COP29: Bonner Treffen bereitet Weltklimakonferenz in Baku vor (2024)

COP29 Bonner Treffen bereitet Weltklimakonferenz in Baku vor

Bonn · Zehn Tage für den Klimaschutz: In Bonn wird ab heute die nächste Weltklimakonferenz vorbereitet. Dabei beschäftigt die rund 6000 Experten aus fast allen Staaten der Welt vor allem ein brisanter Punkt.

03.06.2024, 10:15 Uhr

COP29: Bonner Treffen bereitet Weltklimakonferenz in Baku vor (1)

Rund 6000 Experten aus fast allen Staaten der Welt kommen am Montag (10.00 Uhr) zu der alljährlichen Zwischenkonferenz des UN-Klimasekretariats in Bonn zusammen. Bis zum Donnerstag kommender Woche (13. Juni) sollen die Delegierten die nächste Weltklimakonferenz im kommenden November in Aserbaidschans Hauptstadt Baku vorbereiten.

„Jeweils zur ,Halbzeit’ zwischen den im November/Dezember stattfindenden Vertragsstaatenkonferenzen treffen sich am Sitz des Weltklimasekretariates die Gremien für Umsetzung und für wissenschaftliche und technologische Beratung“, heißt es laut Mitteilung der Stadt Bonn. Von Bestandsaufnahme über Budgets bis Transparenz wird in Bonn jeweils das vorbereitet, was dann im Herbst entschieden werden soll.

Ein wichtiger Teil der Konferenz in Bonn seien laut Mitteilung der Stadt Bonn zahlreiche Begleitveranstaltungen im offiziellen Programm der Bonner Klimaverhandlungen, aber auch als eigene Veranstaltungen im Bonner Stadtgebiet. Oberbürgermeisterin Katja Dörner werde dabei mehrfach Bonner Beispiele von Klimaschutz und Klimaanpassung gegen Hitze und Starkregen vorstellen. Vorgesehen ist das etwa am Freitag, 7. Juni, bei einer von den UNFCCC-Climate Champions ausgerichteten Diskussion zu Sy­nergien der drei sogenannten Rio-Konventionen zu Klima, Natur und Land und bei der Veranstaltung von „Daring Cities“ am Dienstag, 4. Juni.

Weltklimakonferenz wird in Bonn vorbereitet

Hauptproblem dabei ist die Frage der Klimafinanzierung. Seit 2009 gibt es das Ziel, dass die Industrieländer die ärmeren Länder jedes Jahr mit Milliardenhilfen unterstützen sollen. Dieses Ziel wurde im Pariser Klimaabkommen im Jahr 2015 bestätigt und bis 2025 verlängert. Nun ist die Frage, wie es nach 2025 weitergehen soll.

Der Vorsitzende der Gruppe der am wenigsten entwickelten Länder, Evans Njewa aus Malawi, teilte mit: „Da die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels jedes Jahr zunehmen, können wir die Notwendigkeit für verstärkte, zuverlässige, angemessene und zugängliche Finanzhilfe nicht genug betonen. Nur so können wir den CO2-Ausstoß verringern, uns an den Klimawandel anpassen und die dadurch verursachten Verluste und Schäden ausgleichen.“ Viele reiche Länder haben jedoch deutlich gemacht, dass sie nicht bereit sind, die Zuwendungen noch zu erhöhen.

COP29: Bonner Treffen bereitet Weltklimakonferenz in Baku vor (2)

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COP29: Bonner Treffen bereitet Weltklimakonferenz in Baku vor (2024)


What is the theme of COP29 in Azerbaijan? ›

COP29, like its predecessors, will focus on advancing the goals of the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement, including efforts to limit global warming, adapt to the impacts of climate change, and mobilize financing for these activities.

What is the purpose of COP29? ›

COP29 is the next meeting of the group of 198 countries that have signed the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, taking place in Baku between 11-22 November. Creative solutions are needed, including from the private sector, to make this the 'finance COP', as it has been billed.

Where will COP29 be held in Baku? ›

The venue is located in the Baku Stadium located at Heydar Aliyev, 323, Baku, Azerbaijan. UN Climate Change welcomes local, regional, and international media attendance at COP 29. Media facilities in the IBC are limited and are offered on an approval basis. All applications must be submitted on the online booking form.

What are the priorities of the COP29 presidency? ›

The COP29 Presidency's top negotiating priority is agreeing a fair and ambitious New Collective Quantified Goal on climate finance (NCQG) adequate to the urgency and scale of the problem, taking into account the needs and priorities of developing country Parties.

How much does it cost to register for COP29? ›

All formalities regarding registration, including issuance of badges to duly nominated participants to attend the sessions, are free of charge.

Where will COP29 be held in 2024? ›

The 2024 United Nations Climate Change Conference or Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC, more commonly known as COP29, will be the 29th United Nations Climate Change conference. COP29 will be held in Baku, Azerbaijan. Mukhtar Babayev will preside COP29.

What to expect from COP29? ›

New pledges

That means offering up higher targets for cutting emissions through this decade, and into the next, alongside commitments on adaptation. Leadership will be important, and there is expectation that the COP hosts 'troika' – UAE, Azerbaijan, and Brazil – will present enhanced NDCs by COP29.

Can I go to COP29? ›

The only eligibility criteria you must satisfy are: You must be aged 18 - 30 by 14 January 2024; You must be a U.K. citizen OR have lived in the United Kingdom for 5 years; and. You must be able to fully commit to the full term and time commitment of the opportunity.

Who attends COP29? ›

In accordance with Article 7, paragraph 6 of the Convention, Parties to the Convention, United Nations and related organizations and agencies, media and non-profit observer organizations with observer status may attend the sessions of the Convention.

What is the road to COP29? ›

The Path to COP29 Campaign

The structured 9-month initiative will seek to raise awareness and drive action across summits, round tables, capacity building, advisory, research and though leadership.

How many countries will attend COP29? ›

There are now 198 Parties (197 countries plus the European Union) to the Convention, constituting near universal membership.

What is the climate in Azerbaijan? ›

In general, more mountainous parts of Azerbaijan receive higher levels of precipitation and lower average temperatures than the central lowlands and Caspian Sea coast, where the climate is drier and hotter. Azerbaijan experiences hot summers (especially in lowland areas) and moderate winters.

What is the COP29 agenda? ›

On 21 March 2024, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) COP 28 Presidency, the Azerbaijani COP 29 Presidency, and the Brazilian COP 30 Presidency sent out a letter to parties, in which the Presidencies Troika outlines a 'Roadmap to Mission 1.5°C,' to “significantly enhance international cooperation and the international ...

What are the themes for COP29? ›

COP29 themes:
  • 12 Nov: World Leaders Climate Action Summit.
  • 13 Nov: World Leaders Climate Action Summit.
  • 14 Nov: Finance, Investment and Trade.
  • 15 Nov: Energy / Peace, Relief and Recovery.
  • 16 Nov: Science, Technology and Innovation / Digitalisation.
  • 17 Nov: Rest day and no thematic programming.
Jul 22, 2024

Where will COP 2025 be? ›

The 2025 UN Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC COP 30) will convene in November 2025 in Brazil.

Azerbaijan wins regional backing to host ...Reuters ›

Azerbaijan is poised to host next year's COP29 climate change summit after winning backing from other Eastern European nations on Saturday.
As this year's United Nations climate summit host, the country could be a strong voice for developing nations despite skepticism about its own intentions.
Azerbaijan will host the COP29 climate conference in November. As preparations are underway, Azerbaijani officials are meeting with partners and carrying out “l...

What is the theme of the UNFCCC COP29? ›

Enhance ambition and enable action

The COP29 Presidency's plan is based on two mutually reinforcing parallel pillars. The first pillar — to “enhance ambition” — combines key elements to ensure all parties commit to ambitious national plans and transparency.

What was the theme of Rio Summit 1992? ›

The earth summit Rio De Janeiro was held with the theme ofConservation of energyConservation of forests and biodiversitySaving natural resourcesSaving animals in wild.

What is the theme of the COP 28? ›

COP 28 resulted in unprecedented recognition and momentum for linking efforts to address the climate and biodiversity crises. Alongside pollution, these make up the triple planetary crisis – the three, main interlinked environmental issues facing humanity.

What is the main theme of COP26? ›

The slogan of COP26 is Uniting the world to tackle climate change, emphasising the importance of international cooperation to address climate change.


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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.