I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country - Chap 163 - Danmei Novels (2024)


Although Gu Yuanbai didn’t speak, the corners of his eyes and brows revealed his joyful mood. The monarch of Daheng liked the love words Xue Yuan said, and Xue Yuan was encouraged, and more whispers continued in Gu Yuanbai’s ears.

With fiery and beautiful affection, while telling his love, he kept leaning forward.

San Yuyan outside the door saw that His Majesty had not spoken for a long time, so he couldn’t help but asked doubtfully again: “Your Majesty?”

“Wait outside,” Gu Yuanbai frowned, “No one is allowed to come without my order.”

San Yuyan subconsciously saluted and said, “Yes.”

Then he stood up and walked away. I don’t know if it was his imagination, but he always felt that there was some impatience in the Holy Master’s tone. He was frightened and did not dare to say another word.

After the people outside the room left, Xue Yuan couldn’t help but kiss Gu Yuanbai’s eyelids several times. He was happy about the kiss and murmured, “The Holy One is so domineering.”

Gu Yuanbai suppressed the raised corners of his mouth and said, “It’s useless to please me. Where did the wound on your face come from?”

“This?” Xue Yuan touched the wound on his face and said lightly, “It was scratched by a branch.”

Xue Yuan rushed here day and night, but stopped before meeting the Holy Sage. He went up the mountain, borrowed someone else’s house and slept well all night. After his face regained its vitality, he got up before dawn, shaved, took a bath, washed himself up and down several times, put on elegant clothes, and thought I want to tell Gu Yuanbai: Look, I came back calmly.

All the good news on the envelopes were not bad news, just to let Gu Yuanbai see his good side and let Gu Yuanbai know that he was mature and reliable.

All the embarrassment and sloppiness, I don’t want my sweetheart to know.

Gu Yuanbai naturally didn’t believe it, so he directly pulled open Xue Yuan’s clothes. The white scar on the chest is deep. It is obviously not an old scar from three years ago. Instead, it looks like a new wound that has been broken repeatedly over many years.

Xue Yuan opened his chest, not paying attention to himself, and moved his hands down on Gu Yuanbai’s body, “Your Majesty, let me take another look at my baby.”

His hands were too quick and he couldn’t move his eyes away after seeing it, “It still looks like what I like.”

Xue Yuan touched his baby lovingly, then couldn’t help but hugged Gu Yuanbai and kissed it. Gu Yuanbai’s clothes and hair had just been arranged by him, but now they were messy again. Fine beads of sweat flowed from the scalp to the tip of the nose. There was longing when the lips and teeth were touching, and there was also longing when the tongues intertwined. Gu Yuanbai held his face and responded enthusiastically, biting Xue Yuan’s lips to compete with him.

Impetuousness turned into emotion, and the three years of longing were all known to the other party at this moment. Gu Yuanbai’s fingers touched the word “white” composed of scars, and Xue Yuan took the initiative so much that Xue Yuan could not resist.

“Your Majesty,” Tian Fusheng’s voice trembled outside, “Luan Jia is still waiting at the foot of the mountain.”

Gu Yuanbai suddenly left Xue Yuan’s lips, and Xue Yuan’s hands had already slipped into his clothes. Beads of sweat fell from his eyes, and Xue Yuan was sweating profusely and breathing heavily. Gu Yuanbai touched the sweat on his head and said hoarsely: “I’ll take care of you tonight.”

After saying that, he strode away, picked up the cold pot beside the bed, and drank the cold tea by leaning towards the mouth of the pot.

Xue Yuan took a whiff and found Gu Yuanbai’s scent on his lips. He smiled wrapped in the scent and stepped forward to grab a drink of cold water from the corner of the Holy Master’s lips.

When everyone was tidy up and came out, Tian Fusheng whispered: “Your Majesty, all the adults are waiting outside.”

Gu Yuanbai nodded casually, took two steps forward, paused suddenly, turned back, stared at Xue Yuan and said: “Follow me.”

“Yes,” Xue Yuan murmured to himself, “I will never leave you one step again.”


The bamboo house that Xue Yuan borrowed was exactly the purpose of the group. Outside, Chu Wei had finished talking to the Confucian scholar. When he saw the Holy One coming, he smiled and said: “Holy Sir, that “Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains” you wanted earlier…”

The words stopped abruptly when he saw Xue Yuan, and after a moment, he continued: “The original of the remaining fragments should be here, sir.”

The scholar’s surname was Xin. He was wearing coarse clothes and had straw sandals with a circle of mud on the soles of his feet. He looked at everyone with a smile, looking neither humble nor arrogant, but when he saw Gu Yuanbai, he was very excited, and he spoke a lot of praises as soon as he opened his mouth.

When he learned that Gu Yuanbai was interested in “Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains”, he was even more elated and took the initiative to dedicate this half-volume painting to the Holy One so that the upper and lower volumes could be combined into one.

Most of the hermits were arrogant. After the punctuation mark came out, these great scholars had even more complicated feelings towards Gu Yuanbai. There were praises but also slanders. They couldn’t scold Gu Yuanbai. They could only scold Li Bao for not respecting the ancestral precepts to secretly accuse him behind the scenes. The emperor.

These old-fashioned people would rather future generations never serve as officials in court than touch punctuation marks. They use this attitude to firmly express their hostility to punctuation marks. But it doesn’t matter. Gu Yuanbai doesn’t care about them. He won’t hold these great scholars and hermits in the palm of his hand. It’s your own loss if you don’t want to serve as an official in the court. It’s none of my business?

Gu Yuanbai didn’t pay attention to these unpleasant voices at all. His indifferent attitude made those high-spirited old-fashioned people almost vomit blood. I don’t know how many people trembled in bed and cursed in grief. : “Wow! Heaven is going to destroy my Daheng! Heaven is going to destroy my way of being a saint!”

Gu Yuanbai laughed it off and asked Daheng Guobao to no longer include articles that did not use punctuation marks.

When Punctuation first came out, the relationship between Gu Yuanbai and some great scholars was very tense. But in the past five years, with the popularization of punctuation marks and the use of literary examinations in the two dynasties, students have become accustomed to such symbols. The poor scholars could even copy articles with punctuation marks in the government, which saved them a lot of effort and gave them more time to study knowledge. Everything used by humans will always evolve from complexity to simplicity. After it is truly implemented, and they realize its role and future impact, most of the great scholars have turned against Gu Yuanbai.

Gu Yuanbai has never lacked the support from celebrities over the years. He smiled calmly and followed Xin Daru to see the paintings.

After reading the second half of the painting “A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains”, he suddenly remembered that Chu Wei was deceived into buying a fake, and joked: “Chu Qing, do you feel uncomfortable after seeing this painting?”

Chu Wei sighed and said, “I had visited my husband during my study tour, and he also took me to see the Tibetan paintings. If I had been more careful at that time and knew that the authentic paintings were originally in my husband’s place, I wouldn’t have been deceived by this. ”

Xin Daru couldn’t help but be surprised when he found out the reason, “How could you be deceived by someone else’s calligraphy and painting?”

Chu Wei was noncommittal, “I just made the Holy One laugh.”

“What’s this?” Gu Yuanbai smiled, “Whether it’s an original or a fake, it’s an excellent work.”

Chu Wei looked at the way the Holy One was comforting him, lowered his eyes, and while scorning his sinister intentions, he said with faint joy: “The Holy One is right.”

After leaving the bamboo house and going down the mountain, Xue Yuan squatted in front of Gu Yuanbai openly. Gu Yuanbai laughed and leaned forward. Xue Yuan whispered: “Master Bai, sit still!”

He held Gu Yuanbai’s legs firmly, stood up and walked steadily down the gentle mountain road.

The officials behind him slowly followed behind, chatting with each other about the several masterpieces they had just seen, without feeling anything wrong.

“There is still Zhanfeng Duo that I haven’t taken down.” Gu Yuanbai reminded.

“Okay, go get Zhanfeng Duo,” Xue Yuan tipped him up. The wind was calm, and there was a faint sound of bells hidden in the wind, waiting for them to pick it up. “I haven’t paid attention to it before, the Holy Master said, Looking at it now, it’s really a beautiful place with beautiful scenery. ”

Gu Yuanbai said: “There are no shortage of mountains and rivers in the two Zhejiang provinces.”

Xue Yuan smiled, and in the next moment he said what he wanted to hear, “I have never seen it before, so I have to ask your Majesty to take me with you to have a look.”

The corners of Gu Yuanbai’s lips raised, “I agree.”

Gu Yuanbai had a lot to ask, asking him how the others were doing now, asking him how he came to Jiangnan, and how he knew where he was going. But the atmosphere at the moment was too peaceful, and the road down the mountain seemed to have no end. He suddenly didn’t want to ask these questions at this moment.

Xue Yuan carried him on his back and walked under the trees. Occasionally, there would be a place where Zhan Fengduo would lift the saint up. Gu Yuanbai stretched out his hand and untied each one.

They seemed to be separated from the people behind them by two worlds. Both the person carrying the person and the person being carried were smiling. The several Zhanfeng Duo they carried in their hands collided with each other and sounded like jade stones.

The people behind looked at it and lowered their eyes silently.

Xue Yuan occasionally said a few words in the Holy Sage’s ear, and the Holy Sage was amused. The scorching sun on the horizon softened the halo, and the wind blew up one after another. The Holy Master was on Xue Yuan’s back, as if he was sure that he would not be hurt. His posture was relaxed, and his hands sometimes relaxed and sometimes rested on Xue Yuan’s shoulders casually. , he… seems to trust Xue Yuan.

No one else can compare.

Wherever Gu Yuanbai pointed, Xue Yuan rushed. They were having fun, and with Gu Yuanbai’s unreliable blind fingers, he successfully led the people to another mountain road. A waist-deep stream blocked the way, and there was a thin single-plank bridge on the stream. It doesn’t look very stable. Tian Fu was panting angrily and advising from the side: “Holy, Your Majesty, let’s go back around!”

“Manager Tian, ​​the detour is not worth it,” Xue Yuan said, “After crossing the stream, we should be not far from the foot of the mountain.”

Tian Fusheng was puzzled: “Master Xue, it’s not that there are too many trivial matters, but that this single-plank bridge looks really dangerous.”

“Your Majesty, do you want to take a detour or across the river?” Xue Yuan asked with a sideways look.


Gu Yuanbai said lazily, “Cross the river.”

Xue Yuan smiled as expected, lifted up his robe and stuffed it into his arms. He patted Gu Yuanbai’s leg and said, “Clamp tight, don’t fall into the water.”

Gu Yuanbai subconsciously tightened his legs, and the next moment Xue Yuan jumped into the water amidst the exclamations of the palace attendant. He was tall, and the stream water was not even up to his waist. As soon as the water splashed, he quickly flowed through the water, and the two of them reached the other side in an instant.

Tian Fusheng said with a bitter face: “Your Majesty, what should we do with the little ones?”

“Either take a detour or cross the river,” the Holy Master said strangely, “What else can we do?”

The guards crossed the single-plank bridge quickly and followed behind the Lord. Tian Fusheng sighed repeatedly, turned around and led the adults who could not walk across the single-plank bridge back to the original path.

He took one last look before leaving. The Holy Father smiled heartily and looked very happy. Tian Fusheng turned around, suppressed his laughter, and said politely: “Let’s go, all the adults please follow the younger ones.”


On the way to Liangzhe, Xue Yuan finally explained the reason clearly.

When they returned to Xizhou Country, their remaining goods had been robbed. Xue Yuan hurried back to Beijing, and happened to meet officials sent by the Privy Council to take over in Henan. Seeing his anxious look, Jiang Jin asked the leading officials, and then he learned that the Holy Sage had gone south.

Xue Yuan remained silent, but that night he rode a horse to the south of the Yangtze River alone with three days of food. Only at the inn along the way was he informed of the whereabouts of the Holy Lord by officials from the Supervision Office.

He was staying at the Confucian’s house, originally he just wanted to find a place nearby to tidy up before going to meet the saint. Who would have thought that the Holy Emperor’s chariot would come from ten miles away? Xue Yuan’s heart moved and he took out the Zhanfeng Duo he carved and used it to welcome the Holy Emperor on his way up the mountain.

Gu Yuanbai scolded him bloody. Xue Yuan listened. After the scolding was over, Gu Yuanbai held his hand again and said, “We haven’t seen you for three years. I guess you will be anxious.”

Xue Yuan shook his head, leaning against the wall of the carriage and curling his lips, “Your Majesty, it’s not three years, it’s three years, six months and three days.”

Gu Yuanbai suddenly fell silent.

Xue Yuan hooked his fingers, stepped forward to kiss his ear, and closed the carriage window, “My lord.”

With clothes stacked on top of each other and long hair entangled, Xue Yuan held Gu Yuanbai’s hand and placed it on his chest, his heart beating loudly. One sound made a day. Gu Yuanbai quietly and attentively felt his heart beating in his hand, jumping out of three years, six months and three days.

From the day of separation to today, it has been filled up quickly.

I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country - Chap 163 - Danmei Novels (2024)


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Author: Trent Wehner

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Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.