-has 15.000 actual miles- Sold new for over $4,000, our full price only (1895! 1958 OLDSMOBILE 4 DOOR hardtop Sedan in truly original factory fresh condition throughout. Has all factory extras including power windows, sent A- AIR CONDITIONING. A $5,000 automobile new our special price is only $1595.

1958 FORD WAGON 4 DOOR Country Sedan Model. With all factory extras A that "Fresh showroom look!" One owner since new. 25,000 actual miles. A bona tide $1395 valfie for onlv $995 today! TOM WOLFE AUTO SALES 9390 Florida Ave. WE 5-1143 Closed Thanksgiving new.

Jack $1890 TV IT" $35.00, 21" $45.00. refrigerator, lale model $55.00. See Thurs. 5000 S. MacDill.

I SED sets $19 .50 7708 Florida. 21" ADMIRAL ALL CHANNEL MAHOGANY CABINET NEW SET GUARANTEE FREE ANTENNA TAKE over balance o( $96, $5 down ami $5 75 per month Radio TV Service Co. 1036 HILLSBORO AVE. OPEN 9 TIL 7 HARLEY XLCH, Hi-Fi Blue. Best 937-4669, 'Tarpon MACK TRUCKS, Inc.

1960, like offer. Call Springs. 3 1428 FLA. PHONE 229-2196 EOpen 8 A.M. 'til 9 P.M.

Mon. Thru Sat. I I .1 1890 Phone 229-7981 604 S. Morgan 181 Livestock Wanted die ft, i ft. ft MOLDING 1 Door Ti in.

Seta Tt Miami A Clam sh i'-t Miami A Clam sh. 1x2 (Tear Fir Doer Jambs SPE( IMS 695 4' Calves and Hogs Phone 241-84(14 IF 1I MODEL GreUch Rancher Jumbo Flattop guitar with case. 832-9011. SAVE $300 1 (iS WuHiUrr Electronic Spinet Orjn JuM one at thin price. omparp our prices on all Electronic rhord Organs.

UNBELIEVABLE GoURLIE MUSIC CO. 316 7c St. 229-2844 ORGANS -STANFORD 200-Car Selection DICK ALBRITTON 1419-27 FLA. AVE. Phone 229-0669 Phone 234-0251 '59 CHEVROLET Vi panel.

Real clean A ready to work. Tony Weir 2802 Fla. 229-2802 WANT truck in good condition. Pay cash. Phone 229-2519, 251-1112 '57 CHEV.

"2 hydramatic. Ready for hunling. Onlv $795. Tony Weir 2802 Fla. 229 2802 HUNT 200-Car Selection DICK ALBRITTON 1419-27 FLA.

AVE. Phone 229-0669 Ph. 231-5131 Sun. 1 to 5 Neoraska Ave. Eves, 'til 8 PM I 33 bag 2.

ft ime ft. $9 40 keg 24t ft. 1125 M. Ife tt ft. 184 Farm Equipment Orange State Motor Co.

40 Years in Tampa Area FARMALL 40(1, with fast hitch, live hvdraulic system, excellent rubber $21 75 157 Radio and Equipment BUY SELL-TRADE Ham. surplus. 233 Car Wanted '59 PLY. Savoy 2-Dr. 5899 '59 MERCURY Club Sedan.

Loaded $1J99 '59 BUICK LeSabre 4-Dr. Full Power, n. H. One owner $1499 '58 PLY. Belvedere 4-Dr.

AT, VS, Tutone $699 '56 CAD. '62' 4- Door Full Power. Fact. Air Cond. Extra Sharp $899 '55 CAD.

'62' 4- Door. Loaded $499 227 Moror Bikes Scooter ALL NEW H-D PACER 175 re. SEE IT NOW! Bank financinq. BARNES CYCLE CO. 1707 Grand Central.

CASH FOR USED SCOOTERS 1619 Gr. Central 233-5792 VESPA MOTOR SCOOTERS Wo. Id's Finest New A Used MR. BERET, INC. 1619 Gr.

Central Ph 253-5792 BILLS HARD TO PAY? Sell things you're through with through Want Ads for CASH. Call 223-4911. itinera i Wire '60 Chevrolet Auto. Factory Air so 11 door closure. TRUCK SALES 3 BIG LOTS OPEN TODAY 'TIL 7 P.M.

NO DOWN PAYMENT With Qualified Credit '58 Plym. s799 Belv. 2-Dr. HT. AT.

PS, PB, R. H. '54 Pont 2-Dr. HT. AT.

WSW. '60 Fordsl 499 2-dr. FL 500, AT, tutone red and white. '61 Station Brook-wood 6 std. shift, solid white in color.

'59 Olds" s1 799 88 4-dr. HT, AT, PS, PB, WSW, tutone, blue. SHARPE CO. Tampa's Authorized Cadillac Dealer SPECIAL S-A-L-E 1960 Cadillac sedans, coupes DeVilles Six beautiful cars to choose from. All eguipped with factory air conditioning, full power, radio heater S'JGOt at the low, low price of only 3 '61 Cadillac Coupe DeVille Olympic white trimmed in black nylon white leather.

Air full power, radio SsiCQl heater. Only 433 '59 Pontiac Catalina 4-Dr. Wagon Factory Air Cond. Power steering and brakes. Radio, heater, power seat, new WW tires.

S'JfiOK Very clean. Only ZUT3 '60 Rambler Ambassador Sedan Factory air, power steering brakes, $170C radio heater. Clean I "59 Buick Electra "225" Convt. Solid white with red leather interior. Full power, qj radio heater.


229-6105 mmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmm SPECIALS Yard DEMPSEY CHEVROLET FARMALL I B. trader hlade, ro-(ary mower, e.xeellenl rubber $845 1000 E. Lafayette St. TRACTOR SPECIALS i 1 USED 50ii gal. Hardle sprayer 1 USED rebuilt John Deere grove Prices Celiverie small Quality Costs Only A Little More YES.

(or Just a very little more than a cheap second line piano, yuu can own a brand new HIGHEST rash dollars (nr vour car. 7901 Fla. Ave. 235-2271. CASH (or cars U.S.

A foreign. rom Wolfe 9390 Fla. WE 5-1145. we're particular but we pay ton dollar (or clean late model American A Foreien used cars '57-'61. NATIONAL AUTO SUPERMKT.

I 1711 JE. Hillsb. PH. 237-3323 I WANTED: Wrecked Jeep, small Nash, or 4 1 1 car. WE 5-8580.

1960 COMET 2-DOOR Automatic, radio and heater, glistening white finish. s1550 1954. 4 DOOR Century Buick. Excellent condition. 259-0923.

AUTO INSURANCE CAR HOME BUSINESS MASON AGENCY WE 5-5649 '56 LINCOLN Convertible. Owner must sell $850. WE 8-5311. 1960 ANGELA Ford New sty Almost new. $175 cash, keep up monthly payments.

1306 12th Ave. 242-8961. TAMPA s1695 WANT AD, Ph. 223-491 1 47 Swop For Thor '58 FORD Sta. Wagon '57 FORD Sta.

Wagon '57 PLYMOUTH Hardtop '57 FORD '56 MERCURY '59 FIAT 53 CHEVROLET $595 $395 $395 $395 $295 $195 $195 95 tractor SEVERAL other good reconditioned tractari in stork, Mid-State Tractor Co. Wurlitzer Piano Mobile Homes 2211 E. Broadway Ph. 248-1167 228 SHOTGUN'S. 30 30 rifles, lor anything Art'.

96(18 Pistols Neb '53 PLYMOUTH AS LOW AS S12.39 Preferred Used Cars '55 FORD $299 TUTONE Royal Blue, high performing V-8 engine, easy automatic drive. King size value. Totally financed. ONE DOLLAR DOWN, $3 weekly. Tampa Auto Brokerage 4830 Florida Ave.

Ph. 236-5584 "59 Ph. 229-1677 3019 Florida Ave. HAPPY TVs, Test eq. etc.

Electronics Swap Shop. 1783 Hillsboro USED Motorola 2 way systems, base A mobiles. New system guarantee. Tampa Television Labs. 510 S.

Howard. 253-0081. 159 Office Equipment DESKS CHAIRS FILES BUDGET PRICES! nmm Equip. Co. 2008 C.r Cent.

FLORIDA'S largest slotk. Used i Office I- urnMare Super Market, I 104 Franklin. Ph. 229 7445. I STEEL A wood olc.

(urniture. Ofc. supplies. Fulghum's 223-3708. GOOD used desks $20 up.

Royal port typewriter $24 up. Jenkins CO. Ph. 229-0853. BURROUGHS Bookkeeping Ma-) hine.

Cost over $2400. Like new, See Ruth at 5800 Nebraska, i USED to.yinii machine, like new, I cheap. Call Bill Corbett, 223-321. 160 Typewriters Addinq Mch Used Typrs. Add.

Mch Repair LAUGHER! i I E1CK MACH I 1904 Grand Central. Ph. 253-6594 I SELL. KENT. REPAIR.

BUY i TYPEWRITERS. ADD MACIIS he. Our Rental Purchase Plan KNOX Mobile (tttriMun Will dt lor lots, car Ph WE -1653 185 Poultry and Supplies Wl AIL A PHEASANT BROODERS A INCUBATORS Svlvain's 4718 E. 300 I' CAGES, 1 year old. 25c each.

Phone 187 Doqs, Cats, Birds, Pets PODGE '54. 4-door sedan, autn. radio A heater, cleanest, car in town. You must see this one to appreciate it. We are closed Thanksgiving A Sunday.

1720 E. Hmsborough "55 CHEV. 4 Dr. Sed. Bal.

due" $345. take over paymts $22 mo. 7901 Fla. Ave. Ph 235-2271 '59 CADILLAC SED AN DEVILLE air conditioned, full power A equipment; purchased new by local insurance executive, driven 11,721 careful miles, showroom condition in every way, $3,295.

Traded on new Cadillac. Remember pampered Cadillacs by Quality Autos, cor. U.S. 19 A- 38th Ave. N.

St. Petersburg. Our reputation is a prized asset. 01 TRIUMPH Sta. Wag.

Bal. due $695. take over paymts $40 mo. 7901 Fla. Ave; Ph.

235-2271 '59 CHEVROLET V-8, 4 DR. sedan, auto, trans, radio A heater, power fac '59 Austin Healey Roadster, Radio. A Real Sports Car 995 Have "V-iin, fcwN'ER Move ru '54 Chev. Bel Air Sed. TUTONE Aquamarine A Ivory.

Standard drive with economical 6 cylinder performance, custom deluxe extras throughout. Totally financed. ONE DOLLAR DOWN, (6.50 weekly. Tampa Auto Brokerage 4830 Florida Ave. Ph.

236-5584 '59 CADILLAC Convertible, White Air conditioned. 21,000 miles Showroom fresh. Traded on new Cadillac bv authorized Cadillac Dealer. $3195. Quality Autos.

Corner U.S. 19 A 38th Ave. N. St. Petersburg Top for Your Car See PAUL BARE PACE PONTIAC.

9210 Fla. Ave. IMMEDIATE top cash for cars. E.I Andersen, 1010 S. Howard.

254-1951. HIGHEST prices paid for iunk cars. Ph. WE 5-0940. WE PAY $25 A UP FOR JUNK CARS PH.

248-2792 HIGHEST prices paid tor wrecked or iunked cars. Adams Auto Parts, Hwy. 301. Ph. 248 1173.

TOP Dollar for '37 A up wrecked tars. AAA Auto Parts 3334 W. Main St. Ph. 876-9331 THOUSANDS RELY on Classified ads in solving daily problems.

To sell, rent, buy, hire. Phone 223-4911. Welcome to Florida BUYING your (irst or trading (or your las( mobile home? You will I regret our services. New 16x40. also 20x4O's, all electric'! are here.

A surprise awaits you at the low cost completely furnished. Deed to choice lot available with income i( you want it. Also new 16x50 all electric Owosso. Another load of Shastas, self contained, arrived. Write, phone or visit S-E-L-L-H-O-R-N "ENJOY IT NOW.

PAY NEXT YEAR" WHITE P.O. Box 790, Tampa, for list of bargains on West Coast ol Florida. Also income opportunities. U.S. 301, So.

248-3986 3073 W. Hillsborough 877-4711 5800 Nebraska 235-5231 6500 N. Trail, Sarasota 355-6356 Alalia Tr. Estates U.S. 301 40-4331 PRIVATE owner 1955 2d' Sportsman, A-l condition.

Tub. shower. Take smaller trailer in trade. 235-8454 after 5 deekdays, BUYS ALL. Aluminum mobile cruiser.

Pius large 10x20 aluminum jalousie cabana. Ph. 877-2409. 28' HOUSE trailer, tandem axle, electric brakes, lull bath. Needs a little repair.

$350 cash. 3914 W. Allva. 1959 "CURTIS," 2 BR, 36', just like new. $2395.

1951 33' PACEMAKER. 2 BR. new paint, excellent. $1295. 25' GLIDER, tandem wheels.

$395 EASY TERMS Kirk's Trailer Sales 9702 CENTRAL AVE. NOW SEE HERE! THE most complete line of Travelers, 16' to 33'. 10 Witles in all ranges. 1-2-3 BR Fla. (inesi display in 20 wides Monteray.

Mark. Yellowstone, Liberty. Sunliner. Fan Little Gem, Delmar, Miramar Slade's, Inc. per month fui kemioahd 4.

including beautiful mat king Bench, open mon til p.m. Arthur Smith Music Co. E. Tyler St. Ph.

223 4611 SEEMS EVERYONE HAS TOP QUALITY PIANOS NOW HI. I ONLY STANFORD MUSIC Has Story Clark And Kimball Pianos 2812 E. HILLSBORO Ph. 223-4228 1957 DIAMOND-T DIESEL Tractor with box sleeper, very clean A ready to go. 1956 WHITE WC22PLT, factory sleeper tractor, very clean wgood rubber.

32' 6" TRAILMOBILE TANDEM tr.iilor wThermoking unit. Completely rebuilt tandem. 201 S. TAMPA Ph. 223-4221 Ext.

53 7960 GM(J DB 7005 Tractor sleeper cab. Good rubber, ready to roll. 1957 GMC 551 TRAITOR, conventional cab, plenty ol rubber, ready. 1958 WHITE WC 22 PLT Tractor. Good rubber.


i TINY registered chihuahuas, also Toy Fox Terrier puppies, studs. I 49-4061. BARBARA'S POODLE SALON EXP. urooming. THE BEST.

Opp. N'Gate. WE 3-46(3, WE 8-3783. POODLES clipped 15, Minialure black Poodles $100. Boxer pups TOP DOLLAR! CASH TODAY FOR YOUR TRAILER OR WILL SELL ON CONSIGNMENT.

WATSON'S 235-6201 1959 STREAMLINE, Awning A hitch, airplane construction. A doll house. See It at Nixon's, 12408 Florida Ave. 15' Trotwood 23' New Moon 1350 30' Peerless, Tandem whls. $695 35' Knox.

2 BR $1993 Emery s. 4700 E. H'born. 235-7031 21' PALACE $400 cash. Eloriland Trailer Park.

301 E. Linebnuiih Ave. SILVER STREAK, late model, sell contained. This trailer is like new A completely deluxe. Combination bus A electric re-frigerator, air loam twin beds.

This is the nicest travel trailer on the West Coast, priced at ui its original cost. BAGGER'S 6401 NEBRASKA AVE. vVn'dale-VanDyke- Ritz -Craft INTRODUCING '62 models. 36', 55' from Fla Mobile Home Show. We specialize in clean, used trailers.

Everything cuaranleed. RAl TRAII ER SALES. Service i Ins Plant City. 752 2576. trailer 8' you Wrll "Florida, JTa tiiidc let "WE 3278 Save 'M or '6i TE Flora FLORIDA AVENUE PHONE 229-7131 Formerly Boyle Mtr.

Co. BUICK CORNER HILLSBOROUGH NEBRASKA AVES. 3800 Fla. Ave Ph. 229-8839 EAPER1EM I- tory air cond.

builders in (me ii out it. rxair trad atcae. '60 Olds 4-Dr. Hardtop, Auto. PS and PB Elec.

Seats, Factory Air Cond. pianos over loo FLORIDA TYPEWRITER EACH 1102 GR. CENTRAL PH. 251-1352 Typewriters solo, itemed Adding Marh A Cash Registers. ECONOMY TYPEWRITER SEHV 8439 Nebraska Ave.

Ph. WE 5 5 156 $1495 Si '53 RAMBLER '61 Chevrolet S2595 I OWNER take rar for eqt Ri Coupe Hardtop Bend i Impala 4 Dr HT PS, 8, Power Glide, IBM electric typewriter, ex. client condition. 3) W. Lafayette St, 259-0311 CHEAPER siikinds used A new thing huylu olsalc229-2222(air ATTRACTIVE Wurlltirr apmet piano i exteUenl condition, $300.

Phone WE 0-4513. 15S Mojor Appliances aCEZZ aC aOE XX tL aCZ X3C CZ if aCaC.0 Station Wagon Standard trans-mission. A low mileage beauty! '1490 '55 DESOTO V-8. FIREDOME engine. 4 door sedan, auto, trans, radio, power clean as can be.

31,000 actual miles. $895 US 1957 FORD $549 1957 FORD 5 passenger V-8, straight shift, deluxe series. Original factory paint of Raven Black with fresh custom made interior trim, set of premium tires A will drive the best. Balance due $625. Will take $549 cash or can finance the total amount.

Phone applications to Mr. Wood. 237-3784. Riverside Motors, 7939 Florida Ave. '60 DODGE Dart 2-Dr.

Sedan THIS beauty shows very few miles. Immaculate inside and out. 6 cyl. for economy. Drive it, you'll buy.

Only $1488. full Antique. 234-A Imported Sport Car SHEPPARD'S Store Fistures $299 163 '57 METRO Hardtop A REAL little puff, (lean as a pin. Prired at only $599, Nothing down and $34.80 per month. II I ATTENTION 2295 PINE corner cupboait (1 chin etc (,441 lumhus Dt 876-(l8f a.t.i, xiuens sij, voui.g Mvnah bird $35.

Other pups 15. or 232-3332. PINK POODLE WHT Sil Blk. imps. Guaranteed.

Will hold 'til VMas Grooming. 3626 Manhattan. t38-333L BOARDING PICKUP A DELIVERY SCHOOL FOR DOGS WE 9 400.1 HOARDING New runs, POODLE A ch. co*cker sluds 39.17 Souih. 7-7132 Toy Poodles White.

Cream. 13145Flonda Ave. HAVE a Mens Christmas Select your Toy Poodle now 252-1333. Poodles Toy A- mm. puppies, all colors.

Champion Toy Stud Serv-ice 211 Howard Ph. 258-6461 "60 ENGLISH FORD NE oi out iorfrts INDIVIDUAL wsr-iM-t HEFRIGS A Neb: asks ANGELA, real economy with mist sell automatic nevi WE 4 7064 RANGES $15 UP Ave. WE 4-0(188 rte- We take great pride in only handling what we consider to be the finest one owner used cars in the city of Tampa. pendable service. $895 Ml F-urntfure Fot Rent Tropicana SPAN WIDE Tampico DETROITER BEN HILL MEN'S STORE MOVING to new Marine Bank Hide about Feb.

1st. Bcauiilul show cases, wall tixtures and litht lixturea lor sale Suitable (or anv retail business. Make 01 (er. 223-3374 LARGE selection ol supermarket dozen food line-ups, dairy cases A meats Good cond installed with terms Also ice machines. "Bill" Jones, 3115 E.

Hilis-boto. Ph. 235 6141. 164 Machinery Heavy Equip 4404 Fla. Ph.

237-3388 JAGUAR DEALER HILLSBOROUGH- POLK PINELLAS-MANATEE '62 JAGUAR 3-8 Sedan '62 MG Midnet. While '62 DAIMLER HT. Red '62 TR-3 Rdstr. Red or White 62 TR HERALD Yellow or Blue 62 SAAB Red ur Blue "61 HILLMAN Convt. White '61 SUNBEAM RAPIER White PONTIAC CHIEF '54 Chev $495 SEVERAL' '58s-'59s-'60s to choose from, HOMER F.

HERNDON 200-Car Selection DICK ALBRITTON 1419-27 FLA. AVE. Phone 229-0669 DOWN PAYMENT Bring whatever cash or trading equity you have We will fi-nance the balance Full amount can be financed with qualified credit. '61 Buick S3795 Invicta Convt. Full power 'oHoi-d S2695 Galaxie 4-Dr.

V-8. COM. PS. Factory air. '60 Buick S2495 LeSabre 4-Dr.

HT. R6.H. AT, AT. Sharp. '59 Buick S1695 LeSabra 4 Dr.

AT. 'Imperial Crown 2-Dr. HT. Full Power, '58 Buick S1495 Special 2-Dr, HT. PS, PB, AT, AC.

'57 Chevrolet SI 195 210 4-Dr. Wagon. 8, Power Glide. '57 Ford S795 FL 500 4-Dr. V-, AT, PS, PB, AC.

Convt. New top. Leather interior. price. day Thanksgiving US 41 Closed Sun.

Open all 6711 Nebr 3907 Fla. Ave. '61 Rambler Classic 4-Dr. Super 3 colon in stock. '60 Pontiac S2395 Catalina 4-Dr.

HT, AT, PS. PB. AC. '59 Pontiac SI 595 Catalina 2-Dr. AT, PS, PB.

AC. '58 Cadillac $2595 El Dorado Convt. Full power, factory atr, '58 Buick $1295 Special 4-Dr AT, '57 Studebaker $795 Provincial 4-Dr. Wagon, AT, V-8, R6.H. '61 Fiat "1100" $995 Ph.

223-4902 HAWKE 60 Valiant $1695 4-Dr, wag. Fully eqpt. '59 Chev. $1295 4-Dr. 6 overdrive '60 Olds Simer "88" 2 Dr.

Hardtop. Full '55 LINC. 2 Dr. HT.

Bal. due puppies, AM German Shephetd weeks old 241-2395 $395, take over oavmts S9S mn '59 Chev. 1400 2nd AVE. Ph 223-4221 DUMP BODIES WE have several dump bodies, 8 In 12 yds. Including hoist.

All sood condition. From $500 and up. HUNT TRUCK Sales Cervice, Inc. 211 S. TAMPA ST.

Ph. 223-4221 ORANGE STATE Motor Co. INTERNATIONAL 40 Years in Tampa Area '57 DIAMOND 2 speed axle. good shape '60 INT'L BEC 182 tandem 10 yd. dump, new paint, like new.

'60 INT'L Metro-Mite, good shape. '56 HoBBS 35' Hat, single axle trailer '33 JEEP 4x4 Pickup. '52 JEEP Station Wagon, 4x4, front wheel drive. MANY MORE USED 10' WIDES 1, 2 A 3 BEDROOM MUST GO! USED APPLIANCES SHARP PENCIL PRICES REFRIGERATORS. RANGES WASHERS Approved Guarantee" AMP A LARGEST SERVICING FRIGIDAIRE DEALER OLDT-WARING 3 Store To Serve You 150..

Dale Mabry Phone 253 0173 7U2 Florida Ave. Phone 239 1194 aU rerond $69 50 1 RIG 10 (t Hetrig 44 50 HOTPOINT 29 50 KIRK'S APPLIANCE 219 Mat Dill Ph 834 201 WASHER A Dryer pair i excellent condition lor only $150 May boutht separatelv thickness plan-Art 9608 Neb. RADIAL arm saw er. Compressors. Impala 2-Dr.

hardtop 14.000 actual miles. C. J. STOLL 4404 FlL Ph. 237-3388 '51 FORD Victoria.

Bal. due $149, take over paymts $9 mo. 7901 Fla, Ave. Ph. 235-2271 1961 T-BIRD convertible, 10,000 miles.

Metallic beige, black interior. Radio, heater, w. Good one driver car. 833-6551. 7901 Fla.

Ave. Ph. 235-227 i '57 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER, 2 door hardtop, 21.000 miles, exceptionally clean throughout, full power and equipment $1,195. Quality Autos, cor. U.S.

19 A 38th Ave. N. St. Petersburg. Our reputation is a prized asset.

55 NASH Rambler. Bal. due M9j, take over payments $28 mo. (Pill Fla. Ave.

Ph. 235-2271 OPEN TODAY The Following Are Priced Right Too '55 Chev. 4-Dr. '55 Chev. 2-Dr.

Hf. '54 Buick Special Full incl. power atsennq 37.000 actual milss. "A dream." "GAS SAVERS" '60 SPRITE White 60 MGA Black-clean 58 AUSTIN HEALEY 4 pass 59 SUNBEAM Rapier 59 SAAB GT 59 RILEY Sedan 59 HILLMAN Convt.

57 HILLMAN Sta. Wag. 59 SIMCA Sedan 60 SAAB White Sedan Discount to Cash Buyers NATIONAL AUTO SUPERMARKET 1711 E. Hillsboro Phone 237-3323 CRIBS ro! bed cm pens, high chairs Ph. 223 3532 Bass Furniture 315 Fla.

A CRIBS Runaway beds $6 50 mo Southern Furn 229 7259 1 50 Furniture For Sole MAHOGANY dining tabic thairt, buHet, 5 176-0704. 105 Lincoln. CALL 04TDEN THE WORKING MAN'S FRIEND NEWCOMERS to Fionds welcome. Lei me help vou to get your credit established Com -parte line of new. usd A repossessed furniture.

Savmgt up to 509 Open 9AM weekly, Sunday 15PM ASK fOR OGDFN 15J1 Hillsboro Ave Vunl: Beds $35. Dinette chests, Bahama Lounge $29, So(abeds. BELLS 2414 MacDill TERMS 1 ROOMS of turnilurr like new Brdioom Living loom, dinette euite. Take over paymsnu of S3 per week Cab I77-6QJT. i -Tabjic 5 chair new Damaged--WE 5-2I8S RATTAN chalr, 2 lova seals, ateti Uble 255-8323.

We have used 10 wide bargains Trailer Sales 1509 W. Hillsboro Cash house trailers Ph. WE 5-0417. Evenings 233-5862 Southern Trailers 9713 Nebr. THANKSGIVING DAY SPECIAL ONE.

only. 10 wide. 2 BR mobile home. Real nice. $2795.

ONE DAY ONLY NO TRADES ON THIS ONE Sun Mobile Homes, Inc. 2020 N. DALE MABRY TRAILERS WANTED PHONE J77-2112 or 834-8221 H0 per mo A up. 1 A 2 BR on Rental-purchase plan. 877-3024.

MANY BARGAINS NEW used Your Great 1-akes dealer, Nixon Mobile Homes, 124U Florida Ave. WE 4-943. WILL PAY TOP CASH FOR VOI TRAILER TODAY EMERY'S TRLR. SALZS. 233 7051 SALE 10x20 't 11 d.

furnished cabana reen por. h. 1959 40 loo( Detrpiter. beautifully- land atapetl lot. private partv.

Ph. 40-37(4. 4-Dr Low Mileage. 1961 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL $5,795. Sedan with air conditioning and full power features.

HOWELL Inc. 3900 Grand Central 877-5887 NORTHS I RAMBLER 57 Olds "88" $995 2-DOOR hardtop. Auto, power steering A brakes. '58 Rambler $995 SUPER. '58 Chev $895 BLSCAYNE 4-Dr.

Radio. Open Weekdays 'Til 9 10409 FLA. AVE. PH WE 4-6171 '57 PLYMOUTH Bal due $495. take over payments $28 mo 7901 Fla.

Ave. Ph 235-2271 '58 Plym. Wag. '58 Ford Wag. '60 Valiant V-200 S245 '54 Dodge $145 WE Buy Puppies.

Birds A other am Animals, Petland, I77-2570. DOBERMAN pups, red" males Eais tr. mined $100, Dachshund pups. 876-1295. I HRISTM AS Special! Heidslered miniature, white ood1e puppies Sued by International Champion Very reasonable.

60-4351 TINY registered Chihuahua pups. Also stud service Phone 234 2681. PUPS $3. Kit's $2. AK( Dart $50 Basse! $60 Hamster.

Mice, Ga'or Mvnah. Finch, Parrots, Canaties FETLAND OiH-n 9 to 9. Sun 5 4335 Gr Cential 877 '2570 WANTED SMALL" AN IM ALa. TROPICAL PET SHOP 4516 Honda Ave. 232 5081 BOSTON TERRIER puppies, res istered.

Also Chihuahua puppies. Stud service, 231-4452. BLONDE female German shep herd registered Ph 60 243 MANCHESTER pups, tinv cute males 125 Phone 232-143 Apart mrnt 214 olumbia Dr. Dsvn Island '57 Chev. Wag.

4-Dr. Bel Air '58 Chev. HT. 2 Dr. Bel Air '55 Buick Special 4-Dr.

t.ti H29 H.lisboro GUARANTEED Washers" May-taps, rni'idaire-. CK. West IBgnouse, Whirlpool etc. 129 j0 and up Rebuilt and guaranteed OS Tampa oldest Max; Ucaj r. Hall MayUf 461 Flood Ave Station Wagon.

JAEGER comptessor 75 CFM, excellent condition, reasonably priced. HE 5-5815. St. Pete. LATHES, Mills, Shapera, Drills.

Screw Machines. IPOO small tools. Williams Machinery Sales. 303 Buffalo Ave I76-3435. GRADER 10' blade, $1200.

2 5 ton portable rollerJNjOO. 231-5452. I SED model 11 Hough Pay-loader (14 00x24 tuex real end. 19 00x20 lixmt tires, as is condi tion will Fla Eqpl o. of Tampa 11(1 Twiggs SPOT CASH! Yes, Clas-s i i ads turn un-needed articles into spot cash! See for vounelf! Ph.

223-4911. '53 STUDEBAKER Champ. Bal due $99, take over paymts $6 mo. 7901 Fla. Ave.

Ph. 235-2271 EQUITY in 1961 Valiant for $300, balance $1565 at $63.17 monthly. WE 4-6596. OLDS. Bal.

due $395, take over payments $24 mo. 7901 Fla, Ave. Pu 235-2271 'S3 BUICK, radio, heater. Good condition.6607N, 32nd St, IS ETTA "conv. Real nice $23.00 mth.

Phone 876-3557. 51" CHEVROLET. Bal. due $129, take over payments $8 mo. 7901 Fla.

Ave. Ph. 235-2271 59 BUICK Electra Sedan." Air conditioned. A breath taking example of pampered perfection A beautiful high gloss white lacquer finish Tastefully tailored interior of handsome fabric A leather. Driven 9,000 skillful miles bv an elderly St.

Petersburg couple. $2195. Quality Autos. Corner U.S. 19 A 38th Ave.

N. St. Petersburg. Our reputation is a priced asset 4 Dr Sedan 7200 NEBRASKA AVE. Open AM to PM Closed Sundays CLOSED THANKSGIVING CLEAN, USED COACHES 16' Sportsman $395 24' Spartan $975 1954 27' Silver Dome $1150 1954 40' Prairie Schooner 51850 l'l other coaches to choose (rum.

WATSON'S 4170 E. Hillsboro BARGAINS NEW A used trlrs. buv A aell KAYLOR TRAILER SALES 5329 Hillsboro Ph. 877-4063 l'-s miles west of Dale Mabry MODERN Vagabond and (actorv cabana, very clean. Ideal location at Municipal Trailer Park.

$2253 lakes both. Might rent (nr sea'on Ph 235-5231 Ph 223 3321 icoo Lafayette '59 PLYMOUTH 4-Dr. Exciting Things Happen when you place a classified ad in Tampa Tribune. Action starts, at once and results are quick. Ph.

223-4911. I VAILL BO. late model innea YOUR Open Sunday Week Nites 9 P.M. SHEPPARD'S IMPORTS 1413 S. Howard Ave.

Ph. 253-0139 USEFUL! That's what Tampa Tribune classified ads are when it comes to selling, buying, renting, recovering losses, finding a job and hiring good help. Ph. 223-4911. JIM BALDWIN USED CARS refrigerator 236 632! 10 Transportation Cars to Choose From S95 and up Open Sunday Afternoon FAIRCLOTH BUICK NEW AND USED CARS 908 E.

Hillsborough Ph. 239-1109 WESTINGHol. s). watber. nc pavmentt, $187 11 li I ti In I I laic litke ovei srr week.

Call THE SIMPLE WAY to fill vacant rooms, apartments, houses, anythinc! Ph. 223-4911. "Out hrre the West lipgins" 909 N. Dale Mabrv Ph. 876-5420 Phone 229-0857 OPEN SUNDAY AF1ER CHURCH WHIRLPOOL automat), washer dial, must sell, WE 8268 1950 MERCEDES Ben 130SL.

Excellent condition. Phone 253-6540.

The Tampa Times from Tampa, Florida (2024)


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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.