The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

a of of id I 0 0 at id re a TO ch be sit "Mi lej U4 ml mm ana Ld IOI a 1 Jl et In IH i fflnun iv I ATtRDAY MOKBIKG, DIC 23, 1S73. C0HHERCE AND FINANCE. FOBEIGN COMMERCE OF NEW ORLEANS. yfo are indebted to. the LVpnty Collee gndhia assistants for the folio wing Statistic of the commerce of New Or Tgjjg for the month of November IMPORTS.

As will appear from the subjoined ta iea the total imports for last month h0w falnng off as compared with the spending month of last year. The following are the total gold values as entered lfc75 NoT 1874. ToImtS lBi.BM Totals 1,661401 $1,284,556 639,529 6L450 $1,985,634 Of the above totals for the present month, the amount subject to duty was only about one third of the whole values, and about one half of the value of dutiable imports for November, 1874. The non dutiable imports, nhow a. compare rive increase, which is attributable to the heavy receipts of coffee as shown leiow.

The percentage of values brought in American vessels is below that of last year. The following table 'shows the proportion of valnea of dutiable and non dutiable imports, and also the proportions imported in Americau and foreign bottoms Nov, 187.V 1S74. l.MS,3SO 082,154 Total anbje to 544,467 Total free of duty Mld.tUS Impnrted in American bottoms Imported in foreign buttonis. 4 l.mjo $392,421 1,593.113 The subjoined list comprises the principal items in detail. The gold values are given $0,011,40 5ti.6i6 90.683 20,248 54,552 91.622 47.124 14,611 23,762 20,314 18(85 Ooid com Silver coin Cotton good.

iron and Html, manufactured Hiurar, brown Wines Ppirita SanUnes Flaxaianufacturwl Wool, manufactured Leather ami manuiaeare of Fruits i yauey goods, Ciars Mimical instruments Other 14.SWH) 4.24 17.X6 13.629 7,021 6,27 112,654 Total $1,661,101 The receipts of customs for Lint month and for November, 1874, were as follows: Nov. 1875. Nov. 1874. flUL $180,5.

0 24 $206,873 99 Ctartwy 27.391 64 70,474 55 7 $277,348 54 EXP OUTS. The total exports for the month amounted to $0,503,188 against $7,612,686 in November, 1874,, showing a comparative increase of near two millions. The following list comprises the principal articles exported in 1875, of which it will be seen, cotton absorbs nearly the whole amount. The values are in currency Quantity. Value.

Cotton, bales $9,339,896 pounds "PI on r. bills mums 4 37,114 12.. 5 till cake. lb 914.225 Cotton seed oiL HO.3 Bacon and hams, lbs. 5,427 Beef, lbs 4,900 Butter, IImi 3,344 Cbeeee.

Urn. 2,195 Sugar, brown, lbs 1,460 renaeU, 442 Tanow, 70,702 leaf tobacco, lbs Staves, shingle, Other exports. 13,855 638 332 961 22 115 52 6,713 3,190 12,896 74.519 fl.503.18S FINANCIAL. Ficaytne Office. Fiiday Evening, Dec.

24, 1S75. NEW OUUUkSB CLKARrNG HOUHK. fTlearinirm. Balances. De.

18.. Dee. 20 Dec 21 Deo. 22 Dec 23... Dec 24 $2,133,39 13 2,632,122 44 2,607,053 39 2,346,687 20 1,954.440 79 2,364,176 33 HO 163,597 71 220,399 22 354,822 45 174.212 21 205.709 56 Total thin wek.

$13,977,874 2H $1,558,529 15 Total last week, 13.355,718 HO 1.353,325 81 "Total week before.J.3,325,374 56 1,233,088 25 It was a dull day in business, with the exception of the cotton trade and those merchants whose wares are in demand to usual requirements of the Christmas season. Afany of the latter have been hard at work since early iu online, and judging from. the crowd of pnr chasers which thronged Canal street, they have had such a run of business as to give them cause to regret that Christmas comes but once a year." lit consequence of the innumerable small purchases for the benefit and en joyment of the nsinff generation in our community, there wao prononneed der maad at all the banks for fractional enr and in some quarters many coin plaints of its great scarcity. The demand for discounts was limits! both in bank and on the street. A notlerate movement was reported in gold foreign exchange, the latter cltxuna: New York sieht was in fair and good demand at unchangwl Zaps.

nly 2k few sales of Stocks were re JXTed. City Bonds were without niove it, while New State Consols were in on demand at an advance. Wtnotice that the New Orleans aud Carhilton Railroad Company declares a bvjthud of three dollars per share, pay a and after the 20th proximo. emtinue to quote exceptional pa at 9 ia cent, per annum Al do. ll, and second grafle at 15TS.

xirst cU, mortgages "still rule at Q'aJlO Pt eent per annum second grade con tmpe entrely nominaL. tld coened at 112'4'2)113, against llo1 at Sv York, and after a moderate btwiness coaed at 112'aH274, against 113 that narket. The sales eunmvHl 'm' embracing $10,000 at 112V, and fcvin a ii't ftin imn at. i'tM and $11,000 at 113. salea Silver were reportetl.

American hnf dollars were still quoted ttlWVaWUVi. and Mexican dollars at Forgn excluige was a little stronger, io the movusnt was moderate. The uegof sterlin; amounted to ompnsingjei5 continental bill of lad 1 biU of lading at T5.40. do. at i425.42V8, 1000 do.

at 5 do. at and1300ba (thirty thiys) at5JM. rha sales of fjjies romprised 355000 mmerciaU embieing 754)00 at 4.t54;W'2 oJ'100 at 4:. and 50,000. 50.000 and 150,000 at 4.63, We also noticed a bankit 4)0.

I 0,086 "ternjj bills rere quoted for bill of latlingandAl ta.aiKl 5.44 for bank (conn iM! w5 47). nd francs at 4.64 t'a bank. commercjj, and nominal for offerings of ISwYorlc sight were ttir extent and mt a good demand at rates. Tk comprise 1 emhratine Jinnm nirr.ia.l. and $0,000 private bank "nd mmi l.n.nk at 7 irt.

HUM bank at 7 lrt, and $33000 private ba kers' at IWe notice a sale of conuuereial Tpdence at M. v.l panke continued to cheek on New A1HA vx i disonnt, ami cjalwit was etill tjoted at 7 16, The sales oi Stocks included 8 shares St. harles Street Railroad Company at $72. SO Louisiana National Bank; at $107 and some shares of the Creacent Insurance Company, of which the transactions were not reported. City continue ouiet.

No sales were reTorted. New Stat Consols were a little hitrher. being held at 56fe56'4, njrai ut. 55 yesterday. Tbe sales inclatletl $1000 and at S6, $J000 at 56, and $10,000 and fioxooatsti1.

No eaJm of Citv Serin. Metropolitan Police Warrunts or State Warrants were ported. Picayvne Office. Friday Evening, Dec 24, 1S75. COTTON.

WS50 bales, at prices requiring no change in uur quouiiioua. uivo u.imt uia tiirnres and renort of the Kxchanee. as below? AKEBICAX ETAXUABD Oeii' OF CUkWIIFtCATJOH. 1 Quotations. Kx.

Q. a Low 10 lOH 1U1 lOHiO lOt 101 1 11 Vi 12,512. 123413 13al33 14 o148 a Ordinary lOA ioi i'ia4 12a 13' r.iru'1 oitimtuy CHkhI i Mrict Oi diuary low Midtttinfr Strict Low Strict MillluiK Gooil Ml.Wliijg Fair. Fair With nothing in the tlispatches to have mnch influence, and no variation in ex change, the market opened with a good inquiry, but the movement did not exhibit much activity until after meridian when it became quite active, resnltine in sales to the extent noted above. The better qualities were generally firm with a tentleucv to outside ngures, and occa sional Hales at a fraction more, but the medium and lower grades showed even, increased irregularity, leaving the inside ngures.

with exceptional transactions at leHH. A very good style of Low Middling sold at 11 Strict Low Middling, high style, at and Strict Middling to CJotnl Middling at 13c. and 13l 4e. The sales of the past three days sum up 30,500 bales, (11,700 on Wednesday, 9250 yenterday, including loOU late not reported until to day, and 0550 to day,) making an aggregate for the week of bales, against 60,200 last week and 51,100 the week before. Week's receipts 72,721 bales, embracing 9244 from other delivery ports, (of which 4033 from Mobile, 7 from Floritta, ami 5204 from Galveston, and 63,477 proper, against 62.621 proper List week ami 43,180 last year.

Total proper since August 31, 580,440 bales, against last year increase 90,286. The exports comprise 55,118 bales, embracing 28,845 to Liverpool, 8510 to vre. 1597 to Rouen, 1906 to Antwerp, 4943 to Bremen, 1180 to Naples, 1411 to Genoa, 1 to Havana. 1588 to Providence, and 5135 to New York, to which we have added 288 byraiL The telegrams mase tne receipts at all the ports, from 12 M. yester daV to 12 M.

to day. 29,728 bales, against 33.864 last week, and 20,781 last year, and since Friday 197,131 bales, against 195,109 last week and 162,616 last year. Total since August 3V 2,153,870 bales, against 1,960,281 up to Thursday noon, Dec 24, last year, (excluding the above 20,781) increase 193.589. Exports (Friday to Thursday inclusive) to Great Britain 82.183 bales, against 81,209 last week and 76,025 last year, and to the Continent 46,093 bales, against 47,318 last week and 26,845 last year. Exports to all ports since Sept.

1 To Great Britain 711,012 bales, against 768,151 last year: to France and the Continent 429,144 bales, against 226,385 last year; total to Great Britain and the Continent 1,140,156 bales, against 994,536 last year. Stocks at all the delivery ports made up to 12 751.420 bales, against 708,507 last week and 779,070 last year. The week's receipts at the chief interior towns embrace 53,037 bales, against 58,280 last week, and 39,846 last year the shipments 42,491 bales, against 46,327 la st week, and 30,241 la. year, and the stocks 122,150 hales, against 117.869 last week, and 156,405 last year. Compared with, last year this shows an increase of 13,191 bales hi the receipts and 12,250 in.

the shipments, and a decrease of 34,255 in the stocks. The Exchange makes the amount on shipboard, not cleared (before to day's exports), 92,940 bales, embracing fcr Liverpool, 30,948 for Havre, 7946 the North Sea, 35)10 for Bremen, 1029 for Spain, 2338 for the Mediterranean, and 2273 for coastwise ports, leavi ng in presses, agreeably to its account at 12 140,587 bales. If we deduct from this the amount sold but not yet delivered, the balance will be about 103,000 bales, to rej resent the quantity unsold, a large part of which is withheld from the market, in transit, or not yet sampled. At nwn to ilay, Middling was quotd at 12c. at Galveston, 12tc.

at Mobile, Savannah, 127'S)13c. at Charleston, 123fec. at Wilmington, 12 9 at Norfolk, 127c. at Baltimore, 13 Vic. at New York, lSVfcc.

at Boston, Wucat Memphis, 12'4C. at Augusta. 113c. at Shreveport and 11 at Jefferson. The Exchange reports: "Sales 9 "00 bales: better grades hrm, lower grades irregular." COTTOX 8TATEMKST.

Bales. Stock on hand Sept. 11S75, 9,976 Arrived tnce butt Atatenxml 9.979 Arrived yreviotiHly 682,096 692,075 702.051 Cleared toay Cleared previously 465,948 Stork on hand and on hip board, not cleared 236,10., Co. same time lattt year 222,783 To day's exports embrace 1968 bales to Havre, 1597 to Kouea, 1906 to Antwerp, 1 to Havana, and 1314 to New York, to which we have 276 by sail. We have added to previous exports 65 bales for corrections of clearances.

Receipts proper since last evening 8613 bales, against 8069 on last Friday, and none last year. For cmparative totals for the past three days, exports and alstve report. TOBACCO We did not hear of a transaction to day. The amount on sale is estJmatetr at 2250 hhdsl We continue to quote as follows: Low lugs 77Mc, good at 8 low leaf at W8VZc medium at 135) Wc good at 15a17e. and tine at lS'a) 20c.

TOBACCO STATEMKST. Hid Stock on hand Sept 1. 1875. 3,212 Arrived past three 22 Arrived previously 4101 623 3.X3.1 Exported past three days Exported previously Broken np for baUng, city cou Bunrption, eto none 6H3 338 1.221 COMMERCIAL. Stock on hand, 2,614 FBEIGHTS A ship was taken up today for Iaverp joI at sd.

for cotton, 1 for Havre at 14 cM aud 1 for Russia at ll 10d. Yesterday we reported a ship for Havre at lae. The week's engagements embrace 6 ships for Lirerpool at 5 for Havre at 1 1 for Cork for orders, 1 for Russia atll 16tL, 1 for Malaga at l'ic, and 1 for Genoa at 1 A lOo. We continue to quote as follows By steam. cotton to Liverpool ll to New IPork to Boston, Providence, Fall River and Baltimore, via New York, lc.

sn.flrar to New York $7 per mo lassea $2 50 bbU rice 1, tobacco $10. By sail cotton to Liverpool to Havre to Bremen 21 32d. to Revel ll ld. to Genoa 1 5 16c; SUGARr Reoeived this morning 203 hhds. The demand continues gootl but at weak prices and the supplies sold at Inferior common gootl common good tuir fully fair prime j.

r. 7Mta74c. strictly prime 71rc, choice 7Vtc erav clan tied yellow elarihed SVfe'aJSc otl white clarihed 8" aoc. white clarified gvaige. id.

Strck in the hela 2749 bhds. MOLASSES Received this morning 3951 barrels and 14 half barrels. The mand is good at strong prioes for all grades, choice ruling hicher. The puea soiu at JWai.HK'. ior interior, ow nc.

for common, 40 for fair. 42'il5r. forprime. 48'51c. for strictly prime, for choice.

Stck in the sb Is 10.292 hi ls. and 92 half FLOUR Only a local demand wb, and the sales are conlined to 1000 of which 50 and 50 low treble extra at 5, 50 and 125 choice treble extra at $5 75, 10 0 choice extra at 6, and 150 at $6 25 bbL Common ia quoted at $3 75, suoerfine $4, double extia $4 25, low treble extr; 75, good treble extra $6 25, choice treble extru 5Q'a5 75, choice extra 50. fancy f6 TS 25 bbL CORN MEAL No demand and quoted nominallv at $2 50 bbl. It ia jobbing, at 2 75 bbl. GRITS Dull and selling slowly at $4, and jobbing at $4 50 bbL )RK Mess is quoted in round lots at $21 25to21 50 and detnhmL It is jobbing at 21 7522, and retailing at $22 50 bbL 100 bbls.

mess sold in lots at $21 2521 V) bbL CORN IN SACKS Fair supply and the demand is moderate at yesterday's prices. 3250 sacks sold, of which 1000 whtfe. at 1000 do. at 700 do. at.

54c, 150 and 200 yellow at 56c. jP bashel. OATS Are in fair supply and the market is quiet at unchanged prices. 500 sacks sold, of which 100 and 300 at 47c, 100 Galena at 50c. bushel.

BRAN Light supply and only in limited iob demand. Only 100 sacks sold, at 90c. 100 Ite. DRY SALT MEAT Shoulders are now in good supply. The weather is unfavor able for.

Dry Salt Meat, being cloudy and damp, and the market is depressed in conseqnence. Shoulders are now offering at SVic. wholesale and no demand, and are jobbing at 9c "16. A car load of shoulders sold on private terms, and a car load of clear nb and clear sides also on private terms. Clear rib sides are quoted at 10 'Ac, and clear sides at lOc.

wholesale. They are retailing at Uc. alove these prices. BACON No shoulders on hand. Clear rib sides are jobbing at an.

I clear sides at lSc. 16. No demand whatever at wholesale. HAMS Choice sugar enred are in let ter supply and prices are easier tor havers. Tliey are selling in job lots at 16? 'm) 17MiC.

4 Ife. 6 tierces sold at 16c. ft. No demand for ortlinary. BREAKFAST BACON Is dull at 15 3 15M8C COW PEAS Only a small retail trada at $1 75 bushel.

LARD Is in light supply and selling in the local trade at for packers' in tierce and 134 c. for refined W'SHlc. for kear and 144e. for PACKERS' HOG PRODUCTS Prime mesa pork is selling at $19 50 2)20, ramp rwirlr 19S19 ro. nrime nork 18 pig pork $12 half bbL.

spare ribs Kittl 50 4 bbL and $8 tierce, pickled fc pigs' tongues fra6c. a piece, pigs' feet $2 4t Keg. a lot ox do uois. spare nus sum at $5 50 bbl. WHISKY Rectified is in light supply and selling at $1 1421 15 for Louisiana, and Western $1 ISl 15 gallon.

Some 50 bbls Louisiana rectified sold, in lots, at 1 15 iraUon. HAY Good supply and little or no demand. Only 50 bales choice sold at $25 ton. BUTTER Fair supply of ehoice, and only a moderate demand ordinary grades are plentiful and no demand for them. ChoiceWestern quoted Western 1720c, interior western va) 17c Id.

Choice Goshen is quoted at 33 35c, medium 28230c, inferior 23'a)25c. CHEESE Light supply of choice; larire stock of swollen and damaged, ow ing to warm weather, for which prices are nominal. Choice Western factory is quoted at 12I'S13c, New York cream 14 ai5c, JSnsrliab dairy 1617c IB. POULTRY Good demand. Wester arrown Chickens sell at fvao 50.

younsf do. $3: Ducks $3: Geese $03)7; Turkeys $lt18 dozen Louisiana grown Chickens sell at $4'S4 50, young do. 5.1 Ducks $3'a4 Turkeys $10 5'J lozen. EGGS Good supply and the demand is still moderate. Western are quoted at Louisiana 32'35c.

dozen. ESCULENTS AND GREEN VEGETABLES Liberal supply of Potato and there is only a moderate demand them. Annies ami Onions are scarce tin.l in request. Potatoes are quoted at $1 al 70. Annies 5a7.

tJmons XiZKi Sourkrout nominal at $5 bbL, Cal bajres HM). BEANS AND WESTERNPEAS Lai KO stock and no demand. Northern bea'is are auoted at 2344V 3c, white Weste a 2'A'S2lsc, red kidney Nortiu white kidney 3Mi2i)3e. Green Peas ft. DRIED FRUIT Is in good supply.

A moderate demand for apples but no d.v mand for peaches. Apples are quoted peaches at 9 10c. ft. RICE Plenty offered and very littlo demand. Louisiana No.

2 is quoted at common ordinary 4 4 S5c, fair 5J'S)5c, gmxl prima 6S H.c. cnoice oc. re HIDES Are unsettled. Country groen are quotetl at mvic, iry aaitea 9a13c, flint 10)15c re. city slaughter sales are making as fol lows: steer hides, 60 ft and upward, 9v lOc; steer hides, under 60 ft, cow hides, as they ran, kios, 15 to 30 ft.

810c; calfskins, each. Zic'ed $1 ox horns, each, 829c beeswax lb 27c i SALT Tlie stock is ample and the demand limited. Importers ax asking to arrive, find are securing storage room, intending to store if above prices are not realizeiL Dealers are asking $1 021'21 05 for coarse, and fl 401 50 sack for fine. according to quality and weight. Turks' Island is at (fo'ai'ioc.

bag of 2 bushels table salt in pockets 2 'a) lie. each, accortling to size. STAR CANDLES Light supply and fair demand. Quoted at 15'215so. ft.

Small stock and gootl demand. Prices have an upward tendency. Yesterday 100 rolls domestic jute sold at 1334C yard cash. It is retailing at 1334 14Mtc yard. India is dull and quoted at wholesale at 10c.

and at retail at lOMto. yard. COIfFEE The demand is better. 4800 bags, ex Gerthard Edwin, and 624, ex Pascal, sold on private terms to importers. We quote cargoes: Ordinary ll'titt 18c.

(gold.) fair good 20 Vk prime 20 20i ft. Job lots Ordinary 18 c. fair good 20'4c, prime 16. PECANS The market is bar of Louisiana. Light supply of Texas.

They are quoted at 124ig14c, re. The following are the sales, receipts and exports of the principal articles for the past week: Sales. Receipts. Eipts 4.172 1,337 12,900 6,819 210 1.401 559 loo 52 193 i me ar, enns k.zxz iu.nai Snicar, bbls 104 MoIummw, bbla 33,942 19,814 13,823 1,912 25,482 6,747 7,331 1,892 1,259 Flour, 9,211 Corn mwrt. bbls 825 Corn, sacka 15,000 Oat, 1,900 Hav, 1,395 PorkJbuls 352 Bacon, caska.

5 127 Dry salt meat, lbs 175,000 445,500 iry turn meatM. ouses Hams, tieroew 2B lard, tiervea 45 259 Lard, kejr 00 1,081 Whisky, uUls 130 789 CATTLE MARKET REPORT. Hti NEW ORlEAMS, Dee. 25, 1875. Arrived past week.

Sold. Stork. Wewtern Bmtm 47 47 Texas Beeves 573 124 223 Calves an) Yearliiige 723, 9o2 B75 Htura 459 309 fheep 229 1 i 229 Kiitacows 4i ea THE BIVERi PiCATtTNlS Otptice, 7 Saturday, Dec 25, 1875. The weather continues to be wax.ii. sultiy and very disagreeable we snp uiw the clerk of the weather is getting ready for the Christmas The riv er is still rising here.

Busine ss on the landing waa 'oriak a good many of the l.oata wnicn nau ueen cetameii uy iue fogamved Thursday night an I yesterday, aad tLe discharging of th ir car gvfs Tendeti to jrive the Lev a lively appei.r;ine. The few bxKits leaviui; had fair trips. HRKIVAiR. Natt hez from Vicksburg, Andy Johnson from St. Louia.

Bart Able from Bayou Sara, C. H. Xhirfee from Grand ore, W. J.Bt haii from Red Kiver, Era No. 10 from Lafourche, Mary Ida from Upper Coast, Fanchon from Ouachita River, Iberia from Lower Coast.

Ctas. Motgan for Ohio River, Mary Bell lor Memphis, Gv. Allen for Bayou Sara, B. L. Hodge for Baton Rouge, R.

T. Bryarly for Kel Jiiver, Stella Block and lenaas for Macon and Tensaa, Tete, Apsumptitm, Waloon, Frazer and Iberia, for Lower Coast, Mary Itla, and Josephine for I'pper Coaat, Fancbou for Ouachita River. KTEA3TEIW DUE. Dawn and liarry Owen from Red River, St. John from Donaldsouville.

Bertha Bruner and Frank Willard from Ouachita River, Susie Silver from Ohio River, Rhoadea from Ohio River, Lotus No. 3 from Opelouaaa, Clarksville from Attakapas, Robert Young from Lafourche, Katie from Greenville, Henry Tete from Lafourche, Mary Ida and Josephine from Upper Coast, Wawenock. Iberia and Frazer from Lower Coast, Lessie Taylor from Baton Rouge. For Ohio River. The superb and favorite packet Susie Silver is now at the upper wharf, and will leave this day, at 5 P.

for all landings ou the Ohio River to Cincinnati. D. H. Silver in command, Mr. J.

D. Lehiner, clerk. For Louis. The Mollie Moore in now receiving at the head of Girod street, and will leave this day, at 5 P. as above.

W. E. Gere, msister, Wni. Fitz Jerel, clerk. J.

B. Woods No. 104 Common street, agents. For Ohio River. The Warner and barges are now receiving opposite the head of Girod and having a portion of her freight engaged will have quick dispatch.

M. R. Fisher, master. She leaves on this evening, at 5 o'clock. For St.

Louis. The hue side wheel passenger steamer Andy Johnson will leave as alove this day, D. R. Ash bury, master. Green F.

Shields, clerk. This boat has fine accommodations aud good fare. 5 P. M. is hour of leaving.

For Vicksburg. The clipper Natchez is the Saturday evening packet for all town and way landings to Vicksburg, taking freight for the railroad at Delta, and connecting at Vicksburg with Pari sot's line of ateamers for Yazoo, Tallahatchie and Sunllower Rivers, and the Anchor Line for all Landings to St. Louis. T. P.

Leathers, master, Capt. J. F. Muse in charge of the office. 5 o'clock in the evening is her hour of leaving.

For Attakapas. The Clarksville will arrive this morning and be receiving for her return this evening for all landings on Atchafalaya and Bayou Teche to St. Martinsville This line of boats should be patronized, as they supply a want long felt of direct water communication with the Teche country, and corresponding reduction in the rates of freights when not controlled by railroads exclusively. Capt. Abe Smith is in command, Mr.

Frank Greig. clerk. She will leave at 5 o'clock promptly. For Yazoo and Tallahatchie. The Utah arrived Thursday with 931 bales cotton and 5188 sacks seed from Yazoo River, and will leave this evening at 5 P.

for all points on Yazoo and Tallahatchie Rivers. M. W. Joyce, ht agent, No. Ill Gravier street, will give all information as to freights.

This is a good boat, a large carrier, and runs well. B. F. Bealy, master T. K.

Voohries, clerk. For Opelocsas. The fine ast Lotos No. 3, in place of the Trenton, with Capt. Eng.

Qnatrevaux in command and Mr. H. Molaison in the office, will arrive thia morning and leave this evening for ali Atchafalaya, Courtableau and Bayou Des Glaizes landings. The Dos Glazes freight will be landed at Big Landing or Simspoit. The Lotus will leave at 5 P.

M. From the large numler of passengers, especially ladiea. this favorite always arrives with or leaves with, either sue is a very comtortabie boat or ner om cers very handsome and agreeable, maybe both. She certainly is a favorite with them. For Lafoitrche.

The Henry Tots, of the Crescent and Star Line, will leav this day, at 12 for all coast aul bayou landings, returning in daylisfiis down the Coast. J. F. Aueoin, master, M. H.

Landry, clerk. For Donaldsonvillk. The favorite tri weekly coast packet St. John, of tbo White Hat Line, will be at her whavt this morninar and leave at 10 A. making all the landings to Donaldson vine, inw boat since in command or Capt.

F. Bergeron baa become very popnlar, as seen by the immense trips she always brings in and the number oi" passengers she carries. Mr. E. LeBlanc is her courteons clerk.

For Grand Ecork. Capt. Dick Sin nott and his favorite side wheel Red River packet Bart Able will leave with unerring punctuality this evening at 5 o'clock for all town and way landings to Alexandria and Grand Ecore. George C. Hamilton in the office, assisted by Tom y.

The Able is second to no lraat on the Mississippi for all the gootl point of a first class steamboat, speed, safety, comfort and in charge of gentlemanly and competent offcers, with a lirst class cuisine, hat more can bo desired to render travelinar a luxury. For Lafourche. The tine, neat little steamer Era No. 10 arrived yealerdav with a full trip from the Lafourche, and will leave at 10 o'clock this morning. The Era has been placed in this trade to meet the requirements of the ever increasing trade of the Crescent and Star Line of coast and bavon packets, who owe a great share of their success to the very efficient manner in which their affairs are managed by their agents.

Messrs. Charlet Rivet. Capt. John Dalferes in command R. E.

Alba, clerk. Fob. Lafourche. The new and fast steamer Robert Young will be in this morning and leave this evening at 5. as usual, for all coast and bayou landings to Thibodauxville.

This, hue boat ai pearsfrom the immense cargoes she brine in. to be a great favorite in this trade and we do not wonder, as she is under the control of gentlemen who know how to treat their friends and patrons. U. D. Terrebonne, master, with Messrs.

W. H. and John M. Daniels and Frank Dalferes as assistants. Tor Upper Coast.

The tri weekly side wheel steamer Josephine, W. L. Cozzens, master, C. E. Applegate, clerk, will liv thia morning, at 10 clock.

for all points to Union Plantation and Hahnville. A clerk will always be found on the banding at head of Conti street, to receive freight. TYn I Tppeh Co ast. The tri weekly M. I.

Line side wheel packet Mary Ida leaves thia dnv. at 10 A. for all Coaat laTi.lincra tn TTnion Plantation. St. Jamea parish: J.

A. Ruiz, master, Ld. M. Valletta clerk. A clerk is always on the Levee, head of Conti street, to attend to her business when absent on her trips.

Vna Lower Coast. The tine low pressure Creole steamer Martha, in command of Capt. Bussett, this day, at 4P.1L, for all Lower Coast landings to the Paaaea ana iadsport, anoroing. a nne opportunity for excuraioniata to view the work on the letties. The Martha issues thmnirh tickets for the round trip eluding faro at reduced rates.

This tine passenger packet has no superior in accommodation and fare, and ahe is in charge of careful and reliable gentle men. For Lower Coast. Tb reinilnr an reliable daily packet J. F. Fruaer, und.

tne management of the indefatigabv Capt Oliver Canton, ia still in the ring and means to stay there. Sh arrives every a jr, cjn rjn, oumuiy, a iu in tne morning, and leaves in the evening at 3 P. M. A clerk will be found on the landing, head of Conti street, to attend to her interests in ner a ut ence. or Baton Rouge.

The Jnmel seenii weekly coast packet Leaaie Tay lor wiu arrive during tne mgnt and be found at the lower landing, of Bienvule street, receiving for her return trio this evening, at 5 o'clock. A11n Jnmel, master; M. Keuison, elerk. The Taylor makes all town and coast landings to Baton Rouge. capt.

oeo. Wiliunson arrived yesterday from Shreveport with his steamer, J. Behan, apparently none the worse for the rough deal she has received the last four or hve months. It mav be re membered, the Behan was sunk at bnreveport on the 21at of and al though continuous efforts were made to raise ner, tney were unsuccessful until the 19th of November, thus laying submerged for a period of four months, at one time the water up to her hurricane roof. Capt.

Wilkinson deserves a great deal of credit for accomplishing thia undertaking, hoping almost against hope, but success eventually rewarded hia efforts. The Behan ia not materially in jured, and will, in a few weeks, be aa good as new. Messrs. Jackson Manson shipped last evening by the Bryarly for Shreveport 700 sacks salt and by the Mary Bell to Memphis 250 sat ks. lne Charles Morgan left last evening for Ohio River with the following freight list 900 hlids.

sugar, 1000 bbls. molasses, 300 bbls. rice, 200 empty beer kegs, 300 bbls. 170 half bbla. molasses, 100 bbls.

oranges. 50 half bbls. oranges, 150 packages, 30 bales moss, 50 cabin and 50 deck passengers 1100 tons in alL with light engagements for sugar and molasses on the coast. We were pleased to see Mr. Tom Coone on the street yesterday, rapidly recovering from his recent illness.

clippings, The steamer Idlewild, from the Ohio Piwii. An 1. 4... 200 colored emigrants on their way from lil a at iu coasti io setuem me villages along the Mississippi River. The river at St.

Louis is rising slowlv. The City of Quincy was to load and leave ior xview jriesina on last Xmrrsday. The C. B. Church passed Louisville on the 21st on her way up with a big trip.

There are plenty of boats at Cincinnati on berth for New Orleana. The Cherokee was to leave Louisville' on the 23d or 24th. The Mary Houston on her way down passed Evans vine on the 19th flat in the water and full of people. She gets 1000 arrels of flour at Paducah. The Sherlock has bad luck.

She broke another cylinder head above Evansville, and passed Louisville ou one wheel. The Carrie V. Konntz is in a tight 1kx at Liberty, letween St. Louis and Cairo. She had to throw part of her cargo overboard to lighten.

The A. J. Baker has gone to her assistance. The City of Alton was to leave Cairo on the 22d. Capt.

Tom Shields, of the Commonwealth, will remain in St. Louis during the holidays. Capt. Wm. Thompson win come down in charge of the loat.

The Jajnes Howard, when she left Memphis, had 8000 bales of cotton on board and engaged below. Rates on cotton 75c, 90c. and $1. MARINE NEWS. PICAYUNE OFFICE, Deo.

25. CLEARED YESTERDAY. steamship Cortee, Freeman, tar New York. A Moalton Steamship Chas lord, Colton, for Havana, A Yorko Nor Bark Prudhoe, Pedersen, for Antwerp, Dnuua, Zerega tcu Bark Arizona, Conant, for Rouaii, Norton Bell Ft Bark Jacques Car, Leroy, for Havre, Felix Larn Schr Mabel Staples, BarrUT, for Philadelphia. Manter Sour Sam Crawford, Adams, for New York, Joa KaUey ARRIVED.

Steamship Knickerbocker, Kemble, from Naw York lKtb. innt, to A Moalton 1M district 8 Brazilian Kteamtthip Bolivia. Hutii, 8 days from Jamuiia, to niUHter 2d dintrict Span Mteumtiliip t.racia, Krezuraa, 3 days from Matauzaa, to Poiir feoo '2d district Ship Bonanza, Welmter, from Liverpool Oct 24th, to Hall A Vaughao 3l dintrict 2H Nor Bark Nlobe, Olaen, 10 days from Santiago de Cuba, to nutxter 2il district IS Nor Bark tsafra, isvensen, from Gibraltar Nov 8th, to Det an, Zerejra co 2d diMtiitrt Nor Bark Helms. Pedersen, from London Oct 28th, to maHter 2id ditnct al Bria tiiumia, Tucoo, 19 days from Havana, to master Aleiers Hclir Aeara, Cluuidler, from Mobile, to master tie Tier Schr Anna Kranz, Brown, 54 honrs from Key SI, IOU A i OWUCK EOO 1ML (UtttXlCI. XO STEAMERS.

Natches, Leathers, fra Vickbnrg. 11 Durfee, Boanlman, frn Alexandria. Cantelia, Hanover, fm Covinfrton. Bart Abie, Brown, fm Bayou Sara. Behan, Wilkinson, fm Hhreveport.

Rii5 Fanners, DTaon. fm Lower Coaab. Oriole, O'Pry, fm Lower Coanc Fanrhon, Sweeny, fm Trenton. Era No lO, Dalferes, fm Thibodnaux. Fracer, Canton, fm Lower Coast.

Iberia, Sheldon, fm Lower Coast. Quaker, Kaiclile, fm Upper Coast. Below Coining Up. Ship Jane Fbth, Brown, from Liverpool Oct 1st, via savannah, to master Brit ship John Mann, t.ibsan, from Antwery Oct 1. to Loveii naiiey Brit Ship Royal Charlie, Sinclair, from Bio Ja neiro UCl Ml, lveu JUUH'V Nor Ship Protector, Meiwter, from Barcelona Oct 21, to Lovell Bailey Ship Pride of England, Nash, from Liverpool Oct 26, to uiast Ship Prince Leopold, from Dundee Oct 23, to Hall A Vanghan Ana Bark Imperator, Cosalich, from Bordeaux i Oct 19, to master Nor Bark Iverson, from Liverpool, Oct 21, to master Span Bark Mercedes, Donobo, 4 days from Havana, to master Ltal Bark Louisiana, Gandolfo, from Bio Janeiro 1 Nov 6, to juaster Ger Bark Johanna Marie, Gnstavus, 55 days from Rotterdam, to master Ana Bark Casniiro Nichollo, from Liverpool Oct 14, to master Hex Brig Esperanza, Basso, 11 days from Alve rade, master Schr Martha Hail Burgess, 15 days from AspinwalL to master EXPOBTS.

NEW YORK Steamship Cortes 1314 bales cotton 1014 bbls molasses 180 bbls rice 100 bbls oil 150 Mis hides SOO dry do 43 bags wool HAVANA Steamship Lord 1 bale eotton 2750 bbla tlonr 1450 bols potatoes 300 ska oats 3633 pes cypress lumber IB pkgs snndries ANTWERP Bark Prndhoe 1900 bales cotton 600 pes staves ROUEN Bark Arizona 1597 bales cotton 25Ope staves HAVRE Bark Jacques Caeur 19G8 bales cotton 2460 pes staves PHILADELPHIA Schr Mabel Staples 1430 bbls niolsssea 150 empty bbls NEW YORK Sehr Ham'IH Crawford 2100 bbla molasses 75 bbls rice 550 empty bbla IMPORTS. NEW YORK Steamahip Knickerbocker Assort mUM HAVANA Brijr Erminia 2000 bxa sugar to cbaffraix A Afrar HAVANA Hear John McAdams 10O0 boxes sugar to Chaffraix A Agar RECEIPTS OF PRODUCE. VICKSBURG Steamer Natchea 615 Dales ootton to Meyer, Weia feco 412 do Richardson May 348 Newman tco 298 Allen Aco 235 3 Hanne tco 223 Harris A co 220 Payne, Kennedy kco 198 Burnet Aso 165 Jnrey A GOlis 13o Lehman, Abraham Aoo 145 SOThomas Aoo lltt taapp BrosJtco 116 Allison Aco 104 Vaiden, Hawkins Aco 1 1 1 Chafl'e A Sons 83 Chafie, Hamilton A Powell 79 Prestidge, Graham Aco 75 TtAireyAcft 70 Phelps Aco btJ A Nswman btf I Watuwley Aco i8 Blakomore Am 47 Stewart Bros Aoo 41 Ben Genwn 31 Sentell Ac: 36 Borkner A Bro 33 A Peale 29 M(fi Clark 31 Britton, Moore A Coleman 1 Hall 28 8 Frtedlander 24 Wyclie A Morsran 23 A leas, Scherck A Antey 22 Wolio Aco 22 Flash, Lewis Ace 21 Harrison Jr Aoo 21 Bnckner Aco 21 Hirsch, Adler Aoo 19 A BeU 20 Beadles, Wood Aeo 18 Craig Hogan IS Prttchard. Bickfaam Aeo 18 1 Hendersfn 18 Savditlge Aco 13 ForstaU A umnnville 17 Boasey Aeo 14 Rawiins A ilurrell 11 AUkb A "Watt 1 1 Howard A Preaton lO JAG Cromwell lO Norwood A Kiehards 7 Nalle ACamma Coons Aco 7 L. A Adams 6 Had ln Aco 6 Howcott A Gordin 6 Doiae A Lane to Llovd A Livandais 5 Simmons 4 I Noble 4 Wdson th Mills 4 Bnsh A Levert 3 Clarke 3 Owtb A Dyer 3 WUkerson Aeo aieuenee, snowoen dt it ji itooinson 2 Greenwood Aoo 2 Wallace Aco 1 Spore 1 Wetmore 458 ska ootton seed to Bienville Oil Co 179 do A A Maalnnia' Sons 30 do Lonisiana OU Co 138 do Union Oil Co snn dries to order Total 4661 bales ootton 803 ska cotton eed ALEXANDRIA Steamer II Dnrfee 211 bales cottun to Sandidge Acoi 119 Renshaw, Cammack Aoo 68 Walmsley Ao 45 Payne, A.enneiy Aeo 34 Clapp Bros a 'J nopiu 25 Leekie 25 Meyer, Weis Aco 23 Post A Hobby 18 Lehman, Abraham Aoo 9 Denis lo McGenee, snowaen A Vlolew lo to jNane A Cammack 15 Meyer Weill 11 Beraud A Gibert iu i Adams aco 7 Baronage aco Hart lie Aeo 7 FJiedlander 4i Bush A Levert 6 Prestidge, Graham Aeo 2 SI A Newman 2 Bloom Aeo 3 Manmexe Aco 2 Harris A co 2 Gwyn A Dyer I Schmidt A Ziegler 1 Wetmore 755 sks ootton seea Cotton Seed Ass'n 6 bhds sngar 64 molasses to Renshaw, cammack aco is de nuaa a Levert 17 do Hardie Aco 13 do SenteU Aoo6 do Bnrbridge Aoo 4 do WabAsley Aco 449 hidea Dreyftis stmdries to order Total 716 bales eotton 755 ska cotton seed 6 hhds su gar 121 bbls molasses COVINGTON steamer Camelia 15 cot ton to Flower Aoo 3 do Chafie A Sons 11 Alcus, Scherck A Antey 3 I Bloom Aeo lo sks riee 11 ssk iwas Newnuui A Kent 5 head cattle Met lo snntlriea to order Total 32 bales cotton BAYOU SARA Steamer Bart Able 267 bales cotton to Meyer, Wela Aoo 181 Lehman, Abraham Aco 162 Harris Aco 117 A Levi 152 Norwood A Richards So Alcoa, Schr re A Autey 63 McOvhtw, Snowden A VioW'tt 57 Gmubel Aco 52 Bush A Levert 36 Flower A co 24 Clapp Bros Aoo 18 MAC Newnian13 Con ger A Kelly 12 Flash, Lewis Aco 10 Simmons 19 Ben Uermm 9 Bloom Aco ij Renshaw, Cammack Aoo Rieharusoo A Mav 6 Airey Aeo 6 Black Aoo 5 Converse 5 Pnig Aco 3 Prithard, Blckluun Ao 4 Wolfe Aco 3 Gallnaher 3 Masprro A co 3 Chisin A Boyd Wilson A Mills 2 Wyche A Morgan 2 Lange A Legendre 2 A Cromwell 2 Payne, Kennedy Aco 1 New.

man Aco 8 sks seed cotton Gav Aoo IOI I sks cotton seed Cotton Seed Ass'n 6 hhds sugar Flower Aco 8 do Converse 7 do 56 bbls molasses Bnsh A Levert do A Car riere Aco 152 do 63 hhda sugar Gay Aco 15 do 12 bbls molasses A Denis 35 do Moody 33 do Chism A Boyd 67 do 3 hhds sugar Clapp Bros Aco 10 do Milliken 33 do Vairin A Mortimer 19 do 79 bbls molasses Burbridire A co 19 do 12 hhds sugar Maspero Aco 20 do Palmer Aco 40 do 33 hhda sugar A Ware 8 do A Lananx 1 bbl hides A Bachemin 5 bales moss Delavallade 5 do OdeU A Wright sundries to order Total 1312 bales eotton lol 1 sks cotton seed 8 sks seed cotton 236 hhda sa gar 502 bbls molasses SHRsaVEPORT Steamer Behan 800 sks oil cake to Aldige 20 tons rags Schwartz sundries to order LOWER COAST Steamer Oriole 15 bbls molasses to It Milliken 9 bales moss and sundries to order LOWER COAST Steamer Rice Farmer 149 bbls rice to A Booola snndries to onlcr TRENTON Steamer Fanchon 172 bales eotton to Lehraad, Abraluun Aco 142 Jurey A Glllis 37 Clarke 35 A Allen Aco 36 to Aiken A Watt 24 Merer, Weis Aco 22 Hirsch, Adler Aco 9 White 6 Sandidge Aco 6 Chafl'e A Sons 6 Wallace Aco 5 Hr Haas 5 Wetmore 5 Lloyd A Livandais 4 A Newmac 4 A Peale 4 Ben Gersou 4 Payne, Kennedy Aco 4 Alcoa, Scherck A Antey 1 Hardie Aco 6 sks seed cotton to Renshaw. Cammack Aco 154 sks cotton seed Cotton Seed Ass'n 5 balls hides Clarke 6 head cat. tie Wetmore 8 hogs Wilson A Pagan 3 do Inbatt, Aycook Aco sundries to order Total 531 bales cotton 154 ska cotton seed (j sks seed ootton THIBODEAUX Steamer Era No 10 lO hhds sngar to A Allen Aco 19 do 4 bbls molasses I Adams Aco 12 do Lanaox 80 do Burbank 7 do hhds sugar Scott 76 do 105 bbls molasses Milliken 24 do 10 hhds sugar Gav Aco 58 do Aco lO do Bush A Levert 14 do 50 bbls molasses Conaer A Kelly 20 do Bernard 71 do Beltrau 15 do Nicaud 132 sks rough rice Bernard 77 do A Williams 1 bale cotton Scott 23 sks seed cotton Benjamin 12 bbls sugar Lanaux sundries to order Total 1 bale cotton 23 sks seed cat ton 2(19 ska rough rice 205 hhds sugar 3S8 bbls molasses LOWER COAST Steamer Fraeer 20 hhds sugar to Byrnes A Barstow 23 do lo bbls oranges Dymond sundries to order Total 43 hhds sugar LOWER qOA ST Steamer Iberia 15 hhds sngar 25 bbls tnelasxes to Cnyle Aco OO do Chanraix A Agar 29 do 2 hhds sugar Shep hlids miear 613 sks much rice 169 bbls rice UPPER GOAST Steamer Quaker 65 bbls molasses 10 hhda sugar to Milliken snndries to order RECEIPTS AT THE BASIN. WOLF RIVER Schr Ella 26.00O feet lumber to Stuber 3IMM) bdls handles to order PASCAGOULA Schr Abeyon 50,000 feet ImnlH to Buddig PASCAGOULA Schr Sea Horse 45,000 feet lumber to Stuber AMITE RIVER Schr Reporter 2 bales cotton to Rt usliaw, Cammack Aco 1 do to order shingles 15 cords wood to master TICKFAW Schr Old Peter 12 cords wood to master BILOXT Schr Elvira 30 cords wood to order BLIND RIVER Schr Clementine 25 cords wood to master PASCAGOULA Schr Shamrock 1500 bbls charctau to master PASCAGOULA Schr Bleasey 43,000 feet lumber to Bnddig PEA RL RIV ER Schr Moneto 28 cords wood to master STOCKTON Schr Hawkins 40,000 feet lumber to Danuer A Toomer TCHEFUNCTA RIVER Schr Leander Jane 32 cords wood to master TCHEFUNCTA RIVER Schr Simon Goslin Lot cross ties to order BO.NFOUCA Schr Bonfouca 25,000 feet lumber to order PASCAGOULA Schr Annette 40,000 feet lumber to Bnddig AMITE RIVER Schr Camelia 63,000 aUin gles 23 cords wood to master RECEIPTS AT THE OLD BASIN. BLIND TVER Schr Pandely 10,000 staves 24 cords wood tomaster BAYOU LACOMBE Schr Wren 250 bbls sand to order BLIND RIVER Schr Hermit No 216 cords wood to master NEW ORLEANS, ST LOUIS AND RAILROAD COMPANY.

Den 23 206 bales cotton to TH A Allen A co 203 do Vaiden, Hawkins Aeo 192 Lehman. Abraham Aco 174 Meyer, Weia Aco 166 JT Hardie Aeo 115 Airey Aco 83 to order 96 Richardson A May 94 Alcus, Scherck A Antey 76 Payne, Kennedy Aco 33 Howcott A Gordin 27 Chafie, Hamilton A Doweil 15 Allison Aco 1 5 Phelps Aco 15 to Chaffe A Sons 14 Wolfe Aco 14 Britton, Moore A Coleman 12 Prit chard, Bickham Aeo 12 Torian A Daucy 12 Gumbel Aco 9 (Toons Aoo 7 Ben Gersou 8 Blakeniore Aco 6 A Newmrn i Harris Aco 6 Wilson A Mills 3 White 4 Bejwlles, Wood Aco 1 Strong A Henderson 3 McGehee, suowden A Violett 1 Bussey Aco 2 Wvche A Morgan Total 1645 bales cotton Dec 241 bdl aides Horter. Peterson A Feuner 1 4 rolls leather Hansel Hi tcs bird to Avendono Bros 135 bbls apples Miller A Meyer 566 pes meat West Aeo2UO buckets lard II Lawrence Aco 35 bxs bacon Newman A Kent 4pkgsmdeto Richardson A May 1 car cotton seed Cotton Seed Ass'n 20 pkgs butter Smith 3 pkgs mdse Newman 1 do Wer lein 1 tlo Greenwood Aco 7 do Mar uueze Aco 9 do Fellman Bros MORGAN'S LOUISIANA RAILROAD. AND TEXAS Dec 249 bales ootton lO hhds sugar 166 bbla molasses to I Adams vco 95 do 16 hhds sugar Gay Aoo 59 do 2 bbls do 55 bbls molasses 13 bales cotton Bush A Levert 65 bbls molasses Lanaux 74 do A Blanc 36 do 2 half bbls do 2 bbls sugar 45 sks riee 16 hhds sngar Sevtu 64 do 115 bbls molasses 6 bales eotton Clapp Bros Aco 19 do 4 hhds sugar 2 bbls molasses A Ter troii 1 do 2 bbls onuiges 1 bbl hides Terrebonne 7 bbls molasses Hirsch, Adler Aco 1 do do Walsh 171 do 22 hhds sugar 29 bbls ricn 3 bales eotton 2 sks seed cotton Hare 1 1 hhda sugar Beraud A Giaert 25 do 46 bbls molasses Milliken 49 do Matthews A Bro 41 do Chism A Boyd 30 do HA Allen Aoo 4 do 2 hhds sugar Bibolet 10 do 17 bbls molasses 6 bales cotton McGehee, Hnowden A Violett 9 do 6 bbls mtdassea Putnam 8 do 6 bales cotton 6 hhda sugar Berry Aeo 25 do 44 bbla molasses 58 bales ootton Bnrbridge Aco 2 1 do Herrmann A Vignes lO do Beraud A Gibert 13 do Rykoski 3 Terrebonne 4 Salomon 8 Henderson 9 Hare 20 hidea Rykoski 1 bbl do 6 bbls oranges Manade A Laeaasagne 29 bbls molasses Groebek 1 do Pascal Aco 1 bbl sngar Dennett 2 do Sonchon 326 ska rice Foerster 27 do 3 bbls molasses Terrebonne A Son 24 do 20 hlids sugar Bayly A Pond 22 do 20 bbls molasnea 42 bbls rice Walsh 3 hides Hay A Mehle 49 head cattle Servat 112 sks cotton seed Bienville Oil Co 35 bales cotton Prttchard, Bickham Aco IU do A Hickman 5 do Hopkins 3 sks seed cotton 1 hiiie Wang A Cottam 56 head cattle Mehle A co 31 bbls oranges Dowling 66 bbla rice to Schmidt A Ziegler 9 do Bernard 12 bbla rooiassea RBeltran 13 do Thilmut 24 do 25 hhds sngar Calder 48 do Renshaw, Cammack Aco 33 do 1 bbl do 33 bbls molasses 1 ht bbl do Felton A Dunbar 2 sks cotton OdeU A Wright 1 do Lange A Legendro 3 bbls molaaae 8 hhda angar Nalle A Cammack 10 do Maspero Aco 16 do 72 bbls molasses King Aeo 14 do Canton 14 do A Given oo 10 do A La inn bait cotton Beer 9 bbla oranges Macheca Total 257 bales eotton 3 sks do 5 sks seed eotton 1305 bbls molasses 3 hf bbls do 452 hhda sngar 8 bbla do 554 sks roa eh Per Steamship Whitney front Galveston 308 bales cotton 8 bbls tallow 13 half bbls do to A Wbirnev Aeo 500 sks cotton seed Shep perd lOO bead cattle Mehle Aoo sundries to order Total 306 bales ootton NEW ORLEANS AND TEXAS RAILROAD Dee 24478 bales eotton to order 22 do gteers 328 Ranger. Fatinan Aeo 24 Busser A cr 2 sandidge Aco 16 Allen.

West Aco 7 Wilson A Mills 14 Kirkpatrick A Keith XI Lctiimui, Abraham. tc i UuiSfc $v3 peret ia dims nee i erreu as uo A nocoia 327 ska roogh rice David 44 do Haspel 66 do 1 Rice Mill 176 do Foerster and sundries to onlt Total 114 bbls molasses 17 01 Britton, Monro A Coleman 38 Chaffe, Hamil ton A "weu 3 nun wrmm" i Pascal 4 bxa eggs 3 ooopa poultry WMrmM i co 2 do Segassie 1 do A Valeton 40 bbl pitch Simpson Tricon 16 eks 1 a on Trepagnier Aoo 32 do Schwabacher, Froweiifeld A Ii'r 5 do 4 tcs do 6 bxa do Flash, Lewis Aeo 200 bbn lime A Vixard lIS akaaUaaka Aldige 13 bdls gunnies FHnn 2 eases shoes Hogan 7 bdla paper A Hyatt 3 do Pevehaud A Garcia. eto KJ Harp 3 do Hathland 26 do Advocate trfHce lO bbls whisky Rareahlda A Ma 23 pkgs tobacco Wackrrbarth A Josepn 2o dn. 8 Hernshoim A Bro 197 skaeotfcn seed a Kepliuger 55do A A MartinlV Sons snndriesi to order Total HHiO bah eotton 747 akaoufc ton seed lltiaka oil cak NEW ORLEANS AND MOBILE RAILROAD Dec 249 Us da aogar 8 bbls molasses to Bra rier 40 do Masper Aeo 25 do i Thibaufc 13 do Mever, Weia Aco 25 do Anderson ASimpsou lO do Calder 6 do 33 hhds auvar MOoken Total 42 hhda angar 127 bWa amiasssa LIST OF VESSELS Cleared and Smile for New OrieauM DECEMBER 25, 1875. CORRECTED DAILY.

jj. TTXRK. Steamship Brashear, Forbea Dee Bark Nomad. Jayne aid Nav SO Schr Wm Jones. Davis aid Dee 3 PHILADELPHIA.

Steamship Reading, Colbnrn a. aid Dee 1 Steamship Lancaster. Mills. ekl le 1 Ship John Wood. Smith aid Dee lot BOSTON.

Schr Lawrence. Kemp Dee 1 Schr Chaa Fa bens, Knne. Nov 27 Schr James Ford, small. eld Dea 15 PORTLAND. Schr Bnshrod WHUL Higgina Dee 1 BELFAST, ME.

Schr Ingrahani, Ames aid Oct 23 LIVERPOOL, Ship Harvester. Bosworth Dee 3 2 Nov 27 Nov 27 Nov 2 Nov 24 Nov 24 Nov 17 Nov lO Nov 8 Nov 4 Oct 2t Oct 15 aid Oct 12 Sbip Wiin Hunter, xwanioiev Ship City of Liverpool, Whitford Ship Dannebrog. Ship Arbutus, Kiddy Ship Pegasus, Willes Ship Ecuador. Hughes Ship Langet, Wilson Ship Maid of Orleans, Houston Ship Poolscar. Clark Ship Elizabeth DouaalL White Ship Agnes Sutherland, Bather! and.

Ship Otteren. Torjusen Ship Prince Engene, Smith Ship Arica. Helert. Hliip Newman Hall, Slater Ship Ironsides, Speader Ship Peter, Za uariamn Ship Adorn Hawkins Ship Liverpool, Ship ThornhilL Haynes Ship WTm Dona lass. Bon lass Ship Birmingham.

Klegg Ship Westfold, Leavttt Ship Hannah Morris, Bark Neptnn, VambU BarkVesnvlo, Caca Bark Korstarer, Bark Ymer. Henricksen LONDON. Oct lO Nov 3 Oct 3 Nov 4 Nov 11 cld Not 14 Nor 23 cld Not 2a Not 2a ald Not SO Oct 15 Dee 2 Deo 2 Ship Advance, Bark Olaf Glas, Nenist Ship Rimsberg, Pnsen Ship Romania, McLutvre Ship Wm Gnnther, Ship Trenton, FoIhIist Ship Adept, Mitchell Ship liilchrtst. Watts Dee sld Dee 3 3 aid Dee Sld Dee 2 1 sld Nor 26 aid Not 13 Nov 1 cld Nov 15 aid Not 2S eld Nov 4 aid Nov 29' sld Oot 2 sld Oot 27 sld Oct 16 Deo' 2 cld Oct 13 Bark Nelson, Umpson Bark Racer, KniKlxon. Bark Chaaw Ltnteren Bark Prosperpinav Bark Viklngen.

Amesen Bark Herlof Herlofsen, Olsen Bark Henriette, Bark Magnolia Hilton HTJIX. Ship Reporter, Sprln Bark Wetterhorn, Wyman BRISTOL. Bark Hator, Premnda Bark Erna, Arbjornsen GLOUCESTER. Bark Mattea, ald Dejl 4 Nov 24 Dae 3 Not 21 aid Dee 4 PLYMOUTH. Ship Eastern Star, GoudTic sld Nor 3 I HARTLEPOOL.

Sansone, Cappone aid Not 7 CLYDE. hip Queen of Nations, Small aid Not 17 GRAVE8END. Bark Sandvik, Samuel Nov 1 LONDONDERRY. Bark AmaL Nov 13 IPSWICH. Bark Viator, Nov 25 LETTH.

Bark Cap, Christensen. aid Nov 17 DUBLIN. Ship Venns I. "Id Oot 13 Bark Tillid, Frederickaon sld Dee 3 Bark Prmlentia sld Not 16 Bark Mercurius, Ludvigsen eld Not 16 WATERFORD. Bark Liefjeld, Not 19 GALWAY.

Ship Anna Camp, Not 21 Ship MercatoT, Wig Nov 13 CARDIFF, WALES. Ship Marian. Thompson sld Not 3 Ship Madge Wildlire, Holfmani sld Nov 3 DEAL. BarkWllhelm Cvnther, Bark Bavelaw, GLASGOW. Nov27 Nov 16 Ship Nov 1 Not Irt Not IT i.L'.ald Nov 22" DUNDEE.

Ship Qneen of Nations, Bark Magdalena, DUNKIRK. Ship Gunhilda, Meeklin GREENOCK. Ship Oriana, Ship Zealandia, Bark Trino, Sardo Nov 22 sld Nov 16 Not 22 AEDBOSSAN. Bark Nov 26 WARREN POINT. Ship Themis, Anderson.

Nov 21 MONTROSE. Bark Kong Carl, Beck. Nov 3 TEXEL. Bark Tritz, Christensen Nov 23 HAVRE. I.

Ship AJax, Apenea. Nov 15 Ship Uhland, Jansen. jild Not 15 Ship Albert aid Not IS Sldp Atlas, Larsen. sld Oct 25 Ship Louise et Rose, Dnbore. eld Nor 23 ficark Protector, tiun.lersen sld Nor 24 Bark Freidllef, Nov 24 Bark Marie, 23 BORDEAUX.

Bark St Genevieve, sld Dee 1 Bark Atlanta. Davis Nor 2 Bark Australia, Pohlson sld Not 27 Bark Frejidia. Not 1 Bark Jayne. aid Not 13 BarkHassel, aid Oct 21 Bark Georgietta Lawrence, Brewster. Oct 12 MARSEILLES, i Bark Aurora, Adorno sld Nor 23 CETTE.

Bark Aurora, Adams sld Sept 22 ROCHEFORT. Bak Garibaldi, 23 BREMEN. Ship Ryerson, Dennis Nov 4 Ship Astremom, sldOet31 Sldp Storm King. Boyd sid Oct 14 Bark Tide sld Dee Bark Bremen, Hil liners sid Dea 3 BREMERHAVEN. Bark Dronning Sophie; Pedersen.

aid Nov 23 HAMBURG. 1 Ship Mary Durkee, WUllamsan. Oct 27 ANTWERP. Ship Marcia CDay, Chase Nov 23 Ship Emma Secor. Moore sid Nor 8 Ship Kate Prince, Hamilton Oct 6 Bark Eros sld Nor 29 Bark Galathea, Steinsen sld Dee Bark Champion, Kellam Not 3 ALMERIA.

Bark Maria aid Nov IT BARCELONA. Bark Johannes. Bark Jupiter, Jacobsen. Bark Loreiey, Nov 13 Nov 4 Oct 2 LEGHORN. Bark Kallisto, Witte aid Nov 4 Bark Loreiey, Marcuasen aid Nov 5 MALAGA.

Schr TJHiafa, Goagnimo Oct 7 BIO DE JANEIRO. Bark Lorn. Rostrnp sld Nov 7 Bark Aphrodite, Bass aldOct 31 8. Howard. H.

M. Prestoa Hc OWARD A PRESTON i COMMISSION Ill and 113 Poydraa ftreet. New Orleans, Will pay sight drafts and make cash advances ott ahipuienta, and oiler liberal facilities to deal, ers. If aye now In store a hu ge stock of Pirk and Jcon. wr2 VU i 9.

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)


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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

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